Advice on Going past 3 Runes

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Halls Hopper

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Post Wednesday, 3rd January 2018, 20:40

Advice on Going past 3 Runes
This has to be the best character I've ever had, in terms of gear, and xp. With my current setup I have 66 AC, 19 EV, and 28 SH, as well as max resistances and a +8 eveningstar. I have access to a plethora of other gear and I already have Fighting and Armour skills maxed. Anyways I've beaten the game four times by now, and I am looking to go past three runes. My question is, how do I go about this? Do I complete Zot first (not grabbing the orb obv), for extra xp? Then do Tomb:3? (I've already done the crypts and Tomb:2, tbh I tabbed through everything, looking back that was pretty dumb after reading what the enemies in there can do.) Help required!

Also how the hell do I get rid of negative (red) mutations you get from enemies? They removed potions of cure mutations right? I haven't found a single one. I've lost like 20 HP. Zot is brutal (kinda)
Last edited by Rokirem on Thursday, 4th January 2018, 22:09, edited 1 time in total.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 3rd January 2018, 21:14

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Rokirem wrote:
This has to be the best character I've ever had, in terms of gear, and xp. With my current setup I have 66 AC, 19 EV, and 28 SH, as well as max resistances and a +8 eveningstar. I have access to a plethora of other gear and I already have Fighting and Armour skills maxed. Anyways I've beaten the game four times by now, and I am looking to go past three runes. My question is, how do I go about this? Do I complete Zot first (not grabbing the orb obv), for extra xp? Then do Tomb:3? (I've already done the crypts and Tomb:2, tbh I tabbed through everything, looking back that was pretty dumb after reading what the enemies in there can do.) Help required!

Also how the hell do I get rid of negative (red) mutations you get from enemies? They removed potions of cure mutations right? I haven't found a single one. I've lost like 20 HP. Zot is brutal (kinda)

Tomb is probably the last rune you should get it's (arguably) the hardest one.

I would say if you've got the S branches and Vaults, and you want 15, you probably want to go: Abyss, Slime, Pan, Hell, Tomb, Zot
If you do the Abyss before Pan, then it's a lot less annoying to leave Pan when you're done (Although I suppose you could do the Abyss on the way out of Pan)

Zot is harder than the Abyss, and probably harder than slime (Slime is really clearing out a bunch of middling critters, so you aren't interrupted, then one big fight to get the rune, TRJ is harder than most of the individual critters in Zot, but there's only one of him, Zot throws lots of stuff at you)

Zot's slightly easier than Pan and Hell difficulty wise the end of the Tomb just sucks, mostly because it's such a slog and the death curses mean you can't really power through killing things quickly with giant damage effects, but the stuff in there does enough non-death-curse damage that you can't just tough it out and soak the damage until everything dies at a slow pace either, plus the current incarnation doesn't easily let you retreat (you go down with no upstairs, you have to fight your way over to an up staircase to be able to leave)

I would say that if you want a step below going for 15 runes you could do a 5 rune win and grab Abyss and Slime then go Zot and done, Pan and Hell are long and time consuming, and if you've never done anything but a 3 rune, a 5 rune is the next step up. It sounds like your character does have the power chops to get through all 15, but maybe do Abyss and Slime and see if you want to call it a win.
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Halls Hopper

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Post Wednesday, 3rd January 2018, 22:14

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Siegurt wrote:
Rokirem wrote:
This has to be the best character I've ever had, in terms of gear, and xp. With my current setup I have 66 AC, 19 EV, and 28 SH, as well as max resistances and a +8 eveningstar. I have access to a plethora of other gear and I already have Fighting and Armour skills maxed. Anyways I've beaten the game four times by now, and I am looking to go past three runes. My question is, how do I go about this? Do I complete Zot first (not grabbing the orb obv), for extra xp? Then do Tomb:3? (I've already done the crypts and Tomb:2, tbh I tabbed through everything, looking back that was pretty dumb after reading what the enemies in there can do.) Help required!

Also how the hell do I get rid of negative (red) mutations you get from enemies? They removed potions of cure mutations right? I haven't found a single one. I've lost like 20 HP. Zot is brutal (kinda)

Tomb is probably the last rune you should get it's (arguably) the hardest one.

I would say if you've got the S branches and Vaults, and you want 15, you probably want to go: Abyss, Slime, Pan, Hell, Tomb, Zot
If you do the Abyss before Pan, then it's a lot less annoying to leave Pan when you're done (Although I suppose you could do the Abyss on the way out of Pan)

Zot is harder than the Abyss, and probably harder than slime (Slime is really clearing out a bunch of middling critters, so you aren't interrupted, then one big fight to get the rune, TRJ is harder than most of the individual critters in Zot, but there's only one of him, Zot throws lots of stuff at you)

Zot's slightly easier than Pan and Hell difficulty wise the end of the Tomb just sucks, mostly because it's such a slog and the death curses mean you can't really power through killing things quickly with giant damage effects, but the stuff in there does enough non-death-curse damage that you can't just tough it out and soak the damage until everything dies at a slow pace either, plus the current incarnation doesn't easily let you retreat (you go down with no upstairs, you have to fight your way over to an up staircase to be able to leave)

I would say that if you want a step below going for 15 runes you could do a 5 rune win and grab Abyss and Slime then go Zot and done, Pan and Hell are long and time consuming, and if you've never done anything but a 3 rune, a 5 rune is the next step up. It sounds like your character does have the power chops to get through all 15, but maybe do Abyss and Slime and see if you want to call it a win.

Slime was a cakewalk, did it in like 5 minutes. So I went to the abyss...And oh boy, am I getting fucked, I just left lol. I got to Abyss 3 and the enemies are pretty easy BUT they keep mutating me. Dude I have like 10 negative mutations, including random berserk, blurry vision, weak, and stupidity. I really need to know how to get rid of these. They are red btw not purple.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 3rd January 2018, 23:47

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Rokirem wrote:
Siegurt wrote:
Rokirem wrote:
This has to be the best character I've ever had, in terms of gear, and xp. With my current setup I have 66 AC, 19 EV, and 28 SH, as well as max resistances and a +8 eveningstar. I have access to a plethora of other gear and I already have Fighting and Armour skills maxed. Anyways I've beaten the game four times by now, and I am looking to go past three runes. My question is, how do I go about this? Do I complete Zot first (not grabbing the orb obv), for extra xp? Then do Tomb:3? (I've already done the crypts and Tomb:2, tbh I tabbed through everything, looking back that was pretty dumb after reading what the enemies in there can do.) Help required!

Also how the hell do I get rid of negative (red) mutations you get from enemies? They removed potions of cure mutations right? I haven't found a single one. I've lost like 20 HP. Zot is brutal (kinda)

Tomb is probably the last rune you should get it's (arguably) the hardest one.

I would say if you've got the S branches and Vaults, and you want 15, you probably want to go: Abyss, Slime, Pan, Hell, Tomb, Zot
If you do the Abyss before Pan, then it's a lot less annoying to leave Pan when you're done (Although I suppose you could do the Abyss on the way out of Pan)

Zot is harder than the Abyss, and probably harder than slime (Slime is really clearing out a bunch of middling critters, so you aren't interrupted, then one big fight to get the rune, TRJ is harder than most of the individual critters in Zot, but there's only one of him, Zot throws lots of stuff at you)

Zot's slightly easier than Pan and Hell difficulty wise the end of the Tomb just sucks, mostly because it's such a slog and the death curses mean you can't really power through killing things quickly with giant damage effects, but the stuff in there does enough non-death-curse damage that you can't just tough it out and soak the damage until everything dies at a slow pace either, plus the current incarnation doesn't easily let you retreat (you go down with no upstairs, you have to fight your way over to an up staircase to be able to leave)

I would say that if you want a step below going for 15 runes you could do a 5 rune win and grab Abyss and Slime then go Zot and done, Pan and Hell are long and time consuming, and if you've never done anything but a 3 rune, a 5 rune is the next step up. It sounds like your character does have the power chops to get through all 15, but maybe do Abyss and Slime and see if you want to call it a win.

Slime was a cakewalk, did it in like 5 minutes. So I went to the abyss...And oh boy, am I getting fucked, I just left lol. I got to Abyss 3 and the enemies are pretty easy BUT they keep mutating me. Dude I have like 10 negative mutations, including random berserk, blurry vision, weak, and stupidity. I really need to know how to get rid of these. They are red btw not purple.

The ones in square brackets [] are temporary mutations, you just need to kill some stuff and they will go away (this is 99% of the mutations from the abyss) Permanant ones go away by drinking potions of mutations
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Thursday, 4th January 2018, 10:30

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Abyss can throw a variety of vaults (and just random teleport luck) at you, but Slime depends a lot on your character strength (also somewhat on aoe/bolts in particular). The vaults vary tremendously with some dealing massive aoe bombs and others being more of a pushover. I still usually feel more intimidated by the Abyss myself. As a less than "super" player, I still think that you want to stack a whole mess of resistances and preemptive abilities tailored specifically for certain tasks and threats in these later game areas.

You may also want something to deal with hydrae (less of an issue until you get really distracted with bigger threats everywhere too, but still sometimes ahem)...

Some kind of portal projectile, Smite, penetration, or at least a reliable way to blink or escape the area when you can't reach remote enemies with nasty abilities. A strong ranged/smite attack is really helpful, at least for hitting the sources of mutation at a distance before too many attacks can pile on the red malmutations.

Ideally some form of "big aoe" along the lines of Freezing Cloud or Firestorm, even scrolls of Immolation can go a long way -- particularly in Slime.

Something that will help weather the elemental damage of each particular Hell branch, or the nastier ones often encountered elsewhere like Fire and some Cold (less common but really dangerous)...

Speaking of fire, something to damage Orbs of Fire for zot and preferably stuff that resists most of their attacks too (fire, mutations, ranged, magic).

Something to deal with undead and demonic if your main default weapon isn't a whopper (not so often a big problem by this point - but sometimes nice to speed that up).

Pan is a mixed bag. Some of it can be middling or even, easy due to random landings in good spots... But on the whole it can require a bit of everything -- and Lords are also anything can happen and keep pursuing you around other floors inside -- and you have no control of the order, so I still don't often go there.

I prefer to do almost all of Zot practically to the Orb chamber before too much extended. That way, I have a path cleared to try and finish the shorter game, if extended is giving me evil lemons. This does have the risk of blowing consumables or getting malmutated before a (possible?) good dice roll in Pan though.
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Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Thursday, 4th January 2018, 15:59

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Am I the only one who thinks that the above link is wrong?

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 4th January 2018, 19:29

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Magipi wrote:Am I the only one who thinks that the above link is wrong?

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No you are not the only one, I got the same result when I clicked on it.
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Halls Hopper

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Post Thursday, 4th January 2018, 22:10

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Strange, I don't know why the pastebin deleted itself. Updated. Anyways I breezed through Zot.

Snake Sneak

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Post Friday, 5th January 2018, 08:26

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Next time, don't do Zot until you're ready to get the orb and win. The XP you get is unlikely to make a big difference (especially true for this character since you can't even cast spells) and you'll probably pick up a bunch of bad mutations.

Anyway, if you still have some !mut you should probably try to fix that mutation set. Try to get rid of berserkitis, teleportitis and blurry vision at least.

In terms of difficulty, the extended branches are like this: Tomb > Hell > Pan > Abyss. However character power usually doesn't change that much in extended so you don't actually have to do things in this order.

Abyss should be easy for this char. Dunno how you got so many mutations from neqoxecs but you shouldn't have much trouble killing them quickly (use ranged attacks if possible). Pan and Hell are harder but with 11 scrolls of blinking you should be fine. Remember to fly at all times in Pan as you don't want to get shattered by some random panlord. Also, ditch that wand of disintergration and get a wand of paralysis to deal with doom hounds in Tar. Remember, don't clear the Hells, dive them. Never done new Tomb without necromutation so can't help you on that.

One thing you should watch out for is int drain. Hell effects can do it, neqoxec can do it, hell you even have statrot yourself. Getting stat drained to 0 no longer kills you directly but you'll suffer very nasty penalties. If you can't cure dopey, consider ditching that shield, or find some +int rings.

If you aren't going to abandon Trog (and IMO you shouldn't), start training throwing now. Trog will gift you tons of javelins. A good ranged attack is very useful in extended.

Good luck.

Spider Stomper

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Post Saturday, 6th January 2018, 14:57

Re: Advice on Going past 3 Runes

Siegurt wrote:I would say that if you want a step below going for 15 runes you could do a 5 rune win and grab Abyss and Slime then go Zot and done, Pan and Hell are long and time consuming,

The funny thing about the 4 runes from Hell and the 5 runes from Pan: they are the fast runes you can get :)
7k for 4*Hell and 7k for 5*Pan isn't very fast but compare that to the tk for Vaults ( real-time is diff. and chars not equipped/skilled for ext. might not even make it ).

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