I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

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Post Thursday, 7th November 2013, 06:10

I want to build official web-tile server in Korea


First of all, my Eng. skill is so poor, sorry about that.

I built my private stonesoup web-tile server in Korea. (
But some of users complain to me that is not recorded as official score.
And official web-tile server is much slower than my server.
So, I decided to make "official" web-tile server rather than "private".

For this, what should I do?

P.S. Only first page is Korean + ENG and other things are ONLY ENG.

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Tomb Titivator

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Post Friday, 8th November 2013, 13:29

Re: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

Do you have IRC? Probably best to ask on ##crawl-dev on Freenode. Most of the server admins hang out there and don't come by the forums often.

I think it would be great to have an official server in Asia :D

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Post Friday, 8th November 2013, 16:48

Re: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

DracheReborn wrote:Do you have IRC? Probably best to ask on ##crawl-dev on Freenode. Most of the server admins hang out there and don't come by the forums often.

I think it would be great to have an official server in Asia :D

OK. Thanks.

I will try IRC.

Dungeon Master

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Post Friday, 8th November 2013, 18:57

Re: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

sd1989: Thanks for the offer, a Korean server would be awesome to have. (Baduk and taek won do for life :) )
Please be persistent with ##crawl-dev: several regulars know how to operate Crawl servers, they may just not be online all the time.


Shoals Surfer

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Post Sunday, 15th December 2013, 08:49

Re: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

I've been testing this Korean server and it works great.. I'm an American in China, and it's much faster to connect here than to the US servers. I hope it gets official soon.
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