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What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 01:22
by Link
So i've been reading the wiki and come across stuff like 7d22 for spells and other stuff. However I don't seem to understand what it is, although it seems to correspond to damage. I can't find anything in wiki under spells or spell power, so what is the concept of #d#?

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 01:35
by Link
minmay wrote:7d22 means roll 7 22-sided dice and add the values together

Oh okay, so going from that, the added value is the possible damage?

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 02:44
by Jabberwocky

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 03:12
by Link
Jabberwocky wrote:correct

K, and thank you, that makes more sense now.

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 15:02
by Jeremiah
I don't know if it's just because I'm old that I remember this, but the origin of the concept was from when Dungeons and Dragons was a tabletop roleplaying game that used actual dice with different numbers of sides - eg d12 was a 12-sided die.

Edit: something like this

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 17:45
by Jabberwocky
That's right, and they're still used, even by whippersnappers like me.

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Saturday, 23rd March 2013, 20:18
by cerebovssquire
the last time i was DM, this guy was playing a chaotic evil bard, so he went to a brothel and got a prostitute because that's apparently a very chaotic evil thing to do. we stopped playing when he had chosen a girl and went upstairs with her. anyway next time he asked me if he could change his alignment to chaotic good. i said ok. so the guy gives the prostitute money and just walks off without having sex with her. the same guy later told me that his character would go into the forest to masturbate.

the last time i was a player, i sliced an NPC sailor's cheek open after kiting him with darts, slit his throat and threw his body into the sea. a few days later i met the same sailor in a bar. he continued to beat me in a drinking contest and then kick my ass in a fistfight.

my playgroup sucks

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Monday, 25th March 2013, 22:56
by ZipZipskins
Most D&D playgroups suck, let's get real

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 26th March 2013, 14:50
by njvack
minmay wrote:the last time i tried to run a D&D game one of my players wanted his character to attempt to rape all the other PCs
i don't play D&D anymore

Wow. Just wow. "Hey I'm in a fantasy world where I can be whoever I want! Sweet, I'll be horrible to my friends!"

As GM, you could make sure horrible things happen to the character. Or probably better: break the fourth wall and say "Seriously, not cool."

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Tuesday, 26th March 2013, 20:14
by cerebovssquire
"Hey I'm in a fantasy world where I can be whoever I want! Sweet, I'll be horrible to my friends!"

I'm not going to say that raping fellow PCs is a good idea (seriously what was that guy's problem), but consensual sex between PCs is where real awkwardness is at. :(

If anyone here is planning to become a DM: don't

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 27th March 2013, 08:56
by Grimm

Re: What is the concept of #d#?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 27th March 2013, 22:52
by varsovie
cerebovssquire wrote:I'm not going to say that raping fellow PCs is a good idea

You guys must watch (It's in french, but there is subtitles, better than nothing)

D&D, smart kobolds :D