Wednesday, 19th June 2019, 08:19 by duvessa
Vampires need to have hunger, or some other timer like ghoul rot. This has always been an issue with the species, but it should be easier to address now that their alive/bloodless system doesn't involve time. The ability to spend a million turns per level is tedious, optimal, and overpowered on Mu, and it's tedious, optimal, and overpowered on Vp too.
I also think the species is still far too strong for most of the game. Regeneration is extremely strong on D:1 and very strong on D:2 as well. Even if you pick VpHu or VpCj to suffer their worst aptitudes, it still crushes HuHu or HuCj (and most other Hu and Cj) because of regeneration+fangs early on and then bat form later.
Undead status is not nearly a big enough disadvantage until you reach the point where a living character would get Borgnjor's and/or Death's Door. Especially when you allow them to use berserk and form spells despite being undead. Holy damage is rare and easily avoided; dispel undead is also rare, has short range, and doesn't even do that much damage.
As a first step, I suggest removing regeneration as a starting mutation for Vp, and instead giving it at the same XL that bat form is granted. This will make them much less ridiculous at the first couple XLs, although still unacceptably far better than human IMO. After that, perhaps docking their HP aptitude would help? It fits with the new frailty theme.
(Also, did anyone ever figure out why bloodless vampires get rC++ when the other two undead species only get rC+? It doesn't make any difference in practice but it is kind of weird.)