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When you have all the toys

PostPosted: Wednesday, 18th April 2018, 08:44
by crawlnoob
I have an XL27 MiBe of mahkleb with a +9 vampiric exec axe and life is easy. The RNG decided I needed more fun, so it gave me Sniper and Damnation, and the Dark Maul. All I am missing is the Plutonium Sword. I am also wearing the cloak of the thief and boots of running.

Last night I dreamt that I was a demigod and I had the Dark Maul in my hands. A massive bull of unnatural proportions charged at me, and I struck it square in the forehead with the maul. It slid back twenty feet, shook itself, and charged again. The second blow crushed its skull and it dropped dead at me feet. I paid the bull's owner with 7 gold coins which seemed too light for their worth, but he was not concerned, instead astonished that I had struck down the massive beast so easily.

Then I woke up, and it is time to do extended. When will this nightmare end?

Oh yeah I am AC 54 EV 24 with resists up the wahoo and like 29 mutation potions.

Re: When you have all the toys

PostPosted: Thursday, 19th April 2018, 04:01
by duvessa
one time i dreamt that i changed my cats' litterboxes but i got confused and poured the new litter into the recycling bin instead of the litterboxes

Re: When you have all the toys

PostPosted: Thursday, 19th April 2018, 10:18
by crawlnoob
One time when i was five i woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom but i was still half-asleep so i peed in the refridgerator instead and was half-way through before I realised what I was doing.