New "wholedungeon" sprint map

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Dungeon Dilettante

Posts: 1

Joined: Tuesday, 26th July 2022, 19:59

Post Saturday, 13th August 2022, 09:36

New "wholedungeon" sprint map

Hi everyone,
I'm a big fan of the Sprint mode and so I decided to try and write a new map. It basically contains a highly randomized summary of the whole dungeon, with all the branches, and one room per level. I'm attaching it here if anyone wants to try it. There is also a bug, I think it is like this: if a unique would be generated twice, the second place where it would be generated will become empty. What I expected instead is the game trying to randomly place another unique among those listed. Do you have any idea about how to fix this? Anyway, here's the map.
The map. Remove the txt extension and place it in crawl-ref/source/dat/des/sprint
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Crypt Cleanser

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Joined: Saturday, 12th December 2015, 23:54

Post Thursday, 18th August 2022, 02:43

Re: New "wholedungeon" sprint map

I haven't played this map yet so I won't comment on balance or anything like that. Uniques that have placed already unfortunately do default to not placing a monster; to fix this you can either make all the unique lists different so that it just can't happen or specify a backup monster by doing eg. Kmons: U = Aizul, guardian serpent / Bai Suzhen, storm dragon / etc. This will always place the unique if possible but default to the second monster otherwise (assuming I got this syntax right).

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