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PostPosted: Wednesday, 5th February 2014, 10:15
by sanka
I think what is missing from crawl is a death ray. Create a new monster, that has a death ray spell, that instantly kills the player.
To balance it:
1. Create a common ring that gives 95% protection from death ray. Players should wear this ring, it will be an interesting strategic item choice.
2. The monster should have a random spellset, only one will have the death ray, and he will not use it very frequently.
Additionaly we may also create a wand of death ray, which would be interesting in the hand of orcs.

Remove paralysation except giant eyeballs.

Re: Paralysation

PostPosted: Wednesday, 5th February 2014, 10:23
by pratamawirya
One of the reasons why MR is important?

Re: Paralysation

PostPosted: Wednesday, 5th February 2014, 11:06
by Kate