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Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 12:32
by Trobe
As of 0.19, what is the MiFi of spellcasting? I've never really tried a spellcasting character and I'd like a go.

I mean, a dominantly spellcasting character, rather than melee with some spells...

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 12:38
by Dioneo
In terms of raw spellpower it's probably a DECj or somesuch, in terms of survivability and "noob-friendliness" it's probably DrCj or GrEE.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 15:59
by Siegurt
Dioneo wrote:In terms of raw spellpower it's probably a DECj or somesuch, in terms of survivability and "noob-friendliness" it's probably DrCj or GrEE.

DgFE gets lots of survivability too

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 16:46
by Deso
I have some luck as DeSu.
The spellcasting aptitude helps a lot on getting extra spells.
Add in sif or behemut and you'll branch into Conjuration.

As a summoner you'll have bodies to buy time to flee and the high INT helps on hunger.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 19:47
by duvessa
MiFi is nowhere close to the easiest non-spellcasting combo. It's beaten, at the very least, by a wide range of berserkers.

Pretty sure the best and easiest spellcasting combo (and likely the best combo in the game altogether) is DDEE. Following that are other DDs, Ces, Sps, Trs, etc.

The best spellcasting combo that doesn't involve a completely broken species is DgIE imo. DrIE is arguably more "noob friendly" and almost as strong. In general IE is going to be the best or second-best background (after Be) unless the species has highly asymmetrical elemental aptitudes (like DD, Gr, Fo) in which case another elementalist may beat it.

DE is a worse-than-median species and it doesn't deserve mention in a discussion about "easiest", unless someone asked for "easiest DE" or "easiest combo with a weak species".

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 19:59
by Trobe
duvessa wrote:MiFi is nowhere close to the easiest non-spellcasting combo. It's beaten, at the very least, by a wide range of berserkers.

Oh yes? Tell me more! Are there easier Fi?

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Sunday, 20th November 2016, 20:17
by duvessa
Be is so overwhelmingly better than Fi that even berserkers with worse races (like HuBe etc) are better than MiFi.
For Fi specifically, I am certain that DDFi, CeFi, and TrFi are better than MiFi.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Monday, 21st November 2016, 04:28
by WingedEspeon
DrXX for most noob friendly, FeCj, DDEE, or CEXX. for easiest.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 22nd November 2016, 20:10
by TonberryJam
I'd like to say Cj has that dps like berserk, especially the level 2 pre-lair and level 5 spell rest of the game. You can also blind foes for range issues, and use prisms against packs. And u can detonate your prisms by attacking them.

You also get hexes and charms unlocked with the start book.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 22nd November 2016, 21:54
by Odds
I'd say GrEE of Vehumet for the easiest. It's both rather powerful and rather forgiving due to very good defenses.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 22nd November 2016, 22:45
by severen
Of all the mages IE is the easiest/strongest start. It gives:

-really easy starting nuke, since freeze always hits it works well.
-significant armor
-basically the same top tier summon of SU
-a really good nuke with physical damage.

I also think that Cj is close but the armor+extremely strong summon make IE better. Battlesphere is really nice but Throw Icicle does more damage than Mystic Blast so the nuking is similar. Throw icicle is better than stone arrow. So IE is just as good a nuker, a very good melee buffer and a great summoner all in one. Dazzling spray is great and BS + mystic dart is great for range so Cj is really strong, but IE edges it out.

Basically if you just rush to get Summon Ice beast castable you can clear lair. If you find a book with summon lightning spire or blink or battlesphere you are basically set. BS + TI will last you are very long time.

I used to like wizard a lot but their lack of any guaranteed good damaging stuff just make me not like it. Blink, Repel Missiles, and summon imp are great for a while but imps ain't gonna clear lair and you get no nuke. Its a great start and the 3 extra int is nice but I hate being at the mercy of finding a supplemental book.

IE is not only guaranteed to be strong it gives a spell that all robe wearers eventually want with Ozo Armor.

As for Species, meh, its just kind of depends on what you want to do. DrIE is great for a more melee oriented approach since you can stack up AC. On the other hand I ran a DsIE of veh to 8 runes and splatted in Zig:20(I could have survived but I was getting bored so I kinda let him die on the portal out, he had nightstalker+powered by pain + robust I just didn't have the will to get all 15 runes) on a Pan lord level with 0 apts invest in weapon skill.

Although Ds are very random so they can be mediocre spell casters I think people somewhat sleep on them. A couple of mutations can be very helpful for casters. Obviously Augmentation is hugely strong but Robust is also pretty amazing for mages. That DsIE I let splat had like 270 hp. You have a 2/5 chance of getting one of those. Nightstalker helps a lot with LCS or Iron shot since everything is is range for it. Powered by Pain or Death are both very useful for getting more MP (with sublimation of blood for death). The various scales mutations are typically pretty useful for mages as well.

All in all you have a fairly decent chance to get a mutation or two that is quite good for spellcasting. And good in a way that actually changes tactics not just give you a little more XP or something. Anyway I would not say they are the best or anything (although the correct combo could very well be the best). But you have a pretty good chance of getting something applicable to mages and its worth a try if you are not trying to be perfect. I have no problem just quitting a Ds that looks kind of meh. I almost always immediately kill monstrous Ds because I think they are stupid. Honestly can you just give me the option at start to be monstrous/normal/random? I don't want a 1/10 chance of playing a poorly made species. If I want a challenge/just for the fuck of it game like that just give me the option to do so when I feel like it. Don't waste ten minutes of my time when I am going to immediately delete the guy on the first mutation message of "monstrous"

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 23rd November 2016, 16:50
by Psieye
severen wrote:I used to like wizard a lot but their lack of any guaranteed good damaging stuff just make me not like it. Blink, Repel Missiles, and summon imp are great for a while but imps ain't gonna clear lair and you get no nuke. Its a great start and the 3 extra int is nice but I hate being at the mercy of finding a supplemental book.

Wz is my go-to starter class for when I want to roll an archer.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 23rd November 2016, 22:52
by lethediver
DeFE imo. Flame tongue gets you through the early levels, sticky flame + kite beats almost anything all the way through lair, and fireball has irresistible dmg, aoe and decent dps. You can also use steam clouds to break los and kill things with maximum safety.

De's aptitudes let you branch into any other sphere that you find books for. I don't recommend pure caster, but if you're going to do it being De helps.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 23rd November 2016, 23:35
by ZipZipskins
Dr, HO, Hu, Dg are all races I would recommend playing FE on before DE to new players.

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th November 2016, 01:39
by ydeve

Re: Easiest Spellcasting race/bg?

PostPosted: Thursday, 24th November 2016, 13:39
by Psieye
I find DE to be the go-to race for "I wanna check out all these cool new spells". Learn fast, die young. For actually winning with a book start, the other suggestions like Dr are superior.