Full acquirement spoiler

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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 03:27

Full acquirement spoiler

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

For fuck's sake stop linking people to this it's completely out of date

Flowchart that will almost always lead you to my acquirement advice: http://i.imgur.com/dl7aXwH.png

"Acquirement level" is item level 351. Floor items get an item level equal to the absolute depth, so D:10 items are level 10, Depths:3 items are level 25 (because Depths starts at depth 23), etc.

There are probably some mistakes in this, since the code for each acquirement is completely different and usually bizarre.

Ammunition acquirement
First pick throwing, slings, bows, or crossbows with weight corresponding exactly to the skill levels, e.g. if you have 5 slings skill and 10 throwing skill, you have a 2/3 chance of picking throwing and a 1/3 chance of picking slings.
If all four skills are exactly 0, then acquirement will always pick throwing!

Then you get a stack of ammunition for that skill that is 5 times as large as a normal floor stack would be. If the skill wasn't throwing, this is just plain sling bullets, arrows, or bolts.
If the skill was throwing, then trolls and ogres have a 4/13 chance of getting large rocks, 4/13 chance of javelins, 3/13 chance of needles, and 2/13 chance of tomahawks. Races too small to throw javelins have a 3/5 chance of needles and a 2/5 chance of tomahawks. Other races have a 4/9 chance of javelins, 3/9 chance of needles, and 2/9 chance of tomahawks. Throwing ammo gets the same brands it would get if generated on the floor at acquirement level.

Needle brands at acquirement level:
1/6 curare
5/16 sleep
5/16 confusion
5/48 paralysis
5/48 frenzy

Javelin brands at acquirement level:
2/9 returning
32/135 penetration
32/135 poisoned
7/45 steel
4/27 silver

Tomahawk brands at acquirement level:
1/6 poisoned
1/6 exploding
1/9 silver
1/9 steel
2/15 dispersal
14/45 returning

Armour acquirement
If you are a naga or centaur, and haven't seen your race's barding yet, you have a 50% chance of getting a barding. If you've seen a barding already, you still have a 25% chance of getting another barding anyway. Otherwise, you have an equal chance for all 6 armour slots (shield is an armour slot for some stupid reason) being chosen, provided you can wear something in that slot, and an item is created for that slot.
If that item isn't an artefact, and the exact subtype (e.g. helmet, hat, chain mail) has been seen before with the same ego, there's a 2/3 chance of the acquirement starting over, unless it's already made a lot of attempts in which case the chance gets lower (after 20 tries it won't start over any more).
After that, if the item isn't an artefact, occupies an armour slot that you have already seen, and has no ego OR is body armour and passes a 50% chance, and there is an auxiliary armour slot (cloak, gloves, helm, boots) that you have not seen, then it will be replaced with a new item for one of those unseen slots. If those conditions were met and you have already seen items to fill all auxiliary slots, the acquirement has a 1/3 chance of starting over. This chance doesn't get lower with successive attempts.
If acquirement gives you something for the helmet slot, it has a 50% chance of being a helmet and a 50% chance of being a hat, unless you can't wear helmets in which case you'll always get a hat.
If it gives you a shield, it doesn't really matter what I say after that because it's a shield lol, who cares what kind of useless shield it is. The shield subtype (buckler, shield, large shield) gets bigger (worse) with increasing Shields skill and increasing species size.
If it gives you body armour, to determine which body armour you get, first look at this list of weights:
Animal skin: 333
Robe, ring mail, scale mail, chain mail, plate armour: 1000 each
Crystal plate armour: 500
Troll leather armour: 50
All dragon armours: 25
Then test if 1d(Spellcasting skill*3+Dodging skill) < 1d(Armour skill*2). If so, multiply every weight by the square of its armour's base AC, giving you these probabilities:
Animal skin: 1332 (0.379885%)
Robe: 4000 (1.14080%)
Ring mail: 25000 (7.12998%)
Scale mail: 36000 (10.2672%)
Chain mail: 64000 (18.2528%)
Plate armour: 100000 (28.5199%)
Crystal plate armour: 100000 (28.5199%)
Troll leather armour: 800 (0.228159%)
Steam dragon armour: 625 (0.178250%)
Mottled dragon armour: 900 (0.256679%)
Swamp dragon armour: 1225 (0.349369%)
Fire dragon armour: 1600 (0.456319%)
Ice dragon armour: 2025 (0.577529%)
Quicksilver dragon armour: 2025 (0.577529%)
Storm dragon armour: 2500 (0.712998%)
Shadow dragon armour: 2500 (0.712998%)
Pearl dragon armour: 2500 (0.712998%)
Gold dragon armour: 3600 (1.02672%)
Otherwise, multiply each weight by max(1,(27-min(27,[Armour skill]+3)-[armour ER]))^3, and then choose from the first list with those modified weights. In other words, quoting the comments, "highest chance when armour skill = (displayed) evp - 3" and "armour closest to ideal evp is 27^3 times as likely as the furthest away". Yes, it completely ignores your str, etc.

Book acquirement
If less than 25% of your skill levels are in spell skills, then you get a manual with a [non-magic skill levels] in [2*magic skill levels + non-magic skill levels] chance. Otherwise you get a book.

If you get a manual, which manual you get is determined by buggy code. I don't feel like explaining it since I hope the acquirement bugs are finally going to be fixed now that I'm making players aware of them.
static bool _acquire_manual(item_def &book)
    int weights[NUM_SKILLS] = { 0 };
    int total_weights = 0;

    const bool knows_magic = _knows_and_likes_magic();

    for (skill_type sk = SK_FIRST_SKILL; sk < NUM_SKILLS; ++sk)
        int skl = you.skills[sk];

        if (skl == 27 || is_useless_skill(sk))

        int w = (skl < 12) ? skl + 3 : max(0, 25 - skl);

        // Greatly reduce the chances of getting a manual for a skill
        // you couldn't use unless you switched your religion.
        if (_skill_useless_with_god(sk))
            w /= 2;

        // If we don't have any magic skills, make non-magic skills
        // more likely.
        if (!knows_magic && !_is_magic_skill(sk))
            w *= 2;

        weights[sk] = w;
        total_weights += w;

    // Are we too skilled to get any manuals?
    if (total_weights == 0)
        return false;

    book.sub_type = BOOK_MANUAL;
    book.skill = static_cast<skill_type>(
                    choose_random_weighted(weights, end(weights)));
    // Set number of bonus skill points.
    book.skill_points = random_range(2000, 3000);
    return true;
The bugs are:
1. manuals for magic skills under Trog, etc. get vetoed because your god dislikes them, so the intended chance of getting manuals that are useless with your god (with half weight) doesn't actually exist in most cases.
2. it uses the integer skill level to determine weight

_knows_and_likes_magic() is simply true if you have a magic skill that is level 1 or above, and do not worship Trog.
This is a good time to mention that integer skill levels are still used all over the place, and acquirement is an example - all the acquirements here look at only integer skill levels. Perhaps I sound like a broken record at this point, but "skill levels are smooth" is a lie and I really wish people would stop telling it and believing it.

If you get a book, you have a 30/71 chance of getting a "theme randart" book (spells themed around 2 schools, this is what most randart books are), a 40/71 chance of getting a regular non-randart book, and a 1/71 chance of getting a "level randart" book (spells that are all the same level).
If the scroll decided to give you a non-randart book, go through all of the books in the game, and make the weight of each book by adding up the weights of all the spells in it, then pick from that weighted list. The weight of a spell is 0 if you have seen it or your god hates it, otherwise it is 2*[average of your integer skill levels for its spell schools]+5-[spell level].
If all eligible books have weight 0, you get a "theme randart" book instead. In that case, each spell is given this weight:
max(1,(2+[average of your integer skill levels for its spell schools])/3)*(5-abs(3*[spell level]-[Spellcasting skill])/7)
Spells you've already seen get 1/4th their normal weight here, instead of weight 0; you can acquire a randart book with no new spells.
The two schools for the randbook are chosen with the weights of all the spells belonging to those schools, and then the spells belonging to those schools are chosen based on their weights. The book has 1+(3d7)/3 spells.

If it is a "level randart", the chosen spell level will always be max(1,[Spellcasting skill + 2]/3) unless it was a Xom acquirement, in which case the level is completely random. If it was a Xom acquirement, the level randart book can have uncastable spells; otherwise, it cannot. Aside from that restriction, and being the correct level, the spells are completely random as far as I can tell, and will happily include spells you've already seen. The number of spells in a level randart book is always the same for a given level. Levels 1,2,3 have 5 spells, levels 4,5,6 have 6 spells, level 7 has 4 spells, level 8 has 2 spells, and level 9 has 1 spell.

Food acquirement
Only useful if you worship Fedhas, in which case it gives 7+(2d15)/2 pieces of fruit.
If you are a ghoul, is even worse than normal: gives 2+3d5 chunks instead of permafood.
If you are a vampire, you get 7+1d5 potions of blood.
Otherwise, you have a 50% chance of getting 2+3d5 royal jellies, and otherwise get 2+1d5 rations (bread if herbivorous, meat otherwise).

Gold acquirement
Gives 10*(20+1d20+1d8*1d8*1d8) gold. Note that when you pick up a gold pile from acquirement under Zin, the piety from the tithe is subject to a stepdown (stepdown_value(tithe, 10, 10, 50, 50)). If you are acquiring gold under Zin, you should avoid standing on an existing gold pile when doing so since the existing gold will become acquirement-tainted. It's okay to acquire in the Orcish Mines, however (normally gold collected in Orc gives half piety so you should lure orcs out of the branch when possible before killing them and collecting their gold, but the acquirement case overrides this case).

Jewellery acquirement
You have a 1 in [number of ring slots]+1 chance of getting an amulet (so 1/3 for most races, 1/9 for octopodes, 1/2 if missing a hand, 1/8 if missing a hand as an octopode). Ring and amulet type is the same as one that would generate on the floor, i.e. equal chances for all types except slaying, which is 1/3 the frequency of any other type, and at acquirement level there is a 28.85% chance of the jewellery being a randart. However, if it's a type you've already seen (even one like slaying or protection where multiple rings are useful), it restarts the acquirement up to 9 times - the 10th time will always succeed even if you've already seen the type. Negative rings of protection/strength/slaying/etc. get their enchantment set to +1 instead. Loudness, teleportation, and inaccuracy have an extra 8/9 chance of being made into randarts. Jewellery acquirement is bad.

Misc acquirement
If you haven't seen a crystal ball of energy, you have an Evocations * max(Spellcasting, Invocations) out of 729 chance of getting one. In other words, more skill is bad. Otherwise, you get either something good, or a stone of tremors, chosen from this weighted list:
Deck of wonders: 1
Deck of changes: 2
Deck of defence: 2
Box of beasts, sack of spiders, phantom mirror: 7 each (0 if you sacrificed love)
Disc of storms: 7 (0 if already seen)
Elemental evokers: 15 each (0 if already seen)
Sacrifice love does not affect the chance of getting elemental evokers!

Staff acquirement
If you get a staff, and your highest magic skill (INCLUDING SPELLCASTING) is fire, ice, air, earth, poison, necromancy, conjurations, or summoning, you have a 1/2 chance of getting that enhancer staff, unless you've already identified said staff, in which case you have a 1/3 chance at getting a completely random staff (with no bias towards unidentified ones). Otherwise, you get a 2/5 chance of wizardry, 2/5 chance of energy, 1/5 chance of power, even if you've already identified those.

If you get a rod, all rods have equal chances of being given. There is no bias towards unidentified rods. Rods of shadows will not be given if you have sacrificed love.

Wand acquirement
Picks a wand from a weighted list:
Heal wounds: 25 (decrease to 5 if you have level 3 of the no device heal mutation, decrease to 0 if you've ALSO sacrificed love)
Hasting: 25 (decrease to 5 if you are a formicid, decrease to 0 if you've ALSO sacrificed love)
Acid, lightning, iceblast: 16 each
Teleportation: 15 (decrease to 1 if you are a formicid or in Sprint)
Disintegration, digging, polymorph, enslavement: 5 each (decrease enslavement to 0 if you've sacrificed love)
Random effects: 3
Flame, confusion, paralysis, slowing: 1 each
Unidentified wands have their weight doubled. Remember, if you see a wand of heal wounds in a shop, heal wounds is still unidentified until you actually buy it.

Weapon acquirement
First pick a weapon class. The weight of each weapon class is (2+[your skill in that class])*(3+[your skill in that class]). Then just pick from that weighted list.

Then pick a handedness. The purpose of this part of the formula is to reward you if you massively overtrained your weapon skill, or fuck you over if you started as a Fi and have shields skill.
    // Let's guess the percentage of shield use the player did, this is
    // based on empirical data where pure-shield MDs get skills like 17 sh
    // 25 m&f and pure-shield Spriggans 7 sh 18 m&f. Pretend formicid
    // shield skill is 0 so they always weight towards 2H.
    const int shield_sk = you.species == SP_FORMICID
        ? 0
        : you.skills[SK_SHIELDS] * species_apt_factor(SK_SHIELDS);
    const int want_shield = min(2 * shield_sk, best_sk) + 10;
    const int dont_shield = max(best_sk - shield_sk, 0) + 10;
want_shield = min(2*[Shields skill],[highest weapon skill])+10
dont_shield = max([highest weapon skill]-[Shields skill],0)+10
Note that it always uses your highest weapon skill here, even if the weapon type it chose earlier doesn't actually belong to your highest weapon skill. Unarmed Combat also counts as a weapon skill for determining whether you want a shield, so if Unarmed Combat happens to be your highest weapon skill, higher Unarmed Combat skill makes you more likely to get two-handed weapons from acquirement.
Base acquirement weights for weapons are as follows:
Mace: 1000
Flail: 1000
Morningstar: 1000
Demon whip: 500
Dire flail: 1000
Eveningstar: 500
Great mace: 1000
Giant club: 1000
Giant spiked club: 1000
Dagger: 1000
Quick blade: 1388
Short sword: 1000
Rapier: 1000
Falchion: 1000
Long sword: 1000
Scimitar: 1000
Demon blade: 500
Double sword: 500
Great sword: 1000
Triple sword: 500
Hand axe: 1000
War axe: 1000
Broad axe: 1000
Battleaxe: 1000
Executioner's axe: 500
Spear: 1000
Trident: 1000
Halberd: 1000
Demon trident: 500
Glaive: 1000
Bardiche: 500
Quarterstaff: 1000
Lajatang: 500
Hunting sling: 1000
Greatsling: 500
Hand crossbow: 1000
Arbalest: 1000
Triple crossbow: 500
Shortbow: 1000
Longbow: 1000
Multiply the weight of each weapon by [Weapon base damage * 1.5]^3 / [Weapon base delay] * want_shield / dont_shield if it is one-handed for your species, or [Weapon base damage]^3 / [Weapon base delay] * dont_shield / want_shield if it is two-handed. Multiply the weight of each weapon by 5 if you have not seen that weapon yet. Then pick from that weighted list. Note that you cannot acquire blowguns, clubs, whips, or scythes, even though those generate on the floor sometimes.

If the weapon is not an artefact and its "brand quality" is below 1d6-1, reroll it, and repeat until it isn't below 1d6-1 (the 1d6-1 is rerolled every time too). Brand quality table:
Pain: [your integer Necromancy skill] / 2
Speed on melee weapons: 5
Vorpal on ranged weapons: 5
Penetration: 4
Electrocution, distortion, holy wrath (wtf), reaping: 3
Speed on ranged weapons: 3
Chaos: 2
No brand: 0
All others: 1

After that, if the weapon is not an artefact and the brand has already been seen on that weapon type, there is an 80% chance of rerolling the brand; this is repeated until an unseen brand appears or that 80% chance fails.

The weapon's enchantment is set to max([floor enchantment],1d2-1). If you acquired a giant club or giant spiked club, it has a 24/25 chance of being made a randart, since it won't get a brand.

In conclusion, acquirement is stupid.
Last edited by duvessa on Tuesday, 25th July 2017, 23:18, edited 3 times in total.

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Halls Hopper

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 04:06

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

That's some fairly impressive code diving. Typically when a rabbit hole is that deep, I spend 20 minutes on it then just ask someone on IRC to explain it to me.
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Abyss Ambulator

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 04:26

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Great work! Now make some patches!

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Slime Squisher

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 10:42

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

That's a top quality post right there.
Judging by the flowchart, most of the acquirements should be used on wands and weapons. What happened to the old "always acquire armour" mantra? Was it never true to begin with?
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 11:03

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

It was never true.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 14:05

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

winners want wands
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Abyss Ambulator

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 15:17

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

I'm still mad that shields are in the armor category. They don't use armor skill, don't give AC without an ego, etc. Not sure if it was intentional to dilute armor acquirement by doing this.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 15:22

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

I agree, they should be in weapons category because you wield them.
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Spider Stomper

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 15:44

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

and there I was, always aquireing books or jewlery...
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 16:15

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

ZoFy wrote:That's a top quality post right there.
Judging by the flowchart, most of the acquirements should be used on wands and weapons. What happened to the old "always acquire armour" mantra? Was it never true to begin with?
I don't think that mantra ever existed. It was "always acquire jewellery" until wand and armour acquirement were buffed, then it was (and still is) "acquire wand".


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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 16:31

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

It actually did exist, maybe not on Tavern though, but it was really common, and really bad.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 16:46

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Tavern didn't exist at all back when jewellery acquirement was the best.

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Vestibule Violator

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 17:36

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Two questions:

Are wands effected at all by having other wands previously identified. ie, does having more wands already ID'ed increase the chance of getting heal wounds/haste?

Also, if not, than what is the exact chance of acquiring heal wounds or haste from Acquiring Wand?
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Shoals Surfer

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 17:57

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

All I got out of that was Play Fo.

Is that why I always tend to get the best 2-handers when my weapon skill is high on first try?
If I have full armour slots, and weapon is low it's fun to gamble for a nice plate.

Tomb Titivator

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 17:57

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Tiktacy wrote:Two questions:

Are wands effected at all by having other wands previously identified. ie, does having more wands already ID'ed increase the chance of getting heal wounds/haste?

Also, if not, than what is the exact chance of acquiring heal wounds or haste from Acquiring Wand?

Yes. You are more likely to get items of the type that you have not seen yet.

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 20:20

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

It's not true that you should always use a scroll of acquirement right away. Here is a very simple scenario where you want to wait:

You decide that wand is the best choice. You do not have wands of haste or heal wounds. You do however have potions of haste and heal wounds. You decide to not read the scroll yet, because you will identify more unknown wands and raise your chance of getting something good from wand acquirement.

Admittedly this is the only situation where I wait.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 20:31

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

That scenario is only the case if for some reason you consider wands other than heal wounds and hasting to be completely useless.

Tomb Titivator

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Post Saturday, 28th May 2016, 21:10

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

They have never seemed very useful beyond the early game. Then again, I do not usually level evocations past 8 to 10 often without some other reason.
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 01:07

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

I often have excess wands of not HW/Hasting anyway, so duplicate wands are kinda of useless, even if they have different elemental damage.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 02:13

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Acid, enslavement, paralysis wands are very good all game (other hex wands are okay too but para/enslave are better so if you have enslave/para the other hex wands aren't useful). They're also super good early so you should acquire wand quickly so that if you get one of these you can get even more use out of it than you would if you wait.
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Pandemonium Purger

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 05:58

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

crate wrote:Acid, enslavement, paralysis wands are very good all game (other hex wands are okay too but para/enslave are better so if you have enslave/para the other hex wands aren't useful). They're also super good early so you should acquire wand quickly so that if you get one of these you can get even more use out of it than you would if you wait.

Right, but that second wand of acid is useless untill you use the first, and a wand of confusion isn't that great if you already have para, etc. Attack wands are good, but extras stop being useful fast.
http://crawl.akrasiac.org/scoring/playe ... speon.html. I started playing in 0.16.1
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 06:06

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

good reason to acquire them early!

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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 12:47

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

duvessa wrote:If that item isn't an artefact, and the exact subtype (e.g. helmet, hat, chain mail) has been seen before with the same ego, there's a 2/3 chance of the acquirement starting over, unless it's already made a lot of attempts in which case the chance gets lower (after 20 tries it won't start over any more).

Does "seen before"require that the item be identified?

If so, does that mean that, before doing late game armor acquirements, one can increase the artifact chance by trekking back through the dungeon and trying on every blue armor and aux?

Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 13:02

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Otherwise, you get either something good, or a stone of tremors, chosen from this weighted list:

Reasons why Stone of Tremors is good:
It makes nice caves in the terrain for you to hide in or possibly run away through
Falling rubble smashes up lots of enemies.
Some enemies get sucked down to the next level. Same as killing them basically.
You get some beefy guys who are totally immune to fire, such as from Lamp, immolation, and oofs.


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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 13:34

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Stone is removed in trunk.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Sunday, 29th May 2016, 17:52

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Rast wrote:
duvessa wrote:If that item isn't an artefact, and the exact subtype (e.g. helmet, hat, chain mail) has been seen before with the same ego, there's a 2/3 chance of the acquirement starting over, unless it's already made a lot of attempts in which case the chance gets lower (after 20 tries it won't start over any more).

Does "seen before"require that the item be identified?

If so, does that mean that, before doing late game armor acquirements, one can increase the artifact chance by trekking back through the dungeon and trying on every blue armor and aux?

Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Monday, 30th May 2016, 02:50

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

tabstorm wrote:I'm still mad that shields are in the armor category. They don't use armor skill, don't give AC without an ego, etc. Not sure if it was intentional to dilute armor acquirement by doing this.

Not as bad as manuals and spellbooks being in the same category

Dungeon Master

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Post Thursday, 2nd June 2016, 21:29

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

rods and staves being together is stranger, to me
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Halls Hopper

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Post Thursday, 2nd June 2016, 21:49

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Some staves are affected by evocations, at least
remove handsome distillation

Dungeon Master

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Post Thursday, 2nd June 2016, 22:09

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

duvessa wrote:This is a good time to mention that integer skill levels are still used all over the place, and acquirement is an example - all the acquirements here look at only integer skill levels. Perhaps I sound like a broken record at this point, but "skill levels are smooth" is a lie and I really wish people would stop telling it and believing it.

I've fixed all cases where pure integer skills are used in acquirement; please feel free to report others. Skimming over grep didn't spot any other obvious problems, but i'm sure there are some lurking.

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duvessa, ZoFy

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Post Thursday, 2nd June 2016, 22:21

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

also, i removed knows_and_likes_magic.

Slime Squisher

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Post Thursday, 2nd June 2016, 22:21

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Misc acquirement weights got changed in trunk a few days ago. Changes, Wonders and Defence are gone, instead you get Destruction, War and Escape (so the Nemelex ones), all at weight 4 instead of 2. Link to the commit: https://github.com/crawl/crawl/commit/4 ... 5b65f7bdde

Great thread by the way, found its place in my bookmarks.
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 21st December 2016, 08:30

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Any chance of updating this, and especially the flowchart?
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Airwolf, Cimanyd, luckless

Crypt Cleanser

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Post Thursday, 22nd December 2016, 10:03

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Just disregard the wand block and the rod block into staff (rods are now in evo acq), and probably ignore the love sacrifice question. Otherwise nothing changed. Misc means evo, obviously.
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Snake Sneak

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Post Thursday, 22nd December 2016, 18:09

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Staff > "Is it really your highest spell skill, including Spellcasting?" is gone now, too.
remove Siegurt's signature

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Thursday, 22nd December 2016, 18:47

Re: Full acquirement spoiler

Sprucery wrote:Any chance of updating this, and especially the flowchart?
The point was to help convince devs to work on making acquirement less stupid, and now they're doing that. I will only update it if it looks like they're going to stop improving acquirement.

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nago, Sprucery, VeryAngryFelid

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