Official tournaments, but also any competition, challenge of the week or other player initiative for competitive crawling.

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 05:09

Post Thursday, 15th January 2015, 11:06


DieselRobin is now over! Team scores:
1. ATARI (Basil, elliptic, simmarine) with 88 points
2. NOOBCANOE (Kramin, cribozai, chequers) with 87 points
3. If You Ain't First Yer Lasty (WalkerBoh, Lasty, caleba) with 83 points (won tiebreaker vs team Bird)
4. Bird (Zooty, Yermak, inspector071) with 83 points
5. Milk E. Fresh (MorganLeah, halberd, snack, rast) with 78 points
6. Ignus (Nivim, mopl, ldf) with 71 points
7. bat (DrKe, kvaak, duvessa) with 70 points

Using dark magicks I have re-animated DieselRobin!

The idea of DieselRobin is to form teams of three and then play chars in turns, rotating to the next player when certain missions are completed. Each team gets 3 chars to play in parallel which are randomly assigned from a pool of nominated chars (every player nominates one).

I'll be running this in the channel ##dieselrobin on chat.freenode.net with a bot, Kramell, which will keep track of your scores and make progress announcements when you complete missions. To sign up, get yourself a team of three and pick a team name, then go to ##dieselrobin and enter:

$signup <team name>

and it will sign you up to that team using your IRC nick.

If you can't find a team and/or want to be randomly grouped with some other players then tell me here or in ##dieselrobin. I'll do the grouping on the 17th so tell me before then. After you've been grouped you can pick a team name together and sign up in ##dieselrobin as above.

Signups close on the 22nd, and DieselRobin starts at 0 AM the 24th of Jan UTC and ends at the same time on the 7th of Feb.

Important links: FULL RULES WORKFLOW (how to sign up and nominate a char and other stuff)

For getting on freenode IRC you can use the web client or another client of your choice.

Feel free to leave a comment if you are intending to participate, so I can know how many people there'll be :) (you still need to sign up on IRC after getting a team though).
Last edited by Kramin42 on Wednesday, 11th February 2015, 05:45, edited 5 times in total.

For this message the author Kramin42 has received thanks: 7
and into, johnstein, McGeekster, mikee, rockygargoyle, triorph, WalkerBoh

Zot Zealot

Posts: 1031

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 19:52

Location: AZ, USA

Post Friday, 16th January 2015, 05:54

Re: DIESELROBIN (starts 24th Jan)

Thanks for running this, Kramin!

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 05:09

Post Saturday, 17th January 2015, 02:38

Re: DIESELROBIN (starts 24th Jan)

Note: if the mooo.com domain is blocked at your work, try http://kramell-kramin.rhcloud.com/dieselrobin/rules (not 100% sure if this will work either though).

Dungeon Master

Posts: 3160

Joined: Sunday, 5th August 2012, 14:52

Post Sunday, 18th January 2015, 13:50

Re: DIESELROBIN (starts 24th Jan)

This sounds like a ton of fun. Thanks for putting it together!

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 05:09

Post Monday, 19th January 2015, 21:33

DIESELROBIN (starts 24th Jan, Signup now)

Your welcome, Lasty and WalkerBoh :)

If there is anyone who would like to play but doesn't have a team, feel free to pop in to ##dieselrobin, there are a couple of players still looking for teams there who you could team up with.

Signups close on the 22nd. Not much time to go now, get in quick! :D

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 05:09

Post Tuesday, 20th January 2015, 22:06

Re: DIESELROBIN (starts 24th Jan, Signup now)

So I finally got 6 players in ??teamless and randomised them into two teams:

Random team 1: inspector071, Zooty, SkaryMonk

Random team 2: Nivim, McGeekster, ldf

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 05:09

Post Sunday, 8th February 2015, 01:57


Congratulations to Basil, elliptic, and simmarine on team ATARI for winning DieselRobin! See OP for all the scores.

AC/EV/SH for the winning chars that were diesel (ac>45 ev>30) 8-)
3 games for dieselrobin (won diesel): HOLYSHIT [51, 55, 11], KILLINGSPREE [47, 54, 23], TIT [52, 57, 38]

Halls Hopper

Posts: 76

Joined: Wednesday, 5th March 2014, 21:07

Post Sunday, 8th February 2015, 03:01


That was fun. Hope you do another sometime.

Ziggurat Zagger

Posts: 8786

Joined: Sunday, 5th May 2013, 08:25

Post Sunday, 8th February 2015, 03:35


I finally got the DIESELROBIN logo off my old hard drive. Here are both versions (original version and beefy arm version).
Spoiler: show
And one you can have Kramell use in ##dieselrobin.
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Unfortunately I seem to have lost the favicon.

For this message the author duvessa has received thanks:

Dungeon Master

Posts: 634

Joined: Sunday, 22nd September 2013, 14:46

Post Sunday, 8th February 2015, 18:25


Spoiler: show

For this message the author wheals has received thanks: 4
and into, Arrhythmia, Kramin42, Siegurt

Snake Sneak

Posts: 128

Joined: Friday, 26th April 2013, 05:09

Post Wednesday, 11th February 2015, 05:50


4. FUCKINGMURDERSHRIKE the Cutter (L8 MuCK of Xom), blasted by a fire giant (bolt of fire) (summoned by Xom) on D:5 on 2015-02-11 05:37:59, with 1525 points after 12185 turns and 0:33:25.

RIP team Bird

Team "If You Ain't First Yer Lasty" has won the tiebreaker (WalkerBoh fluked the MuCK to lair) and has 3rd place all to themselves.

Zot Zealot

Posts: 1031

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Location: AZ, USA

Post Friday, 13th February 2015, 02:28


Fluked? How dare you! We worked long and hard to not have Xom summon a D:5 fire giant. And we would've won too, if it weren't for those darn kids.
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Ziggurat Zagger

Posts: 4478

Joined: Wednesday, 23rd October 2013, 07:56

Post Friday, 13th February 2015, 11:54


WalkerBoh wrote:We worked long and hard to not have Xom summon a D:5 fire giant.

Could you give the basic steps for how to achieve this and does it work for D:4 Brimstone Fiends as well (RIP TeCK)?
Bloat: 17: RaRoPrPh{GuStGnCa}{ArEtZoNb}KiPaAnDrBXDBQOApDaMeAGBiOCNKAsFnFlUs{RoBoNeWi

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