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Enemies can use stairs

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 06:07
by TrumpTrain
Imagine a crawl environment where enemies can freely use stairs.

If they see you, they can follow you and go up or down stairs.

If they hear you, they can also investigate.

Now imagine intelligent packs of enemies who have spotted you, working together to kill you.

Is any of this possible?

I’m very interested in seeing enemy development.

Re: Enemies can use stairs

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 17:52
by Blobbo
I think actual good AI would be too powerful to be fun given the massive numerical and power advantages of monsters vs PC.

Even weak mobs doing things like flanking or calling for help significantly raises the threat level. It's less "oh wow they're so clever" and more "oh pfft I'm dead and that was unwinnable"

Re: Enemies can use stairs

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 19:06
by mattlistener
Individual monster power could always be reduced to offset any power increase of better AI.

Re: Enemies can use stairs

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 20:28
by Shtopit
It sounds more Crimsonland than turn-based roguelike.
In general I think that it would require a much shorter game than Crawl. Maybe it would work if the whole game were on 15 levels.

Re: Enemies can use stairs

PostPosted: Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 20:54
by Blink Frog
Depending on how them implement this, it could be a boost. Let's say everything in LOS follows you. That'd allow me to pop down into say, V5, drag a swarm of enemies up and kill them on favorable terrain, without serious sound risk and with the ability to reset safely.

Yeah, gimme.