Android ASCII port

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Sunday, 22nd July 2012, 13:54

Android ASCII port

Hi all,

I've been working on a port of the console/ascii version of Crawl for the past couple of months in my spare time. I've now reached a point where it's somewhat playable (hopefully), and would like to share it with you to gather some feedback.

Here's the link to the Google project: . Check the downloads section for a .apk.

At a very general level, the (slightly modified) Crawl code is cross-compiled as a library using the Android Native Development Kit toolchain, which interfaces with the application using the Java Native Interface. Nearly all the application code comes from the port of Angband to Android.

At the moment, it's quite rough, so there's probably lots of bugs. There are a few known ones I'll mention here:
1. Colours seem different. At least, compared to the linux version
2. After installing the game, it seems to get a while to start up for the first time (like 10-15 seconds)
3. Actually playing the game seems kinda slow.
4. Characters aren't disappearing when they should.
5. No unicode characters (though I'm pretty sure I'll be able to fix this)
Ideally I'll be tracking bugs in the "Issues" section of the Google project.

Please note that I'm an Android developer first and a crawl player second. In fact, I wanted to make this port because I wanted to get into playing Dungeon Crawl, but I wanted to play it on my phone to and from work. Hence, if there's something that's supposed to happen in the game that's isn't happening, please tell me! Because I probably won't realise otherwise :D.

Regarding the Crawl code I used, I basically just got the tarball of 0.10.2 and symlinked the source directory to a particular directory in the Android project. I then realised I needed to symlink other things, like docs and assets, to other places as well. I tried to minimise any changes to the core of the code, and I've made a good attempt at documenting the changes that I did make. Ideally, I'll have a branch of the main code, perhaps even the same code frogbotherer is using for his tiles port, and have it so that you can just pull the code from this branch, symlink the code in the right places and compile.

Anyway, looking forward to your feedback :D.

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Slime Squisher

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Post Monday, 23rd July 2012, 12:52

Re: Android ASCII port

First off, you can play DCSS on your phone already: download IRSSI Connectbot and telnet to Done. I've been doing this for nearly a year. However, you're dead in the water when reception is out, so a local ascii port would be great. I've played one floor and...

1. Yeah, the colors are kinda screwy.
2. I see the location of the options.txt file called out, but can't find it while looking at my phone's files? (I swear since updating to ICS, files have started hiding from me. Even having hidden files showing and searching the phone for 'crawl' turns up nothing)
3. Please allow for people to choose their own soft keyboard. The one you've included is fine, but having used Hacker's Keyboard for so long, it's awkward using anything else.
4. If you could map the search key to 'tab', that would be awesome. (more connectbot-ness)

I'd test this more but autoexplore runs very slowly. Once I can find the app's data files, changing some rc options should make this much more playable.

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 23rd July 2012, 13:41

Re: Android ASCII port

Awesome, thanks for giving it a go :D
So I'm not sure if the file system is different in ICS, but on my phone the files are located in "/data/data/com.crawlmb/files/". You might need to have your phone rooted to modify init.txt (is this the same as options.txt?). A better option would be for me to implement a light text editor in the game so you can edit it from in there. I might also include an "import/export init.txt" option. Can I ask which rc options you're looking to change?
Keyboard issue noted, and shouldn't be *that* hard to implement I don't think...
I'll map search to tab. Should also be easy.

But yes, thanks heaps for the feedback, muchly appreciated :).
I've been playing it a bit on the train, and I've noticed that the app crashes when I die or quit, due to some issue with getting the high score file. So I'm working on that atm.

Slime Squisher

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Post Monday, 23rd July 2012, 17:24

Re: Android ASCII port

Yeah my phone isn't rooted. I've had some bad experiences with trying to mod these things so I'd rather not have to go there again. A built in text editor or import/export option would be great.

There's a lot of rc options I have different from standard, but the biggest ones that (should) help game slowness are autoexplore_delay and travel_delay. Setting them both to -1 makes autotravel/explore/running nearly instantaneous. as the game doesn't bother showing anything between start and stop.
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Shoals Surfer

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Post Wednesday, 25th July 2012, 16:34

Re: Android ASCII port

Ive been playing your thing on ICS on a HKV tablet. It works OK, but for some reason (Im not a programmer so no idea) it pegs my processor hard, much more than the tiles port does. Also, on my hardware keyboard, ctrl and shift to dont work.

Thanks so much for your efforts!
(p.s. this is stupid some dev please make it not stupid) - minmay

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Thursday, 26th July 2012, 00:25

Re: Android ASCII port

Thanks for playing it! Yeah, I've noticed the same thing myself: it's hitting the processor pretty hard. Not sure exactly why at this stage, but performance is definitely a concern.
Strange that Ctrl and Shift don't work...there's a keybinding option in the preferences (press menu while you're playing the game), have you tried fiddling with that?

Lair Larrikin

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Post Thursday, 23rd August 2012, 12:54

Re: Android ASCII port

Just posted an updated build: ... loads/list
Download CrawlApp230812.apk

Release notes:
- Colours are what they should be!
- Code should feel a bit faster and snappier. Autoexplore is still slower than normal, but it's faster than it was
- Can assign a key to tab in the preferences now
- Arrow keys/directions should work in the game now
- Can use the system keyboard if preferred
- Fake cursor works on screens such as the map/explore screen
- Can edit config files

And a whole bunch o backend stuff

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BlackSheep, eeviac

Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 23rd August 2012, 15:41

Re: Android ASCII port

Yes, an update! I played a bit and the hardware key mapping and built-in text editor make things so much better. This is great. Some comments:

1. Why doesn't your app store its files in the typical sdcard/app-data or sdcard/Android/app-data locations? Where they're at now can't be reached without rooting.

2. My colors are still off. Can you post a screen of what your crawl looks like?

3. I like to run crawl with a unicode character set, but setting this option in init.txt doesn't do anything. Might be a display problem related to #2.

4. Was this compiled without wizmode? Setting the init.txt option to true doesn't let me start wizarding. '&' is an undefined command.

5. Are you able to edit the default keyboard? It'd be useful to have %,( and ) mapped, perhaps replacing some of the less useful buttons, like ", [, ].

6. For the next release, can you compile the latest .12 trunk? The new Sprint VI is a lot of fun.

Thanks again for your work.

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Friday, 24th August 2012, 03:26

Re: Android ASCII port

Hey, thanks for playing! Sorry it took so long to make an update, been kind of busy. I am doing this in my spare time after all ^^. To address your questions:
1. I guess I *could* store the things on the sdcard, but I didn't really see an advantage. This would require an extra permission for when you're installing the app (not a big deal, but some people might get iffy about it). Also, these files wouldn't get deleted when you removed the app. However, I was under the impression that the config files would've been the only thing you'd want to change, so I made a built in text editor for those. Are there other things you'd want to change? If so, I might change it to store stuff on the sdcard.

2. To give you an idea of how the colours have changed, look at the home page of my project ( The top one (with barbs) has the current colours, and Sevgi is using the ones below. Notice there's now a difference between yellow and brown? I guess they're a little brighter than normal, if that's what you mean? Or maybe I'm missing something. If it's the former, that'll be an easy change I think

3. Thanks for picking up on the unicode thing, I probably wouldn't have picked up on that. It looked good enough to me, but I hadn't played the original much so I wouldn't have known this was missing. I'm looking at redoing how the Java code interprets characters from the native code anyway. Needs to be faster!

4. I probably compiled it without wizmode. I thought that was just a debug option? Again, something I wouldn't have picked up on. Thanks again!

5. Are you asking if I could edit the default keyboard permanently? Or have some sort of editor in the game? The latter would be more effort than I'm willing to put in, I'm afraid, but I could do the former if you think it would be generally better in the long run (I use a hardware keyboard so it doesn't really affect me).

6. I'm looking at doing a similar thing to frogbotherer, where I make a branch of the main trunk, add my android specific changes there, and include a shell script to symlink required files and build certain things. This would allow one to build the app with the latest crawl build. Hopefully I'll get this in with the next release, whenever that will be :).

Thanks again!

Slime Squisher

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Post Friday, 24th August 2012, 05:10

Re: Android ASCII port

1. I was only wanting to get to the save files. I've got a good MuFi rolling from testing the tiles port, and wanted to move him over for testing this one too! Otherwise there's no real need to get to the files. If I really wanted to, I could root. If you've got good reasons for storing files where you do, just leave 'em there.

2. See attached for how I'm accustomed to viewing crawl when using putty. Font and unicode aside, the port's colors don't quite match up. What should be faint grey is bright white, monster health indicators don't display, etc..

4. Wizmode is important for testing, both for debugging and for gameplay.

5. I meant editing the default keyboard permanently, but then I realized that those buttons I suggested removing are needed for wizmode, along with several other buttons. Hacker's Keyboard is nearly perfect for crawl - it just needs tab and ctrl, which I mapped to search and volume down on my SGSII. This issue can probably be ignored, you've already included extensive mapping options.
dcssss.jpg (105.51 KiB) Viewed 16597 times

Lair Larrikin

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Post Sunday, 26th August 2012, 04:16

Re: Android ASCII port

1. I see. In that case, I might leave it :)
2. My reference for colours comes from the Linux version of crawl (see picture below). They seem a little different to yours. You're right about the greys not showing up properly, and the monster health indicators. Will try and sort this out.
4. I've added wizmode in the next build. It's off by default, but editting the preferences to add it works great.
5. I'll leave this then :). Glad to hear hacker's keyboard is working well with it!

I've actually released another build ( ... oads/entry) since I found a game breaking bug. It's got wizmode in it if you'd like to try it :)
linuxCrawl.png (49.98 KiB) Viewed 16552 times

Slime Squisher

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Post Sunday, 26th August 2012, 22:11

Re: Android ASCII port

That's funny about the colors, I hadn't even thought about that. My linux crawl does look different than what I see when telnetting through putty or connectbot, but I do the latter so much that I was just assuming that they were the 'correct' colors. I'm not even sure what crawl is 'supposed' to look like.

Did you make any keyboard settings changes in this latest build? I can't seem to use anything but the default board, regardless of what options I choose.

Lair Larrikin

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Post Sunday, 26th August 2012, 23:24

Re: Android ASCII port

Doh! I was in the middle of some refactoring, and I'd changed the way the preferences were being read, but not how they were being stored. ><

Just uploaded another release fixing this. Sorry about that!

Slime Squisher

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 00:07

Re: Android ASCII port

The app doesn't seem to read special character input correctly from system keyboards. I tested both hacker's keyboard and the Terminal IDE keyboard, and when sending special characters the app treats them as numbers (% is read as 5, & is read as 7, etc). The default crawl keyboard doesn't have this problem.

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 04:00

Re: Android ASCII port

Good pickup! I've made yet another release fixing this if you wanted to check it out. Are your '>' and '<' keys on your Hackers keyboard working? I can't seem to get them to work on my one...

Slime Squisher

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 05:29

Re: Android ASCII port

Nope, there's a few others like + and ` being misread as well. Looks like the same de-shifted problem. The number line special characters are working now.

Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 10:36

Re: Android ASCII port

Alright, I've completely changed how the game receives input from a System Keyboard, and I've tried it out using Hacker's Keyboard on my phone, and it seems to be ok... Check my page for an updated build

Slime Squisher

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 15:03

Re: Android ASCII port

It's getting there. I spot checked every key on Hacker's and I think they all work except `, which should be a 'repeat last action' command. Funny thing is, ` works on Terminal IDE's keyboard. However, crawl doesn't recognize IDE's ctrl key.

Back to the default keyboard, are you able to customize it as you see fit? I've been thinking that, while all these customization options are great, it would be good for the app to come with a fully functional keyboard out of the box. If you are able and willing, I'll work up a key layout that will make more sense for crawl. I'd consider this low priority though.

For this message the author eeviac has received thanks:

Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 18:17

Re: Android ASCII port

Strange, ` is working for me, using the Hacker's keyboard... Not sure what the issue is there.

Yeah, I was beginning to think that the default keyboard could be made better. Having a bit of a closer look, it's not actually as hard to change as I thought. It's all pretty much set out in xml files. If you're keen to make a good key layout, I should be able to put it in. I'll make sure you get a special mention in the credits or whatever (you were probably going to get a special mention for playtesting anyway, but now you'd get an extra special mention :D ).

Slime Squisher

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Post Monday, 27th August 2012, 18:39

Re: Android ASCII port

I double checked Hacker's and yeah, every key that crawl is supposed to understand is being read correctly except `, which is a blank. I even reinstalled the app and power cycled, because that's what one does when one tests things. IDE still works outside of the ctrl key.

OK, I'll use my GIMP skills to mock up some key layouts. I might not have time for this for a while, though.

Lair Larrikin

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Post Tuesday, 4th September 2012, 08:28

Re: Android ASCII port

Alright, another update. I've renovated the code so that more stuff happens natively, and less stuff happens in the Java code, and there are less calls between the two. This means it's a lot faster.

As a nice side effect, the greys seem to show up properly, and the monster health indicators appear.

I also added a basic help screen, and a quit button.

I guess the main thing to look for at the moment would be regressions, because I'm using a pretty new way of displaying the stuff. If it's reasonably stable, I'll put it up on Google Play.

It's still 0.10.2, but the next thing I'm working on is adding support for building multiple versions easily. You will get your Sprint VI soon eeviac, I promise! ... loads/list

Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 6th September 2012, 16:59

Re: Android ASCII port

With the power of paint I worked out a keyboard layout. My goals were to include all the missing buttons, get tab+ctrl on the main tab, the most used special characters on the '123' tab, and the lesser used ones on the '&*#' tab. It's kind of a mess.
keyboard.jpg (86.26 KiB) Viewed 16282 times
Last edited by eeviac on Friday, 7th September 2012, 15:07, edited 1 time in total.

Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 6th September 2012, 17:01

Re: Android ASCII port

I thought of a good reason to have the files installed on the sd card: morgues/char dumps. Un-rooted people won't be able to get to these files, which means they won't be able to post them online for help.

Lair Larrikin

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Post Saturday, 8th September 2012, 02:29

Re: Android ASCII port

Hey, thanks for doing that eeviac. Looks pretty good, though the third panel seems to have lots of empty space in it...

I've made an official release now! Running 0.10.3. You can get it from the google project site, or you can get it from Google Play (yay) ... om.crawlmb

Now that I've got it to a point that I'm comfortable with, I'll likely be spending a lot less time working on it, and more time working on other stuff. I'm yet to update the issues on the Google Project, but modifying the keyboard will probably be the priority.

Re: the morgue files, I did actually think about that: there's no way currently to access the morgue files. I still don't want to install the game's files on the sdcard if they don't get cleaned up properly when it's uninstalled, but I think it'll be easy to have a basic interface to these files in the game, similar to how one can edit the config files. That way, I can have a way to view the files, and also share them, or copy the text to be pasted into a forum or whatever, or exported to wherever they want. I think this would be ideal even if the game was installed on the sdcard. I'll make an issue for this on the Google Project.

Also, I'm in the process of making a build with the current trunk just for you. It's trickier than you'd think; there's a few .cc files missing, some added that I need to include, etc etc. I've gotten it to compile, but it's crashing at runtime, so that's no good.
Anyway, it won't be an official release. Not even sure I'll host it on Google Project, but I'll email the .apk to you or put it on mediafire or something.

Slime Squisher

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Post Saturday, 8th September 2012, 03:04

Re: Android ASCII port

Yeah I'm not really sure what to do about the keyboard empty space. Even the second numpad is unnecessary. There's too many buttons for 2 tabs, but not enough for 3.

Lair Larrikin

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Post Saturday, 8th September 2012, 08:12

Re: Android ASCII port

Ok, here's an unofficial trunk build. I had to hack it a bit to get it working. I'm not sure all the keybindings will work, cos I had to comment out some stuff, but here it is!

Slime Squisher

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Post Sunday, 9th September 2012, 03:09

Re: Android ASCII port

Testing the trunk build:

1. autofight is broken, gives an unspecified lua error.
2. message window colors aren't quite right e.g. poison/contaminated corpses aren't green/brown, fight messages aren't greyed out, etc.
3. the app crashed on my first death, but it didn't crash on my second.

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Sunday, 30th September 2012, 13:44

Re: Android ASCII port


For me it seems to be working perfect! Playing it under ICS on my Motorola Droid Razr. The (official) Windows-version have alot more problems with colors and font etc. if you ask me - this one looks like the good ol' DOS-version! :D (Colors are crisp and clear)

My biggest problem with Nethack and Angband (the ports that is quite similiar to this) is the awkwardness of controlling via the "virtual keyboard". HOWEVER, since I now use "Smart Keyboard Pro" I've actually been able to find some settings that makes roguelikes feel quite comfortable..and now the last couple of days I've been considering trying to create a "roguelike-keyboard" to dump onto the market;)

Anyway, if this idea seems interesting to you, I can tell you what makes this Smart Keyboard Pro work well. Mainly, I can set transparacy; So even though the keyboard takes up half the screen, I can see behind it. Second, I can define key-height. The third thing (something that I miss still) would be a 8directional numeric keyboard.

Anyway, great job on this port is all I have to say. I don't understand why it isn't made "official" and released onto the Market. (It's quite a mess finding your way here - personally I have to just search on Google - and there I get multiple hits for "hi im just some guy that decided to try and port crawl onto android on my own hope you like it" - and I keep clicking the results until I find this one)

Great job, and thanks alot! -from Norway

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Dungeon Master

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Post Monday, 1st October 2012, 10:21

Re: Android ASCII port

PerKiller wrote:Anyway, great job on this port is all I have to say. I don't understand why it isn't made "official" and released onto the Market. (It's quite a mess finding your way here - personally I have to just search on Google - and there I get multiple hits for "hi im just some guy that decided to try and port crawl onto android on my own hope you like it" - and I keep clicking the results until I find this one)

There has for a while been an "official" Android port of Crawl Tiles:

It's nice that there is an ASCII version as well for those that prefer it. But it's a shame that these two projects are being developed separately when they could perhaps borrow a lot from each other?

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Dungeon Master

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Post Monday, 1st October 2012, 10:54

Re: Android ASCII port

It's not official because no one in the dev team is interested in merging it (which would also means maintaining it). However, it can be found easily in the play store, so I don't see its "unofficial" state as being a problem.
<+Grunt> You dereference an invalid pointer! Ouch! That really hurt! The game dies...

Dungeon Dilettante

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Post Monday, 1st October 2012, 12:01

Re: Android ASCII port

I found a bug: the Enter button of my system keyboard does not work. Also, no matter what I bind to "center screen click" I just get: "I will ignore what I see on this tile." / "I will no longer ignore what I see on this tile." And I can't find any means of making CTRL work.

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 8th October 2012, 00:52

Re: Android ASCII port

Hi PerKiller, thanks very much for your feedback! Muchly appreciated! And I'm glad you're enjoying the game.
I'm currently working on an update. I've just implemented a translucent keyboard, which was surprisingly difficult and involved much more hair-pulling than I would've liked ><. I'm also updating the game to 0.11.0.

Thanks for bring attention to that centre screen click. That looks like a left-over option from the Android Angband code I used. I'll probably get rid of that option entirely for now, and since it's meant to be analogous with the touchpad, ideally I'll want it to send '5' on the number pad.

I guess I've been a bit lazy in regards with the interface. The main reason is that my phone has a hardware keyboard, so I just use that.

Also, note that my app's up in Google Play as well :) ... om.crawlmb

I did actually speak to frogbotherer a bit when I was making the port, and we did actually learn a little bit from each other. However, although we're building for the same platform (Android), our application structures are radically different. Also, his version has made many more changes to the crawl code, whereas my changes mostly involve just adding new files, and only a handful of very minor changes otherwise.

Anyway, thanks again! I'm hoping to release the new version later today or tomorrow. I'll announce it here, but if you've downloaded it from Google Play, it should update automatically.
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Dungeon Master

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Post Monday, 8th October 2012, 08:09

Re: Android ASCII port

barbs wrote:I'm also updating the game to 0.11.0.

That's nice. I guess it should work fine with trunk since there are few differences. Could you package your changes in a patch? I'll look into merging it in trunk.
<+Grunt> You dereference an invalid pointer! Ouch! That really hurt! The game dies...

Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 8th October 2012, 08:53

Re: Android ASCII port

Sure, I'll give it a go! I've not made a patch file before, but I believe Google will be my friend here :).
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Dungeon Master

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Post Monday, 8th October 2012, 10:58

Re: Android ASCII port

barbs wrote:Sure, I'll give it a go! I've not made a patch file before, but I believe Google will be my friend here :).

Assuming all your changes are at the top of the branch, it's just a matter of doing "git format-patch -n", where n is the number of commits. If you've merged master into your branch, then you first need to rebase it and that's the hard part. Well, since you've said that all your changes are in separate files, there shouldn't be any conflict, so mayeb not that hard.
<+Grunt> You dereference an invalid pointer! Ouch! That really hurt! The game dies...

Slime Squisher

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Post Friday, 19th October 2012, 16:43

Re: Android ASCII port

Morgue files don't display properly. If you could change the in-app text editor to use a monospace font, it would fix this.

Mines Malingerer

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Post Friday, 18th January 2013, 11:51

Re: Android ASCII port

Hi, I've been toying with this version for a while and I'd like to thank you for it, it works quite well. Only bug I can report : when travelling on the map using X, sometimes pressing Enter to go to the selected location does not work. And sometimes it does. In particular, when i do X > enter to go to the nearest staircase, it generally does not work, and I need to do X move cursor on staircase Enter for it to work. Sorry I'm not more precise about the bug, I have trouble understanding when it happens.

Other than that, thanks for your work on this

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Lair Larrikin

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Post Saturday, 19th January 2013, 04:52

Re: Android ASCII port

Thanks ventricule, I understand your bug and can reproduce it. Strange, the enter key on the crawl keyboard works properly in the letters mode, but not in the numbers and symbols mode. It should be easy to fix.

In the meantime, if you use '.' instead of 'Enter' to go to the selected location, it should work.

Temple Termagant

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Post Saturday, 19th January 2013, 13:58

Re: Android ASCII port

It's a good port! I don't understand why the official port isn't ASCII-based :)

Temple Termagant

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Post Wednesday, 23rd January 2013, 19:48

Re: Android ASCII port

When there will be next version? I'm don't trying to hurry you, just can not wait :)

Lair Larrikin

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Post Wednesday, 23rd January 2013, 22:59

Re: Android ASCII port

Hi sidav, thanks for the kind words! The graphical one and the ascii ones came about at around the same time, although frogbotherer, the main guy behind the graphical one, posted in the forums first, and more of the Crawl development team got enthusiastic about it, so his code got merged into the main code-base and became official.
There was some talk about making my version official, and at some stage I might still merge my code into the main code-base, but so far I haven't really bothered! It's not big deal. Maybe eventually when I get sick of maintaining it I'll merge it in.

Also, regarding the next version, if there are enough new features/bugs that warrant me working on a new version, I'll probably do it. I noticed you posted a couple of feature requests on the project page (thanks for that). Right now though, I'm working full-time, and I'm devoting my free programming time to other projects, but we'll see.

I'm not sure if I'm too keen on changing the input method. Most people are fine with it the way it is. I spose I could have that GURR style input as an option, but it might take a lot of work. Plus, it looks like that one has a much deeper interface with the game (dialogs for naming objects etc). This would take a lot of work to implement in Crawl.

So, your answer is: I don't know. Lol, sorry!

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Temple Termagant

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Joined: Friday, 18th January 2013, 03:35

Post Thursday, 24th January 2013, 08:58

Re: Android ASCII port

barbs wrote:
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Hi sidav, thanks for the kind words! The graphical one and the ascii ones came about at around the same time, although frogbotherer, the main guy behind the graphical one, posted in the forums first, and more of the Crawl development team got enthusiastic about it, so his code got merged into the main code-base and became official.
There was some talk about making my version official, and at some stage I might still merge my code into the main code-base, but so far I haven't really bothered! It's not big deal. Maybe eventually when I get sick of maintaining it I'll merge it in.

Also, regarding the next version, if there are enough new features/bugs that warrant me working on a new version, I'll probably do it. I noticed you posted a couple of feature requests on the project page (thanks for that). Right now though, I'm working full-time, and I'm devoting my free programming time to other projects, but we'll see.

I'm not sure if I'm too keen on changing the input method. Most people are fine with it the way it is. I spose I could have that GURR style input as an option, but it might take a lot of work. Plus, it looks like that one has a much deeper interface with the game (dialogs for naming objects etc). This would take a lot of work to implement in Crawl.

So, your answer is: I don't know. Lol, sorry!

Thanks for your answer. GURR style input wasn't a request, it's just an idea :) Can you just fix the 33th and 36th issues and release new version, if it is not hard or not slow? With some more comfortable play there will be easier to wait a "more global" update :)) I would help you to improve this port if i were more skilled android programmer...

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