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Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Sunday, 6th March 2011, 20:36
by mrbobbyg
I just made my first macro.

And I play wizards.

I can't even begin to think of the keystrokes I've wasted and the times I've died because swiftness and deflect weren't active.

Any facepalms of your own?

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Sunday, 6th March 2011, 21:58
by varkarrus
Macros are for the UNDISCIPLINED.


Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Monday, 7th March 2011, 00:32
by whelen
My first macro was to make magic dart one key instead of two. My pinky was killing me at the time.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Monday, 7th March 2011, 00:47
by szanth
Yeah my first macro was out of necessity; victory dancing. Then I figured having a single key for casting my pellet spell would be convenient. And it was. =D

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Tuesday, 8th March 2011, 05:27
by FlyingPants
Can i make a macro for killing bats.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Tuesday, 8th March 2011, 10:44
by szanth
Generally they come right next to you when you move away from them.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Wednesday, 9th March 2011, 23:42
by mrbobbyg
I double facepalmed today, sticks to snaking my staff of wizardry. Is there a way to make an item immune from StS?

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Wednesday, 9th March 2011, 23:53
by Daydreamer
According to the wiki inscribe it with !D to prevent destruction. Never tried it myself.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Friday, 18th March 2011, 03:55
by Twilight
FlyingPants wrote:Can i make a macro for killing bats.

Yes. You need to macro a key to autofight, which will take a step towards the nearest hostile creature every time you press it, or attack the creature if it's already adjacent.

Turns fighting bats into a 3 second "tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-GOT 'IM!" bit of fun.

Just macro a key to "===hit_closest" (without the quotes).

Also great for large melee battles against easy monsters.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Friday, 18th March 2011, 09:57
by jpeg
Twilight wrote:
FlyingPants wrote:Can i make a macro for killing bats.

Yes. You need to macro a key to autofight, which will take a step towards the nearest hostile creature every time you press it, or attack the creature if it's already adjacent.

Turns fighting bats into a 3 second "tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-GOT 'IM!" bit of fun.

Just macro a key to "===hit_closest" (without the quotes).

Note that in recent trunk, autofight is a proper command (CMD_AUTOFIGHT) that, by default, rests on Tab (Shift-Tab for autofight without moving) and can be remapped using keymaps, macros and keybindings.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Saturday, 19th March 2011, 02:52
by Twilight
Ah, yes, I forgot I it had been remapped in the latest trunk version. I have tab mapped to auto-explore, personally.

Re: Facepalm moment

PostPosted: Saturday, 19th March 2011, 02:59
by mad
Here's my latest facepalm:

Found an ossuary, and having a flaming weapon I was able to make short work of it. I kill the two mummies at the end, and with pride at having cleared it without using a single consumable, I exited out the portal. Leaving all the loot behind a secret door, never to be picked up. D'oh.

More annoying was the time I was playing a MiDK who got up to level 14, which is quite high for me. His bone dragon pets were tearing apart most things. Most notably, I encountered Nikola, and knowing he'd ripped to shreds two of my previous high-level characters decided not to bother facing him. My dragons had other ideas, and as I was walking towards the stairs saw "You feel more experienced" and a few thousand XP in my pool. Later on, I found a portal to an ice cave guarded by ice dragons and was letting the bone dragons tear them up. I stood directly behind one of my bone dragons and ended up dying from a particularly high-powered blast of cold going through my dragon and hitting me to death, being on about 50% hp at the time. YASD indeed.