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Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th June 2020, 07:10
by Blyxx
Hi all, just wanted to post here that there is a fairly new Discord server devoted to hosting weekly Crawl challenges. There are server ranks to rise through and there is even a $ prize (usually $10USD but this week is $30USD!).

So far the format has been based on a species/background combo that's selected for everyone to play. Play as many games as you want within the timeframe and post a screenshot of your best score to the Scores channel. High score wins.

This week there is a twist, everyone is playing the same seed. It's pretty fun to have a shared dungeon, can throw out tips and in the event of a do-over, you have a nice advantage.

Please PM me if you'd like an invite link to the server so you can join the challenge! It might make a good warm-up for the 0.25 tournament?

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th June 2020, 19:16
by Siegurt
Blyxx wrote:Hi all, just wanted to post here that there is a fairly new Discord server devoted to hosting weekly Crawl challenges. There are server ranks to rise through and there is even a $ prize (usually $10USD but this week is $30USD!).

So far the format has been based on a species/background combo that's selected for everyone to play. Play as many games as you want within the timeframe and post a screenshot of your best score to the Scores channel. High score wins.

This week there is a twist, everyone is playing the same seed. It's pretty fun to have a shared dungeon, can throw out tips and in the event of a do-over, you have a nice advantage.

Please PM me if you'd like an invite link to the server so you can join the challenge! It might make a good warm-up for the 0.25 tournament?

So whenever there's a cash prize for a contest involved, I have to ask "whose funding this, and why is it not a scam", because there are a *lot* of scams that involve someone "sending you money" in such a way that you actually lose a bunch of money instead.

So please explain who is sponsoring a cash prize for this and how we can get public information about it/them, or I'm going to rate this "likely a scam". Nobody is handing out piles of cash anonymously to get people to play DCSS.

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th June 2020, 19:47
by le_nerd
10$/monthly might just be a private sponsor who wishes to incentivice people to play more. But sure, lets keep this hopefully very nice gesture accountable.

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Tuesday, 9th June 2020, 20:17
by Blyxx
My introduction to the server was like this: I was playing a game of Crawl on CAO and a spectator messaged me and said he is sponsoring a weekly competition for a $10 prize that he is funding himself. He sent a link to the Discord server.

I joined the server and didn't post anything right away, just waited to see how it looked.

There were only a few players on it, I went ahead and made a character and posted a score and won. The admin contacted me and offered to send money through Paypal. I don't have a Paypal and was not really after the $10, so I offered to "pay it forward" to the next week.

I won the second week's competition again, so I did the same thing.

By this time, I'd had a chance to chat with the admin and the players and get a feel for things. My impression is that he is just a guy who enjoys Crawl and would like to build up a community around friendly competition.

He asked myself and a couple of other players if we'd be willing to help advertise the server to bring in more competition and I thought one way would be to dust off my Tavern account.

I am not sure how to address scam concerns since I did not accept my prize. But I don't think players of Crawl are a particularly ripe target for scamming, and I'm sure there are many players like myself whose incentive would be driven by the idea of friendly competition and community rather than the $10 prize?

If you have concerns that you'd prefer be addressed directly by the discord server admin, I'll ask him to create a Tavern account and post here.

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Wednesday, 10th June 2020, 00:01
by Siegurt
Blyxx wrote:My introduction to the server was like this: I was playing a game of Crawl on CAO and a spectator messaged me and said he is sponsoring a weekly competition for a $10 prize that he is funding himself. He sent a link to the Discord server.

I joined the server and didn't post anything right away, just waited to see how it looked.

There were only a few players on it, I went ahead and made a character and posted a score and won. The admin contacted me and offered to send money through Paypal. I don't have a Paypal and was not really after the $10, so I offered to "pay it forward" to the next week.

I won the second week's competition again, so I did the same thing.

By this time, I'd had a chance to chat with the admin and the players and get a feel for things. My impression is that he is just a guy who enjoys Crawl and would like to build up a community around friendly competition.

He asked myself and a couple of other players if we'd be willing to help advertise the server to bring in more competition and I thought one way would be to dust off my Tavern account.

I am not sure how to address scam concerns since I did not accept my prize. But I don't think players of Crawl are a particularly ripe target for scamming, and I'm sure there are many players like myself whose incentive would be driven by the idea of friendly competition and community rather than the $10 prize?

If you have concerns that you'd prefer be addressed directly by the discord server admin, I'll ask him to create a Tavern account and post here.

Well, "sending money through paypal" goes a long way to address possible concerns, paypal has a fairly robust internet-facing service specifically for securing sending payments over the internet. If this was some guy asking for bank routing information I would still be concerned, but if there's no banking information exchanged then I'm less concerned.

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Wednesday, 10th June 2020, 00:06
by Siegurt
Blyxx wrote: I'll ask him to create a Tavern account and post here.

Also I think the new account creation might still be disabled.

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Wednesday, 10th June 2020, 04:39
by Blyxx
He reached out to Gammafunk on the roguelikes discord, sounds like they may be able to help him make an account.

A lot of people joined the server today, has been pretty active chat-wise and lots of people have great suggestions for improvements.

Re: Weekly Dungeons Discord server

PostPosted: Thursday, 11th June 2020, 14:49
by FakerFangirl
Sounds awesome!