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Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Friday, 29th January 2016, 13:48
by Lacuenta
This has occured to me awhile ago especially since it got more noticable after sacrifice corpse for piety was removed and oka trog etc got nerfed.
The amulet of regen saves a lot of turns resting for hp and thus decreases piety decay mostly noticable on Trog and oka because you get more gifts.
Now since faith also got nerfed recentish.
Is it on par with faith or better considering its other benefits (swappable, increased heal rate, etc), for these gods?

Edit: I believe it is.

Re: Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Friday, 29th January 2016, 14:58
by ZipZipskins
IMO both amulets are good enough that it just depends on play style. do you want more finesse/heroism spam or brothers, or do you want swappable regen? I like faith A LOT because you just set it and forget it, and the number of invocations you can blow through is definitely noticeably increased. regen is really solid too, so I'll leave it to a better player than me to determine "if I discover both a regen and a faith amulet on the same square with no other amulets, which one should I wear?"

Re: Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Saturday, 30th January 2016, 01:53
by WalkerBoh
Faith is probably objectively better (for worshipping most gods), but I would almost always wear regen instead because I really hate resting constantly.

Re: Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Saturday, 30th January 2016, 02:06
by KoboldLord
Faith is better for gaining piety to use on spamming divine abilities.

Regen is better for rapidly regaining hit points after battle so you spend less time vulnerable to wandering monsters.

In general, assuming you have a good divine ability that you would want to spam, you should use faith because all the extra uses mean you lose fewer hit points to monsters in the first place, so you get the regen benefit only better. But not every deity has a usefully spammable divine ability, and you probably made that choice before you knew an amulet of faith would be available.

Re: Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Saturday, 30th January 2016, 10:02
by prozacelf
It should probably be pointed out that regen is probably preferable to faith for places like Abyss and the hells where you really don't want to stand in one place too long if you can avoid it. Of course, regen is available on non-amulet randarts, while faith can only be gotten from amulets.

Re: Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Friday, 5th February 2016, 16:59
by Badtown
My turncount always goes nuts when I have no source of regen. I'd be more inclined to use Faith if I have the spell Regen, or Troll Leather, or a Vampiric Weapon.

Re: Faith vs Regen

PostPosted: Friday, 5th February 2016, 18:42
by kuniqs
Faith is better for gods who give you piety for exploration.