amaril wrote:I am saying that one of your problems with digging--that you can use it to clear a vault or a floor--is actually a problem with luring. Sure, stairdancing is OP, but the real problem is that it is so easy to lure enemies back to stairs, which are basically better killholes.
Yes, luring is probably related. But you can killhole (and stairdance) without luring: use sound. Perhaps luring exacerbates the problem, but that doesn't mean there isn't another problem that interacts with it, and could be addressed as well. Since luring is a large and difficult problem, there is good reason to divide and conquer.
I think killholing (or just digging a corridor without kinks and with an outlet) is very strong in many situations, and the combination of the strength, the availability, and the predictability of the tactic is bad. I don't think, and I don't see what I said suggests I think, that everything is solved once you can killhole or that nothing can go wrong once you're in the hole.
Anyway the focus on killholing is a bit of a tangent for the thread. Let us rest by saying that if and to the degree one finds killholing objectionable, then they have a reason to prefer a certain answer to duvessa's request, and we may disagree about the antecedent for now. Please have the last word, if you'd like it.
chequers wrote:Is it possible determine how many won games use the strategy of pre-digging the ascent route? I wonder if this is a mostly theoretical problem.
Even if you don't exhaustively dig out every level every time, you might take related halfway measures. For example: you might make a habit of scrolling through all the levels before entering Zot to check if there are any that will especially problematic to cross, and dig out just those. This just seems prudent (though I don't do it! maybe I will start....). This little habit is much less tedious than the thorough task duvessa imagines---perhaps there is less reason to want to get rid of it---but it still does not seem like captivating gameplay to me.