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Spell chance is not right?

PostPosted: Saturday, 28th May 2016, 12:08
by delarado

I know this is going to be hard to quantify, but I feel like spell success is a little funky.

Just now I've had spider form fail five times in a row on me at 14% failure rate. A few times I've had it fail 2 or 3 times in a row at 3-5% failure rate.

I know its not impossible for a 3% chance to hit multiple times in a row, but it just *feels* to me like something isn't quite right.

Am I imagining things? is anyone else experiencing this?

I know crawl can be brutal at times like this but I find it hard to believe that RNGesus hates me that much. I've been exclusively playing OpTm recently with spider form as one of my core spells and I've really been noticing it.

Re: Spell chance is not right?

PostPosted: Saturday, 28th May 2016, 14:01
by ydeve
Clustering illusion. Happens once in a blue moon.

Re: Spell chance is not right?

PostPosted: Saturday, 28th May 2016, 19:30
by xentronium
Cast it 100 times and see if the number of failures is close to what it's supposed to be.

Re: Spell chance is not right?

PostPosted: Saturday, 28th May 2016, 21:09
by Sar
More like 100k times.

Re: Spell chance is not right?

PostPosted: Sunday, 29th May 2016, 12:26
by delarado
hmm yeah I agree completely. Quite a few times per game though it just feels like I'm getting crappy luck. Feels a little too often, but you cant argue with a RNG I guess.