Temple Termagant
Posts: 8
Joined: Tuesday, 6th December 2011, 13:34
[ C @ @ L ] Fantasy Crawl Tourney MEGATHREAD
Join in the fun game where we pick fantasy teams and predict the top ten players in the Upcoming Tournament!!
Predict the final tournament standings from positions #1 to #10
For each player you select for your top ten list, if they finish in the top ten you get
- 5 points if you manage to predict that player's exact final position
- 3 points if you manage to predict that player's final position +/- 1 place**
- 1 point if you correctly predicted that that player would finish in the top ten
- 0 points if the player finishes outside the top ten
**yeah if you pick someone for 10 and they finish 11 you dont get any points, stop trying to pick holes in the fantasy crawl tourney rules
Players must also submit a prediction for the Total Clan Points Scored By The Winning Team: this will serve to break ties, in the event that two players finish with the same score the person whos tiebreaker is closest to the actual #1 clan's score will win
I wll purchase for the overall winner a game of their choice on the Steam digital distribution platform costing up to 0.0846525014814188 Bitcoins at their present value. (ten United States Dollars).
Other people may contribute prize's if they wish in order to sweeten the pot but theres no obligation a steam game is a pretty solid prize a;lready i feel
You can edit your entry at any point up to close of play May 11th in tournament time (UTC), to give us 24 hours of the tourney to get a feel for how our horses are running and maybe reshuffle some of our picks
Any entry edited for any reason after that cutoff date is void
Bribing top players to intentionally throw game's is encouraged
Side-bets are legal only if arranged through this thread for the entertainment of others
Please submit your entry in this format, heres mine:
theglow's predictions:
1. jeanjacques
2. mikee
3. elliptic
4. pivotal
5. reid
6. Kellhus
7. 78291
8. magistern
9. Bart
10. WalkerBoh
Tiebreaker: 19279
Let's go friends and have a good competition but remember its all in the spirit of fun ok