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How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:07
by Gamesmaster1965
Please help, i keep dying to my ghosts, is there a way to get rid of them, also is there a way to clear the High score table (or in my case low score table) any help will be appreciated, thank you.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:14
by Un67
The easiest way to get rid of them is to update Crawl to a fresh version, which clears out all the ghosts. Alternatively you can go out and kill all of them (easiest with a Necromancer in stable, although in trunk they don't have Dispel Undead anymore so it'll be better to send out some Ghouls to kill them), but that takes time and effort. As for clearing the High Score table, there's a file called "scores" in the save folder that can be deleted to clear them.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:20
by Gamesmaster1965
Thanks for the reply...

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:20
by mageykun
Try playing a bunch of undead characters. They don't leave ghosts, so you can safely use them as cannon fodder to clear the minefield one mine at a time without adding to the problem.

Or if you don't want to deal with them at all, just open your saves folder and delete all the files of the form "bones.<location>". Some people consider this cheating, or against the spirit of the game though.

You can also open the high scores file in a text editor and remove specific entries instead of deleting it wholesale if that's what's offending you.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:27
by Gamesmaster1965
I checked my install and there isnt a saves folder..

There is a DAT folder, DOCS folder and SETTINGS folder, i checked under all these and couldnt find a saves folder inside them either...

Sorry for being a nuisance,,,

EDIT, ok i found it, its in the ...appdata/roaming/crawl... directory

Thanks for the help....

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:30
by Un67
Ah, you use the installer?

In that case, I'm not quite sure. I think there's a folder like that somewhere in your Documents folder, though.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:33
by cjo
If you see a ghost, turn tail and run. If you can, go up a stair and down a different one so you can still explore as much of the level as possible. If not, go down. Why? Because if you can get off the level, then if nothing else, you won't meet that ghost again. If you die on the same level as a ghost, that level can be saved with two ghosts for extra trauma. But If you escape, that ghost will not reappear!

Some classes leave much nastier ghosts than others. Enchanters are awful, as are 0.9 transmuters. Warpers, on the other hand, just blink around like hyperactive bouncy kittens. So sometimes it's nice to play classes that don't leave such horrible ghosts.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Saturday, 26th November 2011, 23:37
by Gamesmaster1965
Mostly my ghosts are KoBe, KoAs, SpVm or SpEn, i checked the saves folder and assuming that each Bones.<location> file equates to a ghost that can still appear then it isnt as bad as i thought and likely i will not delete them as there is only 6 entries, i expected there to be many more than that, my fear would be that each file contained multiple possible ghosts, that wouldnt be good lol....

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 13:27
by Daydreamer
I may be wrong (been a while since I played offline much) but I think there is a bones file for each level, so if you've had multiple deaths on a level then the file will contain multiple ghosts, although I believe there are limits on the number that can appear on early floors at any one time.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 17:26
by MyOtheHedgeFox
Keep in mind that once you enter a level with a ghost, deleting the Bones file will have no effect: the level was already generated, along with its silent shadow guardian.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 18:26
by Gamesmaster1965
I haven't as yet deleted any of the bones files, ideally i would like to become good enough that i can beat the ghosts, but im having a hard time even getting below level 5 of the dungeon, i have a hard time knowing when to fight and when to run, hopefully i will learn someday lol...

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 18:52
by Un67
If you are really set on killing them, you should create specialized characters to do so. Most characters only add to the problem. Again, Necromancers in stable or Undead are the best characters for ghost killing.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 19:07
by PerverseSuffering
Wouldn't any undead berserker do the trick? I've sent quite a few ghosts back to un-unlife with a TrBe, and since the undead leave no ghosts, that should work like a charm, no?

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 19:10
by Un67
Undead can't berserk unless you're a Vampire that has a lot of blood. Best bet would be a GhMo, IMHO.

Re: How to get rid of my ghosts?

PostPosted: Sunday, 27th November 2011, 19:14
by PerverseSuffering
>Undead can't berserk