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Level 6 spell: Bolt of Everything

PostPosted: Tuesday, 21st May 2019, 20:40
by tasonir
Disclaimer: Half serious proposal; I think it's an interesting concept, but there's several good reasons why it's probably unworkable.

FR: A new level 6 spell, bolt of everything. Pure conjurations type.

Fires a bolt which deals damage based on what elemental schools you have trained. It uses ALL elemental schools trained on each cast; the spell deals multiple damage types at once.

Checks a total of 7 spell schools:

Fire, ice, air, necromancy, and poison are all elemental damage that is resisted by the matching resist.
Earth deals physical damage reduced by AC.
Conjurations adds irresistible elemental damage (same as most pure conjurations work now).

Weirdness: technically your spell power wouldn't matter for damage (it could still determine accuracy) and crawl is moving away from spells that work based on skill level directly. A possible tweak would be to base the % of the damage on your relative skill levels but still use spell power for the actual damage. This is probably more mainstream "crawl".

Balance: It is intended that the damage from this would be relatively low if you have only trained conjurations to get it online, but that if you trained conjurations + another school it would be roughly equal (perhaps a bit weaker) than the comparable bolt of fire/cold etc. The "payoff" is if you trained 3 or more schools or heavily overtrain 2, that eventually the damage would be far higher than comparable bolt spells. Plus, if you spread out the damage types, it's going to be irresistible. Of course, that's also possible with just plain conjurations magic (both from this spell, and existing spells).

Bonus perk: After adding this spell, we can remove all the other bolt spells.

Re: Level 6 spell: Bolt of Everything

PostPosted: Thursday, 23rd May 2019, 06:44
by Implojin
Or we could just remove bolt spells completely and leave penetration at range exclusive to that new javelin passive, which is presumably intended to be meaningfully limited by the ammo system.

I realize that removing a bunch of pointlessly duplicated ranged attacks is probably "too radical" for some, but there was a period of DCSS development when cutting entire schools that didn't work was considered to be a good thing.

Re: Level 6 spell: Bolt of Everything

PostPosted: Thursday, 23rd May 2019, 06:56
by VeryAngryFelid
Only after introducing stamina for melee/ranged attacks. Casters already have problems with crowds due to MP limit.