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Looking for a favor

PostPosted: Monday, 29th July 2013, 16:57
by cjo
Hi folks,

I'm hoping to find someone to review a patch submission. It displays monster spells when the monster is examined using the "xv" command. If the monster has multiple books, the message says that the monster "has mastered one of the following books" and lists the spells in each book. (This was to avoid spoiling the player about which version of certain monsters they were facing.)

The patch works and is well-commented. But I'm new, so I could still have missed some detail.

So far, on IRC, I found one person who pointed out some formatting errors, and another who said they didn't have time but I could get back to them in the future. Before bugging person #2 again, I thought I'd try here. :)

Re: Looking for a favor

PostPosted: Monday, 29th July 2013, 17:12
by galehar
Sounds like a great patch, it's likely to get accepted. Post it on mantis, there's a category for patches.

Re: Looking for a favor

PostPosted: Monday, 29th July 2013, 17:33
by cjo
galehar wrote:Sounds like a great patch, it's likely to get accepted. Post it on mantis, there's a category for patches.

Galehar, it's on mantis: ,but I posted it as a response rather than as a separate entry. Should I repost it?

Re: Looking for a favor

PostPosted: Monday, 29th July 2013, 20:23
by galehar
Oh right, I forgot about the implementable. No need to create a new mantis entry then. You did the right thing by posting it here. Keep bugging folks in ##crawl-dev from time to time and be patient :)