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safe blink/teleport

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th April 2011, 05:30
by hxy
I just noticed this at line 99 of 0.8 changelog
Don't prevent blink from putting you in dangerous clouds

Question: Is there a chance of blink or random teleport putting you in deep water or lava?

Re: safe blink/teleport

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th April 2011, 06:37
by pratamawirya
No, don't worry :)

Re: safe blink/teleport

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th April 2011, 13:30
by galehar
I confirm. Random blinking can now put you in a harmful cloud, but it (and teleport) cannot put you on a deadly cell.

Re: safe blink/teleport

PostPosted: Thursday, 28th April 2011, 16:16
by Fnord
I blinked into a firestorm. It was fun.