Blades Runner
Posts: 616
Joined: Thursday, 25th October 2012, 03:19
Whatever happened to goldify ideas
Where should these items with strategic value go? I think given the current situation, the easiest thing to "goldify them" would be for each of these items to unlock an ability from the ability menu, with a cost of burning up a counter that was incremented when the item was found.
The items:
Scroll of Amnesia - Why does this have to take up a slot, or have to be littered all over the dungeon when you need it? You can't very well memorize a new spell in the middle of combat, so I see very little tactical possibilities.
Scroll of Enchant Weapon - No, not everyone uses these immediately! It would seem a strange item to use during combat.
Scroll of Enchant Armour - Pretty much the same as enchant weapon.
Scroll of branding (weapons) - Who is going to not value collecting these? Who is going to use this in combat? Some crazy person perhaps.
Scroll of Remove Curse - You need them, you just don't really need them in combat for the most part. If you have them, and you've got a cursed item that you think might get you killed in a fight, you would use it before entering combat in most cases.
Potion of mutation - Not all that tactical... but valuable, so another item you are nudged to stash. The only real time I feel like it's a bigger consideration is if you're going into Pandemonium you may want to sort-of-tactically grab your mut potions since you can't get them almost any time you want until you get out of Pan, and there's a fair amount of stuff that mutates you there (same for abyss), but again, not all that tactical - it nearly always makes sense to grab them for Pan and Abyss.
Potion of Experience - ... saving them to remove drain effects, or waiting for a training book?? I guess... at least the player has a way to cash them in and keep them out of inventory at all times.
Training manuals - These sure do get annoying. They're quite valuable in general. If you have more than one, there's never much advantage in having two in inventory at once (limiting your options for other items), so this leads to dropping one being optimal until the first one is used up. They don't get used up so quickly that there's much in the way of any tactics with having more than one in inventory. I think they should just be read and applied until they wear off without staying in inventory.
I feel like there is other stuff I haven't mentioned, but I'm done for now. Reducing tedium is one of the core design goals right? Well, collecting this stuff is tedious. Abandoning these things is messy at best. Removing it all is too much change. Please don't turn this into we should remove all these things. The game needs a few limited resource type things for depth of game play--just deal with the tedious part. If they goldify in some way instead of being tempting/advantageous to stash, the problem of tediousness can be solved without breaking something else.
P.S. Spellbooks going into the spell library was one of the most bad-ass game changers I can remember in quite some time. Many thanks all who worked on that!