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Re: what is monster panel for

PostPosted: Friday, 28th October 2016, 23:34
by Reptisaurus
Dancing $%&^ing weapons.

Re: what is monster panel for

PostPosted: Saturday, 29th October 2016, 07:33
by Cimanyd
dowan wrote:Heh, new webtiles user asked this question:

A person wrote:Also on the servers, how do I (can I) get the same info display of inventory that's bottom-right on the desktop?

Not exactly a statistically significant sample or anything, but I bet far more people would like an inventory display there instead of a monster display.

I'm a new-ish player, and when I switched from offline to webtiles that was one of the two main problems I had with it. The other thing was not being able to use the mouse. It didn't take me too long to adapt to using only the keyboard, and in the end it might have actually oh wait, mouse control was just added to webtiles for 0.19.

I just downloaded a copy of trunk to see what offline actually has, since it'd been long enough I'd forgotten most of it.

Can someone explain to me why webtiles is a different, inferior interface?

Spoiler: show
notice the monster list is still here, including the name if you mouse over, all you're missing is the danger color which you can get by right clicking to take you to the xv screen and see the "extremely dangerous" etc.

Not entirely accurate; Shift + L-Click to enter gate doesn't seem to work, and L-Click only picks up items if you're clicking on you, like ',' (doesn't move to item and pick up, unless autopickup)

Meanwhile, in webtiles:

Spoiler: show

No right clicking on anything

You can also click to move, and in menus, in both now, which is nice.

So why doesn't webtiles have this great mouse-controlled UI offline tiles has? Is it some limitation of being in a browser? If so, someone really needs to make the downloaded version able to play on the servers. If I had known I would be losing this much by switching to online games, I probably wouldn't have done it. If I hadn't done it, I wouldn't be playing the game at all anymore. Not without the idea that maybe someday I'll have won every species and background (without having to keep track of wins myself), or the idea that I can show others what I've done on here and irc (other than pasting dumps/morgues), or now the entire tournament system!

Also, on the front page, look at the advertising of online vs offline.

Re: what is monster panel for

PostPosted: Saturday, 29th October 2016, 12:09
by Eyesburn
you should play console, it is same in offline and online mode, also it is less complicated then tiles (theres no those robust menus, mouse control, etc)
both online and offline tiles are by-product of console version

Re: what is monster panel for

PostPosted: Thursday, 3rd November 2016, 20:49
by Lasty
If we change the question from "what's the best way to show monster threat levels?" to "what's the best way to decide how much XP a monster gives?", does it still make sense to have a link between monster danger level and xp value?

My feeling is that monster danger level and xp value should be closely tied together; the more dangerous the monster, the more XP it should give you. The problems with the current system are then 1) the current system for assigning XP based on monster danger isn't well-tuned and the manual adjustments haven't been reviewed sufficiently; and 2) some monsters will be more dangerous to characters with certain traits/situations than other characters. 1) is theoretically improvable if not fully solvable. 2) probably means that the best we can do is to make assumptions about the traits and conditions of an average character encountering that monster

Whaddya think? Is there a better approach to solving how much XP a monster should give?