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Can i contribute as Android Developer?

PostPosted: Friday, 9th November 2012, 16:57
by Aristarhys
Hi, i'm amateur android developer, with active account. DCSS was my first roguelike to meet and bring me tons of fun. I want payback to development somehow.

Here list what i'm capable of:
1) C (C++) - i'm C profiecient, but totaly ok with C++, just prefer old functional style.
2) Java - i learn it because of Android, so it maybe not so deep knowledge, but i never get trouble with Java.
3) NDK and JNI - just because C (C++) code runnig on Android, can become C (C++) code running on Iphone (which i don't have).
4) Lua. I compile LuaLib for Android, and embend Lua scripts in C (C++), but scripts was simple, i'm only begginer in that.
5)OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLSL - i wrote simple engine which works with 2d sprites, animation sprites, point srites, text, multipass shaders (like bloom). Know how to work with FBO, buffer objects, simple lighting.
6)Android - i capable of doing simple games and apps for android, using Android UI elements in games (like AlertDialogs for various text inputs, WebView etc). Can do Admob integration, In-app billing.

I use tools like
Visual Studio 2010 + Visual Assist plugin
Eclipse SDK + ADT plugin
Mercurial (HG)

Here is video of some demo project (warning contains ponies)

Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

PostPosted: Friday, 9th November 2012, 17:06
by Galefury
Crawl tiles has been ported to Android: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=5644

Interface patches would probably be welcome. You should coordinate with frogbotherer and galehar. There is also a console port by barbs.

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