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Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 04:18
by Skrybe
Or am I just really unlucky?

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 04:29
by duvessa
Corpses created by Receive Corpses cannot create hides.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 04:33
by battaile
duvessa wrote:Corpses created by Receive Corpses cannot create hides.

crawl wiki wrote: Note that some of the corpses may be fresh enough to produce hides when butchered, so you might be able to pick some dragon armour that way.

Crawl wiki, for all your misinformation needs.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 04:39
by Skrybe
Yeah, that's why I was trying in the first place. It's also mentioned in the troll article.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 10:44
by reaver
Skrybe wrote:Yeah, that's why I was trying in the first place. It's also mentioned in the troll article.
Note this kind of misinformation is pandemic on crawl wiki. Ideally you would not read it at all, simply because the lies are so smoothy mixed with the truth that it's impossible to tell the difference unless you already know about the topic of the article.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 17:28
by 1010011010
Is crawl wiki misinformation outdated info or just someone being an idiot?

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 17:39
by duvessa

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 18:47
by DracheReborn
I think it's a problem because searching anything crawl related in Google usually dumps you on badwiki as the first link (which is how I often ended up there). To be fair, tavern posts are usually the second or third links and the info here is usually better, but not as neatly organized unfortunately. Ideally, learndb should be indexable by search engines, but it seems that it's not the case?

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 20:11
by nicolae
DracheReborn wrote:I think it's a problem because searching anything crawl related in Google usually dumps you on badwiki as the first link (which is how I often ended up there). To be fair, tavern posts are usually the second or third links and the info here is usually better, but not as neatly organized unfortunately. Ideally, learndb should be indexable by search engines, but it seems that it's not the case?

In that case, you can just go to itself and then hit Ctrl+F

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 21:27
by reaver
nicolae wrote:
DracheReborn wrote:I think it's a problem because searching anything crawl related in Google usually dumps you on badwiki as the first link (which is how I often ended up there). To be fair, tavern posts are usually the second or third links and the info here is usually better, but not as neatly organized unfortunately. Ideally, learndb should be indexable by search engines, but it seems that it's not the case?

In that case, you can just go to itself and then hit Ctrl+F

You can also add a # before a query. Example: (Wait for it to fully load).

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 21:42
by nicolae
reaver wrote:
Skrybe wrote:Yeah, that's why I was trying in the first place. It's also mentioned in the troll article.
Note this kind of misinformation is pandemic on crawl wiki. Ideally you would not read it at all, simply because the lies are so smoothy mixed with the truth that it's impossible to tell the difference unless you already know about the topic of the article.

My current favorite bit of misinformation is that the plutonium sword inflicts Translocations miscasts, even though that is demonstrably untrue and doesn't even make sense, and yet the strategy listed on the page works with the assumption that it works like a distortion weapon.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 21:52
by Sar
It's funny because it's true. Wow.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 24th December 2013, 22:33
by Hirsch I
wow. so wiki. much lie. many bullshits. wow.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Thursday, 26th December 2013, 02:38
by reaver
nicolae wrote:My current favorite bit of misinformation is that the plutonium sword inflicts Translocations miscasts, even though that is demonstrably untrue and doesn't even make sense, and yet the strategy listed on the page works with the assumption that it works like a distortion weapon.
The worst part is this bit of nonsense was added by a current administrator, MoogleDan. (Who also visits the Tavern occasionaly.)

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Thursday, 26th December 2013, 13:14
by MoogleDan
Yep, I'm a friggin' deceiver of the masses, that's me. In happier news, the Kiku issue was fixed the day it was posted here. Better yet, we've had some good players actually sign up to work on the wiki, which is always appreciated. Best of all, I've more or less quit both playing Crawl and reading this forum for a few months now, and I only occasionally oversee what's going on at the wiki. Never fear, my reign of terror is over.

Merry Christmas, one and all.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 27th December 2013, 00:27
by MoogleDan
And on a less immature, more useful note...

If you really want to see bad wiki dead, the easiest way that's going to happen is to replace it with good wiki. If you see something false, be it something tiny and subtle or hilariously blatant, message me about it, or get yourself an account on the wiki and update it yourself! I assure you that this is a lot more productive than collecting lists of favorites. That's all I ask, and I don't think it's asking much.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 27th December 2013, 01:52
by duvessa
Most of the people who complain about the wiki try to do exactly that for a while, then get discouraged when someone just replaces their edit with more wrong information (just look what happens to the character guides). After reading battaile's post I tried to log in to fix the corpse delivery article only to find that my account had been deleted for the second time, and at this point I see little reason to bother sending another email.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 27th December 2013, 02:37
by battaile
Yeah, I tried being a wiki editor for a while but it was an exercise in frustration and futility.

But I just pointed out the badwiki entry for lol's, didn't mean for it to become personal and heated.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 27th December 2013, 04:00
by and into
duvessa wrote:Most of the people who complain about the wiki try to do exactly that for a while, then get discouraged when someone just replaces their edit with more wrong information (just look what happens to the character guides). After reading battaile's post I tried to log in to fix the corpse delivery article only to find that my account had been deleted for the second time, and at this point I see little reason to bother sending another email.

Well, some of the character guides are their own special brand of screwed up, because the author's ego can lead him or her to zealously defend the guide against any refinement. However I do think that making the non-strategy guide parts of the wiki better is a realistic goal that could be accomplished without too much frustration and would be a meaningful improvement (though still not ideal, admittedly).

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd January 2014, 16:42
by jsmith
Hey MoogleDan - I've beat the game four times, always looking stuff up in the wiki.

I'm not the best player in the world, so having a clearly organized wiki is really helpful to me. Maybe some information is wrong when you get into high level strategy (it's always seemed more helpful than not helpful to me so YMMV), but I didn't want you to think your work wasn't appreciated by any of the lesser players out there.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd January 2014, 18:07
by Hirsch I
sorry man, but I discovered that not reading the wiki makes you a better player. no information is better than misinformation, specially for those that can not tell what is good and what is bad.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd January 2014, 23:53
by Tiktacy
The biggest design flaw in crawl is that it makes everyone think what they say is right, even when it isn't.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 3rd January 2014, 00:58
by Hirsch I
Tiktacy wrote:The biggest design flaw in people is that it makes everyone think what they say is right, even when it isn't.

it has nothing to do with the game.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 3rd January 2014, 07:56
by diviton
The wiki might have incorrect info sprinkled in there, but it definitely helped me A LOT when I was getting started.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Friday, 3rd January 2014, 23:28
by 1010011010
Inspired by Tiktacy, Hirsch I wrote:The biggest design flaw in people is that it makes everyone think what they say is right, even when it isn't.

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

― Charles Bukowski

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Saturday, 4th January 2014, 04:07
by XuaXua
MoogleDan wrote:And on a less immature, more useful note...

If you really want to see bad wiki dead, the easiest way that's going to happen is to replace it with good wiki. If you see something false, be it something tiny and subtle or hilariously blatant, message me about it, or get yourself an account on the wiki and update it yourself! I assure you that this is a lot more productive than collecting lists of favorites. That's all I ask, and I don't think it's asking much.

Pretty much what I'd have asked, but these people here wojld rather spend time complaining about invalid data rather than validating and fixing it.

Fix a page that isn't someone's personal obsession.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Saturday, 4th January 2014, 04:11
by nicolae
XuaXua wrote:
MoogleDan wrote:And on a less immature, more useful note...

If you really want to see bad wiki dead, the easiest way that's going to happen is to replace it with good wiki. If you see something false, be it something tiny and subtle or hilariously blatant, message me about it, or get yourself an account on the wiki and update it yourself! I assure you that this is a lot more productive than collecting lists of favorites. That's all I ask, and I don't think it's asking much.

Pretty much what I'd have asked, but these people here wojld rather spend time complaining about invalid data rather than validating and fixing it.

Fix a page that isn't someone's personal obsession.

man, if I wanted to spend my time fixing other people's mistakes I'd get a job as a proofreader and at least get paid for it

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Saturday, 4th January 2014, 17:34
by BlackSheep
I started to pitch in on the wiki before the site got blocked at work. I'm out of work now, so I'll actually have less time to devote to wiki edits since I'm with my son all the time, but if I come across a particularly egregious mistake during naptime or something I'll make an effort to fix it.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Sunday, 5th January 2014, 18:48
by Moanerette
There are some things I like the wiki for because it gives more detail than LearnDB; principally the descriptions of god abilities and decks (as in Nemelex, not deep elf chaos knights). The Diary Of A Crawler bits can be good fun too.

man, if I wanted to spend my time fixing other people's mistakes I'd get a job as a proofreader and at least get paid for it

These days? Proofreader seems to be a dying profession. I certainly can't get any work, and it's about the only thing I'm any good at.

Re: Do dragons created by Receive Corpses not drop hides?

PostPosted: Sunday, 5th January 2014, 19:44
by njvack
Moanerette wrote:Proofreader seems to be a dying profession. I certainly can't get any work, and it's about the only thing I'm any good at.

I dunno if you're joking, but proofreading is still very much a thing. See also "Copy editor."