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Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Tuesday, 18th January 2011, 20:21
by seth
One of my favorite things about DCSS is the random artifacts... it's like a drug (I usually go with Okawaru or Trog despite the fact their gifts are rarely useful).

Are there any other roguelikes you guys know of that have random item generation somewhat like DCSS? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'd like to see how other RLs deal with it.

Re: Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Tuesday, 18th January 2011, 20:33
by mageykun
Elona has randomly generated artifacts, but the game is pretty strange and not a typical rougelike at all (more a jrpg / rougelike hybrid).

Re: Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Wednesday, 19th January 2011, 05:40
by Grimm
Agree on the addictive nature of randarts...I love seeing that bright white text. It's like Christmas in Hell!

Re: Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Thursday, 27th January 2011, 17:37
by Burningled
There's also the 2 (soon 3) Diablo games, which have pretty much the same system as Crawl -- Bland, normal white items, blue magical (branded) items, yellow randart-type items, and gold fixedart-type items.

Re: Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Thursday, 27th January 2011, 19:13
by omndra
Thats why I love the vault at the end of the Elven halls, as that Place ALWAYS has at least 5-10 of them.
I also love most of the Nonrandarts. Nothing is cooler than playing a Merfolk who was lucky enough to find a Robe of Clouds.

Dwarf fortress is pretty good but it doesn't have Randarts :c

Re: Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Thursday, 27th January 2011, 19:23
by Un67
Umm, aren't all Dwarf Fortress artifacts randomly generated? Granted, most of them are stupid things like hatch covers and floodgates, but they still count :P

Re: Roguelikes with random items

PostPosted: Thursday, 27th January 2011, 19:33
by omndra
Well yes, they are artifacts but the random effects that they have are stuff like
"This one has a picture of a burning elephant stomping on a dwarf"
Crawl randarts are a blend of several useful effects.