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Leaving Notes for Myself Between Sessions

PostPosted: Wednesday, 20th December 2017, 14:12
by MainiacJoe
Is there any way to leave a note in-game right before or as I save that will pop up with --more-- when I restart the game? I'm restarting a game that I had to suspend abruptly last night, and I'm in the middle of a stretch of unexplored floors and I know there was a reason I was backtracking but I don't recall what it was. I suppose I could get in the habit of annotating and checking game notes when I start a new session, but I'm hoping there's a more in-your-face way to say, "don't forget this when you play next!!!"

Re: Leaving Notes for Myself Between Sessions

PostPosted: Wednesday, 20th December 2017, 15:35
by bel
You can add to your notes using ":". Can also use "!" to annotate the current level with a warning.

Force more also works on level annotations. Just use some unique string like "the quick brown fox" as part of your annotation and force more on that string.

Re: Leaving Notes for Myself Between Sessions

PostPosted: Wednesday, 20th December 2017, 16:07
by MainiacJoe
Thanks, bel!

Here is what I discovered just now:
  • When you save on a floor that has an annotation, the annotation is repeated to you when you reload the game.
  • When that annotation has a "!" warning flag, nothing different happens. After all, the game can't ask you whether you're sure you want to be on the floor your game is saved on!
  • adding "force_more_message += remember" to your RC file and including that word in your annotation that you make before you save does indeed prompt you with "--more--" when loading the game! It also makes you hit space after setting the annotation, but that's a price worth paying.

Re: Leaving Notes for Myself Between Sessions

PostPosted: Wednesday, 20th December 2017, 16:17
by Sphara
One way is to inscribe your weapon with something like "learn Iron Shot" or "stone giant near Orc:2 stairs" before saving.

Re: Leaving Notes for Myself Between Sessions

PostPosted: Wednesday, 20th December 2017, 20:31
by advil
Hm, having a ! level note trigger a more when loading on that level, at least by default, seems like a pretty reasonable idea.