This thread: are using a lot of
buzzwords,let's deal with them:
"fun" - This is subjective
"exciting" - This word has no place to describe a roguelike.In roguelikes you anticipate and prepare for different situations;only a noob will get surprised.If you want exciting play a real time game like a FPS.
"easy" - You should try to get out of the MiBe zone sometimes;it's fun
.Try something like this"infinite streak" - I could streak 44(sic) easy combos while being drunk(>1.5 l wine >12%) with no problems.Be;Mi,DD,Ce,Mf,Tr,HO;Trog,Yred,Fedhas;I hope you guys understand that is easy to streak if you stay in the MiBe zone.A berserker will barelly register a 3 floors shaft trap in early game.
I don't think people posting in this thread understand who they are dealing with.I'm a genetic freak
;this video will explain things for you:'s talk some
game design(if you're an experienced player you can skip this).
DCSS has 2 parts:early game(pre L),rest of the game(post L).The breaking point may vary depending of the difficulty of the combo.
Early game is very hard and full of unfair deaths(gnoll in D:1,jackals packs in D:1 for spellcasters,shafts,etc).
Notice that if we remove the obvious unfair situations early game is still very hard.
A lot of people are splating in D:1-D:3 without making any mistake so there's no need for me to explain things indetails(combos,HP,monsters,etc)
Then you grow in power,gather resources and at some point(usually when you find L) the game become kinda of easy.
For me,if the game let me complete the first 6 levels without incidents,I have a pretty high chance of wining.
If you aren't doing some challenge game or speedrunning then after you reach XL:14(end of L?) it's very hard of dying.
Of course it depends of the combo you're playing:a MiBe(most of the Be's) will have a 99,99% chance of wining at the start,a DgGl can struggle up until he gets his first rune,a melee DE it's doomed.
So what are we dealing here is a very easy and boring late game in contrast with a very hard and unfair early game.
At this point I think we reached the obvious conclusion that DCSS is a broken game(I knew this for a few years but I hoped the devs are capable of fixing it).
My plan:
Stage 1.Make this thread to remove one the most annoying source of unfair deaths and establish comunication with devs(nope).
Stage 2.Make late game harder and remove others sources of cheating the player in early game.
Stage 3.Profit:)
My design philosophy:less unavoidable deaths early game,more avoidable splats late game.
If they decide to trust me DCSS will become a more honest game but harder on average.
Fixing shaft trapsD:1-D:6 - no shafts traps
D:7-D:8 - 1 floor shaft traps possible
D:9-D:10 - 1-2 floors shaft traps possible
>D:10,other branches - 1-3 floors shaft traps possible
When I made this thread I noticed this gammasomething dude snooping around.He's a dev,probably disagree with me and I think he forget to tell his collegues about my reasonable request.
Now let's be honest here I think some of the devs read this thread and decided to ignore me.
Maybe they're bussy with preparations for 0.21 tournament.
So this how we're gonna do this:after the 0.21 tournament ends you(devs) have 1(one) week to do what I wrote here.
If you fail I will never touch this game ever again.
Sorry guys but I'm not dumb enough to remain a prisoner of a broken hack&slash loot game and I think it's my dutty to try to fix it.
I'm a realist guy so I when I made this thread I knew how will it end.Let me spare you the suspense:the devs won't do what I told them (probably they will not even bother with an answer).
I thought when this moment will come I will be sad but I only feel relief.
I have escaped!