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Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Friday, 18th February 2011, 12:55
by Bloodfart
So I love crawl.

One of the best games ever and I wish that I could play it all the time; always have the option to dive a littler lower even when i'm on the go!

Problem is i'm now on the go a lot at my age and level of busyness with work and a baby so I can't sit and play crawl much on my pc.

I would pay some good cash on the app store for iPad crawl. If someone makes it they can charge like 50 dollars for the first week and i'll pay. then lower it a bunch soon after.

please make an adult man's dream come true

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Friday, 18th February 2011, 13:05
by Zicher
If you have Internet connection on your iPad and don't mind ASCII, there an option to use iSSH, which is an SSH client for iPad. They you might be able to play on CAO.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Friday, 18th February 2011, 14:38
by Bloodfart
That does sound cool; i'll check it out.

However I didn't enjoy the acsii last time i tried it :(

Maybe i'll have to make a sacrifice to play crawl on iPad.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Friday, 18th February 2011, 17:01
by galehar
Porting crawl to a touch screen interface is on my todo. I hope to be able to do it in the coming months (hope that's vague enough...). Too bad for you I can't stand iStuff closedness and the itunes bloatware, so my target platform is android. But once it's done, porting to iOS shouldn't be too hard.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Saturday, 19th February 2011, 06:40
by Bloodfart
galehar wrote:Porting crawl to a touch screen interface is on my todo. I hope to be able to do it in the coming months (hope that's vague enough...). Too bad for you I can't stand iStuff closedness and the itunes bloatware, so my target platform is android. But once it's done, porting to iOS shouldn't be too hard.

Do you do the coding yourself for the port?

I just launched the newer .8 version of crawl and see that the interface is even more perfect for an iPad with all the extra hotkey buttons in tabs with icons on the side.

Problem with android (or iphone) is that the interface plus map won't all fit together; would be clunky i think.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Saturday, 19th February 2011, 10:02
by galehar
Bloodfart wrote:Do you do the coding yourself for the port?


Bloodfart wrote:I just launched the newer .8 version of crawl and see that the interface is even more perfect for an iPad with all the extra hotkey buttons in tabs with icons on the side.

You bet. I did the code to detach the tabs. So even though I haven't started working directly on the port, I've already started making playing with the mouse more usable. To have a good touch interface, we need to have a smooth mouse based interface first. Just yesterday, I've fixed the casting and firing at monsters by clicking on them. It was really cumbersome and is now quite smooth.

Bloodfart wrote:Problem with android (or iphone) is that the interface plus map won't all fit together; would be clunky i think.

Well, it depends on the device, not the OS. There are android based tablets of various resolutions. The smallest resolution supported by crawl is 800x480, which happens to be the resolution of my 7" andoid based tablet. I think many android phones also use this resolution.
Also, I have plans for the minimap: first, make the map mode (X) full screen (like the console version) and zoomable, so the minimap isn't so crucial. Next, make the minimap and detached tabs (which I call panels now) dynamically configurable.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Saturday, 19th February 2011, 11:15
by Bloodfart
I like the way you think.

Wish I could assist somehow.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Saturday, 19th February 2011, 20:35
by smeej
Crawl on Android would almost guarantee I get a tablet. 8-)

SSH to CAO on my Droid is pretty painful.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Monday, 21st February 2011, 16:10
by ryak
It would be perfectly usable on my G2 if only it had a numpad :/ I can't deal with those ridiculous vim keys.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Monday, 21st February 2011, 16:57
by absolutego
i didn't play any crawl for about three years for precisely that reason.
then i got used to it in a couple days. needs a little bit of commitment, but i like it way better than the numpad. give it another go!

on the other hand, i played that DS port of linley's where you choose a direction on the pad and then press a button to move or attack and it was a kiter's dream. that was pre-autotravel/autoexplore though (methinks).

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Tuesday, 22nd February 2011, 03:32
by smeej
Yeah. That DS port was hot though.

Re: Crawl for iPad please and thank you.

PostPosted: Tuesday, 22nd February 2011, 07:48
by absolutego
it always crashed for me about 10-12 floors in. i'd go down a staircase and then up again and i'd be in a new floor instead of the one i just came through and eventually it'd freeze. to this day i don't know if it was a problem with my particular setup or what, there's very little feedback about it on the net (and a few weeks later the site with the port went down). i still wonder why noone's tackled another ds port or a psp port or something like that. sometimes i think i'll give it a go and then i try to catch six hours of sleep a day instead :)

that was actually my introduction to crawl. those were pre-forum, pre-wiki, figure-it-all-on-your-bloody-own times and i'm not sure i ever saw lair. fun!