Shoals Surfer
Posts: 329
Joined: Tuesday, 7th May 2013, 17:09
The problems with spriggan druids in Swamp
Spriggan druids are my least favorite monster in the game at this point. They are insanely dangerous in Swamp, and many characters will have no useful way to deal with them. Other monsters that have the capacity for enormous damage output you can (and often should) just step up and kill. Let me outline why this is a very bad plan for most types of characters arriving in Swamp at xl 15:
--- Spriggan druids, being spriggans, have high EV. This was already true in Forest; it's even more true in Swamp, where the relevant skills (melee, launchers, bolty conjurations) are less developed. This makes them pretty hard to kill.
--- In Swamp, the problem is compounded by the combination of Awaken Forest and water. If you don't have flight or the racial ability to fight in water, standing in water trying to kill the spriggan is going to take a lot of turns where the spriggan is doing highly unpleasant things (at speed 16 to boot.) On the other hand, most land in Swamp is adjacent to a tree, meaning you take a very hefty beating from the awakened trees (again, this is worse with Swamp HP relative to Forest HP.) In my experience, it is pretty common to have three or fewer tiles in LOS where fighting the spriggan druid would be "safe."
--- Taking a long time to kill the druid is very risky in an unpredictable fashion, as druid's call can bring wildly disparate types of monsters in on you. Being in Swamp, most of these monsters have serious movement advantages compared to the player, meaning that escape by running from called monsters is often impractical. And things like hydras being mighted expose the player to the very plausible risk of getting one-shotted even if the fight is going well.
--- Because druid's call is not even technically a summon, unlike most other summoners, even succeeding at killing the druid doesn't actually alleviate the danger.The 0.14 change to summoners where summons disappear on death was one of the best recent changes, and that is because it actually gives a meaningful incentive/decision in situations where before running away was unquestionably the best option. Spriggan druids, on the other hand, discourage you from fighting them at all because even the "good" outcome of killing them is often still wildly unsafe.
--- The icing on this cake is that the speed 16 spriggan druid can't even be run away from when hasted by most characters. Other monsters have abilities such that them slowly gaining on you while hasted isn't a big deal. The spriggan druid gets awaken forest so any trees you pass by hit you for goodly damage every turn you run. If you happen to step into water, well now you're just facilitating it (or some of its amphibious friends) catching up.
This last bit is perhaps the biggest problem at all. Compare orc priests, a monster with a very dangerous attack relative to when it first appears. Because you can actually run from orc priests, there is a meaningful decision to make when you encounter them: run or kill? Spriggan druids, on the other hand, most characters should immediately teleport when they encounter. I am not exaggerating, that is really my opinion of what the best course of action is. I cannot think of a single monster anywhere in the game that this is so generically true of.
The exception are people who know Fireball or a cloud spell. For these, spriggan druids are LOL easy because they are spriggans (high EV, low HP.) Other consumable options don't really work on spriggan druids (hexy wands, a popular choice for taking out other sorts of threatening monsters, aren't good on spriggan MR; EV makes launchers and bolt wands grossly inefficient and as explained above turns spent fighting these matters.)
It's okay for certain monsters to be easier for certain types of characters than others. But compare "anti-caster" monsters like ghost moths or silent spectres. Silent spectres give you a huge visible warning, meaning that outside of zigs you often get the choice of whether to engage with them in the first place. Ghost moths are faster than speed 10, but slower than speed 15, meaning you could haste and run from them if they will eliminate too much of your offense. They also usually give you a few turns where you can try to kill them with magic before they drain it all. There are useful options and meaningful decisions for characters that encounter these. I really don't think there are for spriggan druids.
So how would I fix spriggan druids? The best change would be to make them not be spriggans. If they were just speed 10 druids with normal EV (and more HP to compensate), they would still be quite dangerous (awaken forest and druid's call are both very strong). But now there would be decisions you could make. The lower EV means that you might plausibly be able to kill them (although the non-summon nature of druid's call is still a problem here) even standing in water. Now awaken forest is giving you actual decisions about terrain instead of "die here or die there." Also, you now have a variety of options to choose from to run away instead of just tele. Alternative nerfs would be to discard either awaken forest or druid's call.
So that's spriggan druids. I think they are merely the clearest example of recent trends in design that I think are pretty unfortunate, but that's a topic for another post and time.