CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

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Dungeon Master

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Post Thursday, 8th October 2015, 21:27

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

So D:1 is pretty easy -- I train only Conjurations. I start every fight with spit, ideally on a sleeping target for better accuracy, then use MD until it drops. I'm able to break up jackal packs and no gnolls spawned, so I get to XL2 w/o incident, and from there Wz has a pretty easy start. On D:2 I see Dith and immediately sign up, then remember that Dith shuts down Conjure Flame. Bad news. On D:3 I find a short sword of protection, which I'll end up wielding almost exclusively until D:14, when I find something better.

Once Conjurations hit 6 and MD is at max power, I switch to training air/poison to level 3, spellcasting to level 4, and hexes to level 2. I use Slow pretty often to get away from bad situations before Meph comes online, and also when Meph is too noisy, expensive, or unreliable. On D:4 I find something amazing: +4 robe "Syezer" {Int-2 Dex+7 Slay+2 Stlth-}. I'm still wearing it as of this account.

The rest of my early game training is Fighting to 5, then Dodging/Stealth to 6, then Tloc and Summoning to 2 to round out the starting book. I find some potentially better offensive weapons -- a whip of pain with no necromancy spells, then a dagger of elec on D:8, then a better dagger of elec. I'm thinking of going in a stabby direction when I find the book of dreams, which gives me Hibernation and Shadow Creatures. This should be a sign to go into stabbing, but I don't like the lack of Confusion and I don't like pairing stabbing and conjurations much, so I hold out on training SBl. I raise Spellcasting to 8, learn Shadow Creatures, get Shields to 4 to use a +0 buckler, and Summonings to 10. Somewhere in here I get some more dodging too.

After clearing D:10 I head to Orc on D:9, and blast through everything with Meph + weak stabs and poison needles. By this point Dith is mimicking my casting, so magic dart is starting to do okay damage. I buy a +6 dex ring to get decent EV as well as Cekugob, which periodically I forget about and then nearly get into trouble. I also drink a potion of beneficial mutation and get horns, losing my +2 helmet, on which I spent 2 ?EA. I already blew 1 ?EA on my starting hat, so I retrieve it, muttering curses. Those three ?EA will be the last I see until I enter the Abyss. I buy a +2 ring of slaying too, since I don't have another good ring.

After leaving Orc, I find the book of Conjurations on d:11 and learn Battlesphere and Fulminant Prism. Now I finally have a decent offense. I start training Conjurations and Charms, eventually taking Charms to 7 and Conjurations to 13 by about D:15. I decide to go in on my +3 dagger of elec on D:14, and immediately afterward find +11 trident "Aschunwa" {pierce, rN+ MP+9 Int+7 Dex-2}, which changes my plans. With D over, I need to pick something much harder to do. I decide on the Elven Halls, and buy a ring of teleport in case I get banished.

In the Elven Halls, I finish training Conjurations at 14, then start on Evo/Stealth -- I'm gonna need the Evo for a good success rate on my ring of teleport and I'm going to need the stealth to survive in the Abyss. 5 Evo gets me a 50% fail rate, and that's good enough. Stealth gets to 10, and then I run into Aizul. I don't have much in the way of MR and I don't have a strong offense, so it quickly takes me to half health. I start delaying with summons and make my way back, but Aizul is too fast and I'm out of mana -- I burn a blink scroll and then start considering my second and last one, or maybe one of my few scrolls of teleport. Instead I evoke the legendary deck of escape I picked up, hoping for some help. Draw one: nothing useful. Draw two: nothing useful. Draw three: Aizul gets banished.

Soon after I run into Nikola while not in great shape to fight. I forget that Cekugob gives rElec, and random teleport my ass away, using summons to pad out possible chain lightning. I appear nearby, and have to burn my last blink scroll to get to the stairs safely. I start IDing random artefact armour and find a +1 leather w/ rElec and then come back and finish Nikola using it, then switch back to my robe.

I get 6 Invo to make Shadow Form possible if not likely, and raise Stealth to 13 along with a couple polearm levels, get 10 Spellcasting and learn IMB, and then see that I can afford some MR. I go back and purchase a ring of MR and the amulet of the Sun {Inacc MR+}, then head back to Elf. Almost immediately after I find a sorceror, I forget to put on the MR equipment, and I get banished. Luckily my teleport-and-stealth plan gets me to an exit without serious incident, and I exercise more caution for the rest of the halls. Elf:3 holds no treasures of note, sadly, aside from the amulet of Riho {Inacc rF+}. With magic dart + Battlesphere, I can do decent damage even w/ inaccuracy.

I head to the Depths and start training Polearms/Fighting so I can finally have a good backup plan when low on mana. I end up having to work pretty hard to break up packs and teleport w/ my ring when I start running low on mana since my offense is so inefficient. I end up teleporting nearly 30 times via ring during Depths.

On depths 3 I train some Armour skill for the +1 AC boost and finally get an ego buckler -- protection. I finish training Polearms to 14, learn Phase Shift and Bolt of Cold and start training Ice Magic -- just in time to find a manual of Polearms. After clearing U:5 I check out some more ego and artefact items from shops, and find nothing of value -- a +0 cloak of invis would be great if I had two spare ?EA, and +1 gloves of archery are a step down from my +2 gloves when I have no ranged weapon. At this point I still have no barding and I still haven't cured my horns mutation. I found my 6th wand of the game on U:1 or so (wand of frost). Loot has been weird. On the plus side, I got controlled blink and started training up Translocations.

With Depths clear, it was time to go for my first rune. I jumped into an Abyss portal, and spent 2000 turns wandering Abyss:1. The two highlights were finishing off Aizul and getting down to 25% health against a bone dragon that refused to die. Abyss:2 took a scant 200 turns. Abyss:3 turned up the heat considerably -- liches, ancient liches, more liches, and a few flavors of torment had me teleporting rapidly. Eventually I found a vault that was a block of glass filled with sleeping spatial maelstroms, with a rune hiding underneath. I knew apportation, so it seemed doable.

The maelstroms began to notice me and wake up a few at a time, carving paths towards me, but I didn't want to fight them -- it took 1/3 of my mana to kill just one, and there were at least a dozen. I shouted to wake the rest of them so they'd clear out the glass and let me apport the rune, but as soon as they did the beatings from the nearer maelstroms activated my fog blood and blocked my vision of the rune. I blinked, getting a new angle, and was able to get an angle on the runes as the maelstroms began to surround me again. I picked it up, activated teleport, and blinked again -- since the solid mass of maelstroms, vortexes, and fog took up most of the screen, I had good odds of moving further away. Once I was clear, I started sluggishly walking away -- I didn't dare random blink again for fear of ending up back in the horde, and my health was still at about 60%. I managed to prolong the chase enough that I made it away in decent shape, and then made my way to the exit.

I intend to visit the vaults next and maybe pick up a barding or cure my mutations.

For this message the author Lasty has received thanks: 2
BugHunter, Kramin42

Cocytus Succeeder

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Post Thursday, 8th October 2015, 21:50

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

Nice game description but why depths (and maybe even elf) before vaults?
screw it I hate this character I'm gonna go melee Gastronok

Vestibule Violator

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Post Thursday, 8th October 2015, 22:29

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

Vaults is runelocked. He's going for lairless (or at least, rune before lair.)
Usual account: pblur on kelbi

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Dungeon Master

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Post Thursday, 8th October 2015, 22:30

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

Because I wanted the extra XP and loot before going into the Abyss. Stealth is great and all, but being slow means so many more situations are absolutely terrible. I prefer the more predictable situations in Elf and Depths to the danger spikes that sometimes happen in the Abyss.

Also, Meph and Battlesphere each independently slaughter elves.

Shoals Surfer

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Post Friday, 9th October 2015, 05:13

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

As I noted, a hard early game, with some trouble with swamp rats, etc, and good luck early mid-game, with an early altar of Veh, a dagger of electricity, and some potions of beneficial mutation (5 in all), that gave me breath poison gas, which combined nicely with Veh's early gift of ignite poison.

This made the mid-game pretty easy, and Veh gifts, plus book drops moved me to a ice/air caster with short blade backup.

Two runes, elf cleared, V cleared to V4, then the Enchantress cast me into the abyss (despite MR++++), where I picked up a berserk mutation, which ended up killing me (berserk, doubly slow, delayed teleport, picked apart).

Despite that, fun game!

http://crawl.berotato.org/crawl/morgue/ ... 045904.txt

Dungeon Master

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Post Friday, 9th October 2015, 06:18

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

HenryFlower wrote:The Enchantress cast me into the abyss (despite MR++++)

Only the spell Banishment checks MR. Distortion weapons work on anything, regardless of MR, XL, HD, whatever. That's why you can banish orbs of fire and so on. Likewise, the Enchantress's flail of distortion can banish you.

Dungeon Master

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Post Friday, 9th October 2015, 15:00

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

Continuing the story above, with the abyssal rune I was able to get into the Vaults finally. The vaults were a cakewalk compared to the areas I'd already cleared, and they were also more generous in loot: I found a store with three acquirement scrolls, one single and one two-stack. After clearing one particularly nasty vault I had enough gold to get one of the scrolls and finally get a barding -- of rF+, no less. I immediately invested my 5th ?EA (scrounged from the Abyss) into it, and suddenly I had a solid AC.

Vaults:5 started with me controlled-blinking north, followed by something triggering an alarm trap in the south and waking up every single monster on the level. I blinked north again hoping to shed pursuit; it worked, but it didn't stop a parade of wandering monsters from finding me. After killing a few, I was forced to read mapping and try to teleport to better terrain. No matter where I landed, the parade of monsters was constant; V:5 is really full when literally everything is awake and looking for you. In the course of the roulette I picked up the silver rune and then next time I found myself near the stairs cblinked to them and left. In the process I lost my entire stack of heal wounds potions, a scroll of blinking, and a potion of haste, resources I really couldn't afford to lose. Nevertheless, I went back in.

There was a vault warden next to me and a large swarm nearby. I took the opportunity to nuke the warden and stairdance up a few enemies to thin things out. The next time I went down I had a teleport active to instantly relocate. I was able to get to a quadrant corner with only a few enemies in sight and started gunning them down. As I did, a steady trickle of new foes kept coming, and my health and resources started getting low again, but I managed to stem the tide and then seal myself into a doored chamber. Monsters kept wandering by to open the doors, and I would let them in, making sure to kill them where they wouldn't block the doors. Eventually I made it back to full health. Beachhead achieved.

Once I had a beachhead, clearing the rest was trivial, but not much loot of value was found. I did get another scroll of acquirement and used it to get a wand of teleport, which was nice given my dwindling stacks. I did get a potion of cure mutation though, and used it to get back my ability to wear helmets. I found that I even had a +2 helmet of int waiting back in elf:3.

After that I needed one more rune, and Pan seemed like the easiest option. The first level had a ton of cacodemons and neqoxecs, and it took me a long time to find an exit. In the process I got two -2 dex mutations, which was irritating. The exit popped me out in . . . holy pan. Not my first choice, since daevas and their shields were bad news for me if I didn't have the mana to bolt of cold them, but it did have a guaranteed rune. I had a number of close shaves with the continual parade of daevas and angels until I cleared out a bit of space; I also had a few rough teleports while trying to get away from the Seraph. Still, I got the cmut potions from the Zin shrine to get my Dex back, and I got the demonic rune. Somewhere in the process I also managed to pick up enough ?EA to finish off my barding.

After leaving Holy Pan, I found myself in LOS of Bob Loblaw Lom Lobom. I initiated a teleport, apported his rune, picked it up, and vanished. From there I found an Abyss exit, and then made it back to the Dungeon.

I head to Zot, using mapping to map out all the levels after the first. By this point, none of the monsters is particularly scary. On Zot 5 I killed a few dragons at the entry, then rested up, at which point someone in IRC pointed out that there's a 100-turn orb ninja bonus. I was on a staircase with nothing explored at 91 turns. I was at about 65% mana. I decided, YOLO, might as well try it, and initiated a teleport. I got placed in the antechamber, in sight of the three sleeping orb guardians, and with 5 turns left decided to try again. This time I got placed in the right lung, pretty far from the chamber. I wasn't going to make it, but I decided I should honor the spirit of the thing and started controlled blinking across the lung. This was my first mistake, since I could have used shadow step on the sleeping enemies and save mana/contam. I also wasn't hasted at this point, since Haste would have meant slower teleports per turn.

On the way I spotted a teleport trap I could use as an escape route. Happily, my high stealth meant most of the enemies stayed asleep -- until I apported the orb. I picked it up and took a few steps into the teleport trap, only to end up in the left lung. I started another teleport and started working on my defenses and defensive maneuvering, but the liches and orb guardians and orbs of fire were starting to chip away at my health. A series of teleports followed, at least five, maybe more -- I lost count. Eventually, battered and bruised, at 70/200+ health I finally teleported to a portion of Zot:5 outside the orb wing, but far away from the stairs. I drilled through a wall to reach the nearest stairs and found a draconian pack -- all purple, so ?fear wouldn't help.

That was when I made another mistake. I decided to kill them with my ~20 remaining mana instead of using Dispersal to bully through. It was going well until I took a step to adjust LOS and . . . got teleported right back into one of the lungs. I started another teleport, cursing a blue streak, made my way into a less-exposed position, and started drawing desperately from decks of escape. I managed to pick up Fortitude, but my health was getting close to single digits and I had absolutely no way to get more. . . until Elixir started giving me 40 hp/turn. Suddenly I was in the clear, I was even back to full health! But I couldn't leave the orb wing. Every teleport brought me back again, until finally, I got teleported back out into the same hinterland corner I was in during the first escape. Along with a brimstone fiend, an orb guardian, and some other jerks. At this point my Elixir had worn off and my health was back to 2 digits. A couple orbs of destruction finished the brimstone fiend, but by then an ancient lich popped into view. It put me to sleep (should have switched from rF+ amulet of inaccuracy to MR+ amulet of inaccuracy I guess), and an orb guardian woke me up by hitting me for 78 damage, dropping me to ~15 health. I tried some desperate things, but died a few turns later.

Game over, 9 points out of 10, no bonus for skipping Lair. :'(

I've been going over the scenario for a while now, and I think these are the mistakes I made:
1: obviously, should not have YOLO-teleported. This character would have had no trouble getting the orb by clearing a path.
2: after I realized I couldn't get the orb in time I should have drunk haste immediately.
3: I should have used shadow-step to maneuver instead of cblink.
4: I should have used shadowform while I still had mana.
5: When I got into a lung near the antechamber, I should have Haste/Dispersal-bullied my way through and ran for it instead of teleporting again.
6: When I teleported out, I should have used dispersal instead of trying to kill the draconians.
7: When I saw the ancient lich, I should have switched in MR+.

I probably could have survived that, even with the terrible run of teleportation luck if I had done a better job of using my options.

Edit: A few things really hurt, including the lack of access to Passage of Golubria, lack of Ozo's Armour, and lack of any form of regen. Have those things would have made this way easier.

For this message the author Lasty has received thanks: 3
greedo, Kramin42, WalkerBoh
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Post Friday, 9th October 2015, 15:08

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

Lasty wrote:Bob Loblaw Lom Lobom

This alone made adding [strike] worthwhile.
I am not a very good player. My mouth is a foul pit of LIES. KNOW THIS.

Spider Stomper

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Post Saturday, 10th October 2015, 03:21

Re: CSDC: Week 1, Season 4 NaWz

So, just to make sure, you don't actually have to win to get the orb in 100 turns of zot:5 right? Probably going to risk it since I didn't do anything interesting this run xD

Edit: heh.. Ru's Horror goes up insanely during an orb ninja. -16 :3 Monsters! Monsters everywhere!

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