Lair Larrikin
Posts: 28
Joined: Wednesday, 30th November 2016, 11:35
Display "damage per aut" stat
Now, there are already spoilery ways of being able to figure this out, but even though I would say I'm fairly involved with this game, I've never bothered to actually go look it up because it feels somehow wrong, and it takes too much time. I would venture to guess that the vast majority of people who play crawl have a similar attitude. Yet if this were somehow easily visible, it would be a massive quality of life change for me.
In terms of the math, it could just be an average of the unreduced damage roll of your weapon, divided by the average number of auts (0.1 turns) that it takes you to swing it.
For example:
It would also help if it displayed damage per aut from your brand (if applicable) as well. Vorpal weapons could just add it directly to the score because it's all physical damage, whereas other brands (pain, electrocution, flaming, freezing, draining, holy wrath) would display it separately, with the corresponding damage type. For example:
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