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Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 00:14
by Arrhythmia
As it stands, the ascension in linesprint is one of the most tedious, mind numbing things possible. Due to how the sprint is laid out, you need to fight every single monster that spawns between you and the exit, no matter how trivially easy they are. The problem is that, because it is a sprint, the PC is vastly more powerful than more or less anything that can spawn on the ascension, save for perhaps fiends and the stronger panlords. So, my suggestion is to ad-hoc remove the ascension from linesprint by placing an exit on, or at least very near, the orb of zot. Hopefully this would make winning the sprint a much more palatable prospect.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 00:28
by dck
As a FeIE the ascension was by far the best part of the whole sprint.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 01:17
by Kate
I'm pretty sure the travel back on the orbrun is an intended part of the map and is usually pretty challenging since as you said, fiends and panlords aren't likely to be easy for a lot of characters even in Sprint.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 03:12
by Azrael
It's really not challenging, it's just tedious as hell. I just tabbed back with a Gargoyle Monk, and it took me almost a half hour. That's not a sprint; that's a 10k.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 03:15
by Siegurt
Aren't the walls shatterable/LRDable?

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 03:17
by pubby
I found the experience torturous on my 2 lineprint wins. Ascending took well over 40 minutes of my time, which is much longer than it takes me to ascend a normal game. I don't want to play that map ever again because of it.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 03:35
by Arrhythmia
If the experience of ascending, i.e., fighting a bunch of pan lords and high level demons, is desirable, surely it would be possible to replace one of the three or so "Zot 5" sections with one filled with monsters analagous to the orb run that doesn't take longer than the rest of the sprint doubled to clear.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 05:44
by XuaXua
Arrhythmia wrote:If the experience of ascending, i.e., fighting a bunch of pan lords and high level demons, is desirable, surely it would be possible to replace one of the three or so "Zot 5" sections with one filled with monsters analagous to the orb run that doesn't take longer than the rest of the sprint doubled to clear.

The thing is, you can do your best to avoid fighting in the orb run; there is no reason to take anything down, unless there is no other choice. To have a blocked-off section forcing you to fight defeats the purpose of an orb run simulation.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 06:25
by johlstei
Unrelated linesprint question:
Is there a reason the non-temple gods don't have altars there? I guess Beogh would be fairly useless but Jiyva seems fine and you can start as an AK anyway.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Sunday, 2nd February 2014, 07:15
by Arrhythmia
XuaXua wrote:The thing is, you can do your best to avoid fighting in the orb run; there is no reason to take anything down, unless there is no other choice. To have a blocked-off section forcing you to fight defeats the purpose of an orb run simulation.

Have you played line sprint? Because that's how the ascension actually already works. Anything that spawns in front of you, save for perhaps crimson imps who enjoy blinking and the occasional monster at the corners, must be killed or you won't be able to progress.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Monday, 3rd February 2014, 01:40
by savageorange
... Didn't I make a reply here suggesting that you have exactly reversed the intended meaning of XuaXua's post, Arrythmia, and are pointing out the exact same thing which he is pointing out?

Oh well, whatever my memory claims, there is a post now.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Monday, 3rd February 2014, 01:49
by Grimm
Yeah it was flagged and deleted in the interests of peace.

Re: Linesprint Change Suggestion

PostPosted: Monday, 3rd February 2014, 02:02
by Arrhythmia
savageorange wrote:... Didn't I make a reply here suggesting that you have exactly reversed the intended meaning of XuaXua's post, Arrythmia, and are pointing out the exact same thing which he is pointing out?

Oh well, whatever my memory claims, there is a post now.

Mea culpa.