New Player Hints?

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Temple Termagant

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 01:58

New Player Hints?

Well I'm a really new player (I downloaded .10.2 last month I think) and for the last few days I've been cruising around the Wiki/this forum looking for hints to not die in under an hour. I usually play as either a Vampire Assassin/Stalker or a Minotaur Monk/Fighter for when I try to get far. I'm making this thread just to see if any veteran players can share some of their knowledge and experience with me so I can get at least my first rune. I seem to die quite a lot from those random groups of 3-6 orcs with wizards and/or priests casting spells at me until I explode so I don't really have a chance to flee unless I have a blink/teleport scroll with me. If this is in the wrong section or something then my bad. Thanks in advance for any advice given

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 02:15

Re: New Player Hints?

you're in the right section, although it's a very open ended question :)

Minotaurs are probably the easiest standard race, and a good choice. Vampires make great stealth characters, but I'm not someone who plays stealth, so I'll avoid that. If you want an easier time early on, berserkers are generally easier than fighters. You start with a god, Trog, immediately. He will let you berserk, which increases your damage and your speed considerably. It is an incredible boost to melee power. There is one downside though - if you stop attacking things for even a few turns, you will lose berserk, and then you get a slow effect. It doesn't last that long, but if you didn't manage to kill everything, it's quite dangerous.

Berserk's speed increase can be used to run away, but it doesn't last very long if you aren't fighting. Basically it lasts around 30 turns or so but there's a penalty for a turn where you don't attack it counts as many more turns. I don't know exact figures.

The first race I won with was a deep dwarf berserker. They are not a "normal" race, in that they have some modifications, but I think they are good for new players. They do not heal naturally and instead get a wand of heal wounds to restore health, but they also take considerably less damage from all things. If you do go with one play a berserker and use trog's hand to regenerate health most of the time, and the wand when you need health immediately. You can recharge the wand with a racial ability. if you want to try it let me know if you have other questions, otherwise a minotaur fighter is about as easy as standard races go (Okawaru is a recommended mino fighter god).

Shoals Surfer

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 02:23

Re: New Player Hints?

Welcome to the forum. I'm neither a veteran nor very good, but here are a couple of tips.

When fleeing, try to get out of line of sight of priests/wizards, then they can't affect you with their spells. Try and head through territory you've already explored to minimise the risk of coming across new threats while fleeing. Look at the level map and if possible head for a set of up stairs; enemies can only follow you upstairs if they are right next to you when you ascend. Then you can rest, restore your strength and head for a different set of down stairs. Don't be stingy with using potions or scrolls when in danger.

Stick at the game and it may take over your life! I've yet to get a character past XL 12, but I keep coming back...
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Vestibule Violator

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 02:59

Re: New Player Hints?

So orc packs in particular are a problem? Here's a tactics primer.

When you first see a pack of orcs at the edge of your LOS, pause. Do not charge towards them. If they haven't woken up or noticed you, you can back away and avoid the encounter (which may be a good idea, depending on your circumstances). If you plan to / have to fight, consider the terrain. Is there a choke point you can use? Retreating into a space where only a few orcs can melee you at once is better than getting surrounded, and a hallway where they have to come one at a time is even better. This will also protect you from ranged orc wizards. A hallway with a corner is even better- retreat around the corner and lets the orcs come around to you one by one. This keeps orc priests in the back out of LOS, so they can't smite you to death.

If you get to chose your fights, make sure you're approaching from the right direction. Sometimes it's better to back up, go around and then attack the pack from the other direction if the terrain is better.

Don't be afraid to use consumables! Fights that look tough are a good time to use god buffs (heroism anytime, berserk a little more cautiously), or potions that provide an edge (might, speed, invs, etc). Consider ranged options. Do you have anything to throw at the orcs as you let them come to you? Do you have any wands? Is there a wizard / priest you want to kill fast while he's an available target? (Good time to use a javelin, or curare, or a good wand etc). Do you have any ways to target multiple targets at once (wands of fireball for clumped up orcs, or wands of fire/cold/draining/lighting if they're all in a row).

...that's assuming you're a melee character. Casters have more diverse options, but are more fragile and can't always just pull things into a hallway and smack away. If you're playing a stealthy stabber of some kind (your VpAs/St) just remember everything gets a spot check. Ie, each turn, everything in LOS has a chance to spot you. So even if you have good odds to stab a lone orc, you'll have pretty bad odds of getting to range of an entire band. Also, you're probably squishier, so choke points, retreating, etc are more critical than a heavily armored character.

If you're playing a melee mino I'd say go fighter / gladiator of Okawaru or berserker. Vampires... they're kind of hard to get the hang of, in my opinion. If you want to play a stabber, I'd say try some spiggans. They're much simpler, and have the advantages of massive stealth and being faster than absolutely everything. :)

But yeah, in general it's hard to tell someone how to stay alive. You make a lot of decisions in this game (it's kind of the point!) and it's hard to explain how to handle them all in one go. Just ask things as they come up or you think of them. Or... if you play online, and are comfortable with ascii, you can also watch other people's games. Watching other players can be a way to pick up on tactics.

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Temple Termagant

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 03:21

Re: New Player Hints?

I'd play online/watch games but it's pretty laggy (only have a terrible netbook available) Later I'll be playing again and I'll try these hints
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 04:29

Re: New Player Hints?

I like to edit my init.txt and add a line like this:

force_more_message = .*comes? into view

This forces you to press enter acknowledging when anything comes into view. While it gets tedious when you're fighting easy things, if it's anything remotely hard (and orc priests can start smiting you the instant they come into LOS!) you'll need every turn you can get to react.

OK, here are some tips:


-Perhaps your problem is that you don't have resources in the first place to use. As soon as you're done with D:1 you should read every new scroll you come across. If a scroll prompts for a target, it's identify, enchant armour or recharging - figure out what identify is first, and identify all your potions. Don't identify things you can find out by wielding/wearing, since you will find plenty of remove curse and detect curse. If a scroll doesn't prompt you but does nothing, it's either curse, remove curse or amnesia (= forget one of your spells, but you didn't have any). The reason why you don't quaff potions blindly is because of the many dangerous potions (like strong poison, a game ender if you can't find curing).

-Identify wands, too. Whenever you find a new wand, zap it at a weak enemy like a bat. If it seems to have no effect but it still has charges, it might be heal wounds, digging, random effects or possibly a few others.

-Perhaps your problem is that you're skilling badly and so you don't have enough firepower. In the early game, the marginal benefit you get from training a weapon skill or offensive spell skill is much, much higher than that of training fighting, armour, shields, dodging, stealth, etc. You need to be able to kill dudes fast and quickly before you focus on anything else. As a general rule of thumb, look at the delay of the weapon you use, and train your weapon skill alone until it equals the number of 10%s in the delay.

-If you're a weapon user, look out for weapons of the kind you're using, but are larger. In spite of the lower accuracy and higher delay, the base damage has a compounding effect on how fast you kill things - and once you get your weapon skill high enough, the stated delay is almost irrelevant. Similarly, look for bulkier armour if you don't use spells and have the strength to wear it (3*the evasion penalty is enough). Also, look out for branded weapons - Some brands, like venom, electrocution and draining give a set boost to how much damage you do, and so are good early in the dungeon.


-First, drill this into your head: You don't HAVE to kill everything RIGHT NOW. You might not even kill it later. You might just skip the level entirely. There'll be plenty of experience and loot in the dungeon, so pick your fights.

-Obviously, get into positions where as few things as possible can hit you at once (or see you, in the case of priests). Take note of how field of view works - backing behind corners and walls, and so on. Note it may not be worth backing up if it means taking too many attacks in the process - maybe you should read a scroll of fog, if you have one? Or cast Summon Butterflies? Don't forget about monsters with polearms and weapons or reaching!

-There is a technique called 'pillar dancing'. It's where you identify a circuit around a solid block that you've already mapped and know is clear of enemies, and continually back away from a monster that you are as fast or faster than - you can do this practically indefinitely, to regenerate HP without having to actually go anywhere. It's tedious, it feels cheesy - but it works. (Obviously, though, it won't work on monsters with strong ranged attacks. Great for ogres, however!)

-Identify when you're much faster than an enemy - worms, goliath beetles, agate snails, elephant slugs, etc. Such monsters can be defeated, if your weapon delay is low enough (swap to something lighter if you have to) via 'hack and back'. Basically, . until it's next to you, hit it once, back up and repeat. If you are sufficiently fast you will never be hit - it's purely because such tactics can be done on these monsters that they have such hard hitting attacks to begin with!

-Use diagonals to your advantage. Moving in a diagonal is like moving twice in one turn - it gets you closer to two things at once, if that makes sense. If you're running through hallways, cut the corners. Finally, note that the LOS-o-sphere is shorter diagonally than horizontally - if you run from things or to things diagonally, they have you in LOS for fewer turns. It'll cut the amount of damage you take by about 33%!! Finally, never move to a spot where you can't move away without getting hit - e.g., don't hug walls except to get closer to a hallway, and don't back yourself into a corner with no escape.

-Try to run towards places you've explored before. This highly increases the chance you won't run into some new dangerous pack and get trapped between a rock and a hard place. The same goes for escaping via staircases - use ones you know are safe on the other side, unless you have no choice.

-Don't forget about doors. If you shut doors nothing can attack through them, and only intelligent creatures can open doors (though jellies can eat doors!). It takes a turn to close a door and a turn to open it too, so you can 'door dance' by continually closing a door out of LOS from something trying to open it, and use this time to regenerate HP and MP.

-Don't forget about stairs. Stairs can be used not just to escape, but to split packs up - by going upstairs when only a few are next to you and the rest aren't. If something dangerous is around the bottom of a staircase, take a different staircase back to the level and approach them from a more tactically convenient spot (= less of them will be able to see them at once, you have cover to retreat behind, maybe a door to close, etc)

-If you see an orc, backpedal. Seeing a normal orc means it's very likely that there are more powerful orcs in the same group just outside of your vision.

-Don't forget orc wizards can't shoot you if they don't have a clear line of fire - regular orcs and even other enemies/allies can shield you from their spells. Also, orc wizards act the same whether invisible or visible - it's pretty easy to determine where an invisible orc wizard is, though hitting it is another matter altogether (you get a huge penalty to to-hit)

-Think about how many tiles you'd need to retreat to get behind cover from a priest/wizard. Don't expose yourself too much if you think you need to run - if you'd have to run a really long way, consider if your odds would be better trying to kill them then and there.

-If you don't think you can handle a situation, don't think 'I'll take a few whacks at them' - start running NOW. If you have things you need to do to run safely (like hasting yourself), do those right away not later.

-If you see a staircase to the orcish mines, don't take it unless orc bands have stopped making you shit your pants - because you're going to be surrounded by orcs EVERY staircase in there. Instead, try the lair, which appears somewhere between D:8 and D:13. (However, in the lair, watch out for hydras, which hit REALLY hard in melee, and blink frog packs, which are fast and blink around and hit reasonably hard. By this point you should be better equipped and prepared!)

Overpowered Races

You already know the importance of running. Spriggan and Centaur are two races that are much faster than most of the dungeon's fodder, but they both have disadvantages:
-Spriggans are small, so they have trouble using things made for bigger people like: two handed weaponry, large shields, gloves, shields... And they also have very poor strength. They also have very low max HP and can't eat meat, but have very slow metabolism so you shouldn't starve, but you can't fling around hunger-causing effects all day.
-Centaurs have swift metabolisms and get hungry very quickly. While you can run from things fine, you still need to get your sustenance from somewhere - and you want to avoid eating permafood for as long as possible.

Felids are another race that are faster than normal, but their many restrictions actually mean they're one of the hardest races in the game to play.

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Temple Termagant

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 07:25

Re: New Player Hints?

Patashu wrote:I like to edit my init.txt and add a line like this:

force_more_message = .*comes? into view

I just add that line in anywhere? This sounds incredibly useful
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 10:29

Re: New Player Hints?

mkman1 wrote:
Patashu wrote:I like to edit my init.txt and add a line like this:

force_more_message = .*comes? into view

I just add that line in anywhere? This sounds incredibly useful

You can add it anywhere, but you should add it near the other force_more_message entries to be organized. f_m_m uses regexes, so you can make it pause your gameplay on pretty much anything that deserves it.
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Shoals Surfer

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 11:25

Re: New Player Hints?

Another quick piece of advice; don't allow yourself to get caught up in the moment. Crawl is not realtime. When I was new, I'd often die with a wand of healing, two potions of speed and 6 piety, for no reason other than I got excited and hit keys too fast...

By default, now, when I see a unique or a problem, I hit <i> right away and just look at my inventory. If nothing else, it makes me slow down and consider my options.

I suggest you cultivate a similar habit.
(p.s. this is stupid some dev please make it not stupid) - minmay

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Blades Runner

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 13:31

Re: New Player Hints?

Patashu wrote:
mkman1 wrote:
Patashu wrote:I like to edit my init.txt and add a line like this:

force_more_message = .*comes? into view

I just add that line in anywhere? This sounds incredibly useful

You can add it anywhere, but you should add it near the other force_more_message entries to be organized. f_m_m uses regexes, so you can make it pause your gameplay on pretty much anything that deserves it.

Is there a way to force more messages when a unique comes into view, or would I need to put in each unique separately?

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 13:34

Re: New Player Hints?

Well, normally you would have to enter every unique seperately, but now you just have to copy and paste because this is how nice I am. :P

force_more_message = Agnes comes into view.
force_more_message = Aizul comes into view.
force_more_message = Antaeus comes into view.
force_more_message = Asmodeus comes into view.
force_more_message = Azrael comes into view.
force_more_message = Blork the orc comes into view.
force_more_message = Boris comes into view.
force_more_message = Cerebov comes into view.
force_more_message = Crazy Yiuf comes into view.
force_more_message = Dispater comes into view.
force_more_message = Dissolution comes into view.
force_more_message = Donald comes into view.
force_more_message = Dowan comes into view.
force_more_message = Duvessa comes into view.
force_more_message = Edmund comes into view.
force_more_message = Ereshkigal comes into view.
force_more_message = Erica comes into view.
force_more_message = Erolcha comes into view.
force_more_message = Eustachio comes into view.
force_more_message = Francis comes into view.
force_more_message = Frederick comes into view.
force_more_message = Gastronok comes into view.
force_more_message = Geryon comes into view.
force_more_message = Gloorx Vloq comes into view.
force_more_message = Grinder comes into view.
force_more_message = Grum comes into view.
force_more_message = Harold comes into view.
force_more_message = Ignacio comes into view.
force_more_message = Ijyb comes into view.
force_more_message = Ilsuiw comes into view.
force_more_message = Jessica comes into view.
force_more_message = Joseph comes into view.
force_more_message = Josephine comes into view.
force_more_message = Jozef comes into view.
force_more_message = Khufu comes into view.
force_more_message = Kirke comes into view.
force_more_message = Lom Lobon comes into view.
force_more_message = Louise comes into view.
force_more_message = Mara comes into view.
force_more_message = Margery comes into view.
force_more_message = Maud comes into view.
force_more_message = Maurice comes into view.
force_more_message = Menkaure comes into view.
force_more_message = Mennas comes into view.
force_more_message = Mnoleg comes into view.
force_more_message = Murray comes into view.
force_more_message = Nergalle comes into view.
force_more_message = Nessos comes into view.
force_more_message = Nikola comes into view.
force_more_message = Norris comes into view.
force_more_message = Pikel comes into view.
force_more_message = Polyphemus comes into view.
force_more_message = Prince Ribbit comes into view.
force_more_message = Psyche comes into view.
force_more_message = Purgy comes into view.
force_more_message = Roxanne comes into view.
force_more_message = Rupert comes into view.
force_more_message = Saint Roka comes into view.
force_more_message = Sigmund comes into view.
force_more_message = Snorg comes into view.
force_more_message = Sonja comes into view.
force_more_message = Terence comes into view.
force_more_message = The Lernaean hydra comes into view.
force_more_message = The royal jelly comes into view.
force_more_message = The Serpent of Hell comes into view.
force_more_message = Tiamat comes into view.
force_more_message = Urug comes into view.
force_more_message = Xtahua comes into view.
Last edited by mageykun on Monday, 14th May 2012, 18:55, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: [code][/code] for neatness

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Vestibule Violator

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 14:49

Re: New Player Hints?

would the regexes support this?

force_more_message = .*[A-Z].* comes? into view
Won all race/bg, unwon (online): Nem* Hep Uka
Favourites: 15-rune Trog, OgNe/OgIE/OgSu (usually Ash), Ds, Ru, SpEn, Ce of Chei, Qaz
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Blades Runner

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 15:39

Re: New Player Hints?

*Hugs Cerebov*

Thank you!
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Sunday, 13th May 2012, 22:46

Re: New Player Hints?

rchandra wrote:would the regexes support this?

force_more_message = .*[A-Z].* comes? into view

When I can't remember how to make a regex work, I go to

That looks like it would work
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Eringya's Employee

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Post Monday, 14th May 2012, 00:45

Re: New Player Hints? This is a topic I've made about these more messages some months ago. It's not well-made but has helped me a lot since I like to tab. It's nice to get that --more-- prompt when a hydra pops in your LOS in Lair or an early D Troll and you'll have to reconsider your strategy.
612 | D:1      | Xom revived you
614 | D:1      | Xom revived you
614 | D:1      | Slain by a gnoll

Lair Larrikin

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Post Monday, 14th May 2012, 03:02

Re: New Player Hints?

I'm not quite that extreme, but I like to make the *** YOUR HP IS LOW, LIFE IS TERRIBLE *** much higher, using a line like (I think this works)

hp_warning = 67

Especially for a caster, any situation in which you have lost a significant amount of HP is one in which things are already going wrong and the situation went critical a long time ago.

Snake Sneak

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Post Monday, 14th May 2012, 16:48

Re: New Player Hints?

A merfolk / minotaur / centaur - berserker or hunter are easy builds.

Javelins are amazing

if you dont go trog - go Oka and spam Heroism for medium / tough fights

Spider Stomper

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Post Monday, 14th May 2012, 17:00

Re: New Player Hints?

One of the more new-player-friendly combos is Kobold Berserker. They're a bit weaker, so you'll possibly come to rely on being able to berserk, but since berserk doesn't cost you piety, you can do it as often as needed. Kobolds are carnivores, and can always eat meat (until they are engorged), so it's pretty easy (early on) to keep them full or above, ensuring that you're never unable to berserk when it's needed.

They're small, but Trog is likely to gift decent short-blades, maybe even a quick-blade, which is probably ideal for most of the game.

If you're looking to try not being a melee fighter, Halfling Hunters come with a sling, and a huge bonus to the aptitude to use it, and actually can do decent damage with the rather common stacks of rocks you find around the dungeon.
The above post is for entertainment purposes only. If you think anything I ever say is backed by fact, or if you cite things I've said in any argument ever, you are insane.

Temple Termagant

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Post Wednesday, 16th May 2012, 21:11

Re: New Player Hints?

Wow. Troll Monk is REALLY overpowered (At least early game). This is easily my best run so far. Orc Mines scared the piss out of me there were 26 orcs, 5 orc warriors, and 3 orc wizards right there when I entered. I hope I can get at least one rune on this run. All your hints are very helpful

EDIT: Missed out on the Labyrinth also. Was 3 squares away when it closed cause I decided to rest instead of diving for it
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Thursday, 17th May 2012, 00:01

Re: New Player Hints?

mkman1 wrote:Wow. Troll Monk is REALLY overpowered (At least early game). This is easily my best run so far. Orc Mines scared the piss out of me there were 26 orcs, 5 orc warriors, and 3 orc wizards right there when I entered. I hope I can get at least one rune on this run. All your hints are very helpful

EDIT: Missed out on the Labyrinth also. Was 3 squares away when it closed cause I decided to rest instead of diving for it

Try doing lair instead of orc. Lair has the advantage of having almost no ranged spellcasters, so you just have to watch out for hydras (which gain more heads the more you chop them off, unless you use a blunt weapon or weapon of flaming - hydras are good targets to zap wands at) and blink frogs (they appear in packs, are faster than you and blink around - so if you position yourself poorly they can surround you)

Temple Termagant

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Post Thursday, 17th May 2012, 00:05

Re: New Player Hints?

Yeah I'm skipping Orcs until I can slaughter them all and take a bunch of damage. Saved and quit after the dump cause I didn't want to get too excited and kill myself will continue later tonight

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 17th May 2012, 01:07

Re: New Player Hints?

mkman1 wrote:Wow. Troll Monk is REALLY overpowered (At least early game). This is easily my best run so far. Orc Mines scared the piss out of me there were 26 orcs, 5 orc warriors, and 3 orc wizards right there when I entered. I hope I can get at least one rune on this run. All your hints are very helpful

EDIT: Missed out on the Labyrinth also. Was 3 squares away when it closed cause I decided to rest instead of diving for it

Why would you rest before entering a labyrinth anyway? There's usually only one enemy in the entire thing, and a whole maze between you and it. Dropping items before entering is usually a good idea though. I'd have maybe 10 slots open before entering. That's probably overkill, but anything left in the labyrinth is gone, so it's better to grab everything.

Temple Termagant

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Post Thursday, 17th May 2012, 01:11

Re: New Player Hints?

Oh. I thought there would be lots. I have a bunch of empty slots. Damn I'll remember that for next character

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 17th May 2012, 07:05

Re: New Player Hints?

Focus does not increase your total XP. Focussing your only two skills is absolutely useless. Also, just train Unarmed Combat for now, your Fighting is high enough. When it hits 15 I would get Invocations 10 so you can use your god powers with relative safety. Then some more Dodging or Unarmed Combat.

Temple Termagant

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Post Monday, 28th May 2012, 20:02

Re: New Player Hints?

cerebovssquire wrote:Focus does not increase your total XP. Focussing your only two skills is absolutely useless. Also, just train Unarmed Combat for now, your Fighting is high enough. When it hits 15 I would get Invocations 10 so you can use your god powers with relative safety. Then some more Dodging or Unarmed Combat.

What do you mean? Shouldn't we focus only a very few skills in early game to get them levelled up fast, before studying a greater variety of things later?

Temple Termagant

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Post Monday, 28th May 2012, 20:09

Re: New Player Hints?

He means I have the only two skills I'm training focused. Yeah I know it's useless but I like the stars and brighter text for them

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Monday, 28th May 2012, 20:13

Re: New Player Hints?

Monican wrote:
cerebovssquire wrote:Focus does not increase your total XP. Focussing your only two skills is absolutely useless. Also, just train Unarmed Combat for now, your Fighting is high enough. When it hits 15 I would get Invocations 10 so you can use your god powers with relative safety. Then some more Dodging or Unarmed Combat.

What do you mean? Shouldn't we focus only a very few skills in early game to get them levelled up fast, before studying a greater variety of things later?

Early on it's nearly always going to be only one skill. Exceptions are, for instance, fire elementalists, who want Conjurations and Fire Magic at equal levels until they have Fireball and Sticky Flame (assuming equal conj/fire magic aptitudes). If you are killing things with weapons, only train weapon skill. Also what mkman1 said.

Halls Hopper

Posts: 64

Joined: Tuesday, 8th May 2012, 21:25

Post Monday, 28th May 2012, 21:05

Re: New Player Hints?

The better aptitudes are, the less skill micromanagement is required. Training one skill at a time is optimal, but it's not for me it seems. I tried that approach and regularly end up with 20 Traps And Doors or something like that. "force_more_messages" should probably fix that, though.

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