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Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 10:12
by solipsistnation
Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I'm playing MiBe right now and have saved up a big pile of spellbooks (I was thinking of converting for the late game). I've decided to stick with Trog so I should probably burn my stash in case he gives me some nice axes.

My question is, can the hunger cost kill me outright if I press a f next to a big stack of books and my nutrition drops to zero?

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 11:21
by starless
The hunger cost is negligible.

If you are already Starving, you'd have to burn around 50+ books to get to 0 nutrition.

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 12:45
by solipsistnation
Good to know, thanks!

On a related note, assuming I have enough books to roll over the gift timeout, can more than one gift be delivered in one turn? Otherwise, I should probably split my stack up before burning...

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 14:18
by Sandman25
My understanding is that it does not matter how many books are burnt, you pay hunger cost for ability invocation only.

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 14:19
by Sandman25
solipsistnation wrote:Good to know, thanks!

On a related note, assuming I have enough books to roll over the gift timeout, can more than one gift be delivered in one turn? Otherwise, I should probably split my stack up before burning...

I am not sure about Trog but I did get several gifts after sacrificing a single body to Oka. I assume these 2 gods work identically.

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 14:22
by jejorda2
solipsistnation wrote:Good to know, thanks!
can more than one gift be delivered in one turn?

Yes. I've had multiple enemies die from poison in the same turn I burned a pile of corpses and then received multiple gifts in a turn. This was probably in 0.5 or something, though, so it may have changed since then.

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 16:14
by all before
Before you toss all those books on the flames, know that they can be occasionally useful tactically as a conjure flame equivalent that allows you to escape or deal additional damage in one-tile wide hallways. Not incredibly important, but you probably have piety to spare as troglodyte so why burn them.

Re: Burning spellbooks hunger cost

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th September 2014, 17:44
by XuaXua
Book of Annihilation makes a dandy land mine!