Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

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Post Tuesday, 25th April 2017, 12:40

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Duvessa wrote:I deliberately didn't make it a monster spell because it would be a fucking terrible stupid monster spell and I'll be literally IRL angry if someone does make it a monster spell.

With due respect, I hope you have better reasons than you'd be angry. I'm still a little peeved that item destruction, encumberance, and longer Dungeon all got removed, but Crawl rolls on wherever various people think it works. Even more logically, I would think there are good reasons Ignition should be an option for ghosts, judging by the other spells they can already cast.

Disclaimer, I'm going to admit I've barely gotten around to actually using Ignition myself yet. It's level 8 -- and I kinda want to add "for heaven's sake" there? (I'm a bit skeptical that it quite deserves to be level 8. But more to the point, it takes forever to even get going in a 3-ish rune game.)

That being said, it's a direct damage spell like many spells on the existing list for ghosts. If a player is actually going to spend the spell slots to have it, then I would expect their ghost at least might have it somewhere. Now, I wondered whether or not it should appear somewhere in the list of explicit spells for ghosts. Or are there some spells that ghosts can have, that don't even show up in the "preferred" lists? I'd assumed the list on the Wiki (below) was explicitly mentioning every possible spell by name, but I'm not 100% sure I haven't missed a caveat someplace.

There are a few ghost spells that are pretty situational. Do ghosts think about targets before deciding whether or not to actually attempt things that could be resisted (e.g. Agony) or might not even fit the situation of the moment (e.g. Animate Dead, Dispel Undead)? It wouldn't be technically all that difficult to say, are there 3 or more possible targets adjacent to player at the moment and if there are, go ahead and fire that Ignition. This could be more risky (bomb the player regardless of whether this is dropping "friendly fire" on monsters too, because those overcooked fireballs will overlap) or more fussy (only drop the bomb if less than a certain HD of mobs/level will be blasted along with the player -- i.e. preference for effectively bombing only player and player summons).

Or it could simply be relatively low in the preference order of spells, if it were included.

Should Ignition be included under ghost spells at the end of the day, I'm not entirely sure. But if not at all and under no circumstances for ghosts, then I'd be still more skeptical that it deserves to be a whole level 8 spell for players. That would suggest to me that it just is way too hard to use effectively -- for a supposed direct damage spell -- for something that's soaking up all of 8 slots.

This is the "preference order" I was referring to from the Wiki (for anyone who's not following):

Conjurations Slots
The ghost wants the following (mostly) direct-damage spells, in order of preference. These spells fill the first, second, and possibly fourth and fifth slots. Note that not all of the spells on this and subsequent lists are possible for players to have. Pan lords are generated using the same code to pick random spells, and they can have such spells. Also, to some extent the code is simply outdated.
Conjuration slot spells: Lehudib's Crystal Spear, Fire Storm, Ice Storm, Chain Lightning, Bolt of Draining, Agony, Lightning Bolt, Airstrike, Sticky Flame, Iskenderun's Mystic Blast, Orb of Destruction, Bolt of Magma, Throw Icicle, Bolt of Fire, Bolt of Cold, Fireball, Delayed Fireball, Venom Bolt, Iron Shot, Lee's Rapid Deconstruction, Stone Arrow, Dazzling Spray, Force Lance, Throw Flame, Throw Frost, Freeze, Pain, Sting, Shock, Sandblast, Magic Dart, Ensorcelled Hibernation, Flame Tongue, Corona

Summonings/Charms Slot
These are the spells the ghost wants for its third slot, mostly Summonings and Charms, again in order of preference.
Self-enchantment/Summoning slot spells: Summon Greater Demon, Summon Horrible Things, Summon Dragon, Haunt, Summon Hydra, Summon Demon, Demonic Horde, Haste, Silence, Iskenderun's Battlesphere, Summon Butterflies, Summon Elemental, Summon Swarm, Summon Ugly Thing, Swiftness, Summon Ice Beast, Animate Dead, Invisibility, Summon Scorpions, Call Imp, Summon Small Mammals, Malign Gateway, Controlled Blink, Blink

Hostile Enchantments Slots
These spells will be chosen for the fourth and fifth slots; if the dead character did not have any of them, the code will then try to pick a spell from the first list, possibly allowing duplicates.
Hostile enchantments: Shatter, Agony, Banishment, Freezing Cloud, Ozocubu's Refrigeration, Olgreb's Toxic Radiance, Mass Confusion, Metabolic Englaciation, Dispel Undead, Conjure Ball Lightning, Paralyse, Confuse, Mephitic Cloud, Slow, Petrify, Polymorph Other, Teleport Other, Dig, Corona

Emergency Spell
This sixth spell will be an "emergency spell". While previously this included Teleport Self and even some ancient self-healing spells, now it only includes Blink (monsters do not distinguish between the controlled and uncontrolled versions).

Feel free to move this somewhere if it's taking up too much space on the thread.
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Post Tuesday, 25th April 2017, 18:25

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

That wiki page has absolutely no correspondence to the actual game anymore. There's no priority for ghost spells anymore; it only existed in the first place because monsters were limited to six spell slots. Now they're not, so ghost spells get chosen independently like I described in the previous post.

Ghosts getting Ignition would mean that players with allies die instantly and other player characters are basically unaffected. It's similar to why monsters can't zap iceblast, it would do very little other than create autoexplore deaths.

stoneychips wrote:It's level 8 -- and I kinda want to add "for heaven's sake" there? (I'm a bit skeptical that it quite deserves to be level 8. But more to the point, it takes forever to even get going in a 3-ish rune game.)
Yeah, I intentionally made Ignition somewhat underpowered, since it's much better for the game to have a useless spell than an even slightly overpowered one. I hadn't expected a developer to reduce the damage even further, but because of what I just said, it was nonetheless a reasonable change. The spell could probably go down to level 7 and still be weak, but some caution is always warranted; you don't want another Spectral Weapon on your hands.

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Post Tuesday, 25th April 2017, 21:44

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

I'm in the middle of an ogre fire elementalist run which I started to 1) play new ogres and 2) test ignition. I assume that it won't be the most amazing spell ever, but that'll be useful in some certain areas with large packs. I did the rule of "take either sif or chei, whichever you see first" and the current run has sif, so I have even gotten to use the new channel magic, which btw seems very, very strong. Spend one turn to get +20 mana? That's huge. It takes a few turns to fully deliver the mana of course, but you can plan ahead and use it while you're still spending mana and you have nearly infinite mana.

Sif may level off in power later on when you have 50-60 mana and don't really need the help, but imho she's more powerful now than she used to be. But I haven't really played much of older sif, so dunno.

I'll update the player ghost page next.

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Post Tuesday, 25th April 2017, 22:29

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Sif muna is certainly less annoying to play now, but is also certainly extremely weaker than before and overall a weak God now
screw it I hate this character I'm gonna go melee Gastronok

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Post Tuesday, 25th April 2017, 23:28

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

In what way did it get weaker? Books were moved from 6* to 5*, divine energy is new, channel magic seems stronger than channel energy (takes less time to use), and miscast protection/amnesia seems the same?

I'd agree it's still a somewhat weaker god, but I don't see how it's weaker than old Sif, I assume I missed some change?
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Post Wednesday, 26th April 2017, 00:06

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

One thing I would like to see, where there isn't one, is more plain English summaries of how things tend to play out.

Many wiki pages have them. But when more of the explanations are focused on just mathematical formulae with lots of fine print, I tend to give up.
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Post Wednesday, 26th April 2017, 01:17

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

tasonir wrote:Books were moved from 6* to 5*
...and 5* with new Sif is harder to get than 6* with old Sif, because she now has piety decay and normal piety taper.
tasonir wrote:divine energy is new
and massively inferior to channel energy
tasonir wrote:channel magic seems stronger than channel energy (takes less time to use)
It makes no sense to compare channel magic to channel energy. Channel energy was available at 30 piety, channel magic only becomes available at 75 piety. Since you start at 15 piety, it takes about 4 times as long to get channel magic as it did to get channel energy. This is a big deal because not only is the very early game the most difficult part of the game in general, it's the only part of the game where MP regeneration even matters; you only get channel magic after it's become almost useless for anything other than convenience. And since it costs piety it's not even very convenient, either.

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Post Thursday, 27th April 2017, 20:59

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

As for player ghosts, 2 questions: 1) Your example gave a 30% fail spell as 900/2500, but I think you meant a 20% fail spell, 50-30 is 20, 20^2 would be 400/2500, not 900/2500. 2) If the player has more than 6 spells at low failure rates, how does it handle a player having too many spells for the ghost to learn? Does it attempt the spells in random order, or does it go down the player list deterministically?

updated page: http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Player_ghos ... _Selection

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Post Thursday, 27th April 2017, 21:20

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

tasonir wrote:As for player ghosts, 2 questions: 1) Your example gave a 30% fail spell as 900/2500, but I think you meant a 20% fail spell, 50-30 is 20, 20^2 would be 400/2500, not 900/2500.
Oops, yes, my mistake.
tasonir wrote:2) If the player has more than 6 spells at low failure rates, how does it handle a player having too many spells for the ghost to learn?
There's no such thing as too many spells for the ghost to learn. As I said, monsters aren't capped at 6 spell slots anymore.

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Post Thursday, 27th April 2017, 21:28

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

As far as the Ely pages goes, I'm not sure what the changes are. Can you still sac weapons for piety? Apparently you now gain piety for exploring, so that seems like it might not be the kind of thing modern crawl likes to keep around. Likewise does she still reduce your weapon enchantments during wrath? I suppose Ely wrath is pretty rare but that seems like an odd thing to leave in when item destruction and corrosion were removed.

Aside from those, anything else possibly wrong with the page?

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Post Thursday, 27th April 2017, 21:33

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Also, I'm fairly sure that http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Ballistomycete have been removed from the game, so I'm going to mark it as a removed feature. Anyone know what version removed them?

Halls Hopper

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Post Thursday, 27th April 2017, 22:50

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

I'm fairly sure Ballistomycetes were removed in 0.17, though maybe they're still in the game under a Fedhas Madash ability? I dunno. If not, the entry for Fedhas Madash needs updating. As does the entry for Giant Spore, regardless. Also the List of Plants too, I guess, whilst we're at it.
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Post Friday, 28th April 2017, 13:10

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

They still exist in sprint.
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Post Sunday, 30th April 2017, 15:05

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

another thing to edit: the wiki says arrows and bolts have base damage. (examples: http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Longbow, http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Bolt). learndb says they don't. I assume learndb is right--if so, this would be a quick but pretty important fix to the wiki.

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Post Sunday, 30th April 2017, 19:36

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

I checked all the branch pages for links to monsters that have been renamed or retired. Here's what I found:

trapdoor spider (removed)

orange rat (now hell rat)

giant newt (now frilled lizard—needs a page)
giant frog (now bullfrog—needs a page)
giant leech (now tyrant leech—needs a page)

salamander stormcaller (removed)

deep elf fighter (removed)
deep elf conjurer (removed)
deep elf summoner (removed)
deep elf priest (removed)

No obsolete monster references:
Four Hells

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Post Sunday, 30th April 2017, 20:02

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

If you haven't noticed this already, it says that the info for Cigotuvi's Fleshworks is "Obsolete." I have encountered this WizLab in Trunk, with the same enemies that the page mentions.
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Post Monday, 1st May 2017, 11:20

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

therealnebgrebaes wrote:If you haven't noticed this already, it says that the info for Cigotuvi's Fleshworks is "Obsolete." I have encountered this WizLab in Trunk, with the same enemies that the page mentions.

Yes, that branch still appears (been there a couple times recently myself, creepy haha)... I'm not clear on how things are getting flagged as obsolete though. Is there some specific thing that devs are checking, or does the wiki system automatically assume things are obsolete based on some other criteria (e.g. time of last update, automated cross-checking of some info, no idea)?
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Post Tuesday, 2nd May 2017, 00:00

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Added a note to the Ballistomycete page that they can still be found in sprint, but I think I'm going to leave the 'obsolete' flag on the page, although if anyone knows if there's a hard rule to follow for such cases, please let me know. I assume that's a reasonable compromise for now, though.

Removed arrow/bolt base damage, as far as I know only slings with the stone/sling bullet difference still have that distinction. And at least in the way that is described, it's more "a sling does 7 with stones, and does 9 with sling bullets" rather than saying "a sling bullet has 2 damage". Semantics perhaps, but still. The slings pages are still out of date, so I will have to update those after I check all the values. I think a sling is 7/9, and fustibalus is 12/14? I'll have to check those.

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Post Tuesday, 2nd May 2017, 00:22

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

therealnebgrebaes wrote:If you haven't noticed this already, it says that the info for Cigotuvi's Fleshworks is "Obsolete." I have encountered this WizLab in Trunk, with the same enemies that the page mentions.

Updated that page. Mostly removed references to the amulet of resist mutation, which I assume you still can't find, even in this vault. Can anyone confirm the final loot has mostly potions of mutation and a maybe a few beneficial mutation? I assume all of the previous cure mutation potions are gone now...

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Post Tuesday, 2nd May 2017, 12:46

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

tasonir wrote:
therealnebgrebaes wrote:If you haven't noticed this already, it says that the info for Cigotuvi's Fleshworks is "Obsolete." I have encountered this WizLab in Trunk, with the same enemies that the page mentions.

Updated that page. Mostly removed references to the amulet of resist mutation, which I assume you still can't find, even in this vault. Can anyone confirm the final loot has mostly potions of mutation and a maybe a few beneficial mutation? I assume all of the previous cure mutation potions are gone now...

The page now seems a bit confused about whether it's in 0.19 or trunk. "Having plenty of potions of mutation to clear out mutations you can't tolerate" doesn't make sense in 0.19; you use cure mutation. If it's in trunk, there are no benemut because they don't exist.
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Post Wednesday, 3rd May 2017, 09:20

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

While it's probably rare (does anything have it besides the Captain's Cutlass?), I don't see an entry for Disarm on the egos page, or in search.
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Post Wednesday, 3rd May 2017, 23:53

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

stoneychips wrote:While it's probably rare (does anything have it besides the Captain's Cutlass?), I don't see an entry for Disarm on the egos page, or in search.

More commonly found and also wrong, it has the old protection ego effect. Also, wasn't MR standardized across all items (it used to give different amounts for egos and for rings). The new value is +40 for everything?

Edit: fixed the protection ego part at least. Also, are the flavor messages for spirit shield correct? I don't think I've ever seen those, and I've used spirit shield recently. I could test later on tonight I suppose.

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Post Tuesday, 9th May 2017, 14:07

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

tasonir wrote:Also, I'm fairly sure that http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Ballistomycete have been removed from the game, so I'm going to mark it as a removed feature. Anyone know what version removed them?

Whatever version it was did good work on that removal

Gosh I had almost purged those things from my memory. So close.

Halls Hopper

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Post Tuesday, 9th May 2017, 17:22

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Here's a quick and easy one that can save some headaches for aspiring greatracers: on the background page, change the total number of playable backgrounds from 25 (incorrect) to 24 (correct).

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Post Tuesday, 9th May 2017, 22:00

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

ManMan wrote:Here's a quick and easy one that can save some headaches for aspiring greatracers: on the background page, change the total number of playable backgrounds from 25 (incorrect) to 24 (correct).

Good call. I also removed the reference to unarmed combat from monks, as they can now choose their starting weapon.

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Post Wednesday, 10th May 2017, 01:20

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Does anyone know how the wiki pulls spell data from the game? It seems that the table on the upper right for a spell page, such as http://crawl.chaosforge.org/index.php?title=Confuse is autogenerated. If you try to edit the page, the spell power = 50 line isn't there, and I can't change it. I believe the cap for confuse is 100 - so either this only changed in trunk, or the auto-spell updater thing is wrong.

Anyone know who to contact about this, assuming I'm not wrong about confuse's max spellpower being 100, and that it was that way in .19?
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Post Saturday, 13th May 2017, 12:46

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Something to be added: ghostly monsters are undead. It may sound silly, but I looked for this information for a long time. It should be in the lost soul page, or in a "ghostly creature" page.

Jellies aren't updated, so they still are supposed to eat stuff.

The Jewellery page has amulets of dismissal.

The shield pages are out of date, at least for what concerns the icons. SH values are correct, as well as skill needed to stop penalties.


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Post Monday, 15th May 2017, 22:23

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Bullfrog and Tyrant Leech both are still called giant.

I just fought a fire-immune formicid ghost. Since you can't be immune to fire as a PC, I guess that the wiki sentence "Its cold, fire and electricity resistances are equal to yours when you died" is wrong, or that the description of the ghost was wrong. I suppose they use monster resistance (so +++ = 0% damage) instead of PC resistance (+++ = 20% damage).


The intrinsic page is a mash-up of different editions. Right now I notice amulet of clarity, sustain abilities, saprovore, amulet of warding, amulet of stasis, teleport control, levitation, controlled flight.

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Post Monday, 15th May 2017, 23:07

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Some things regarding gods:-

1. Hep's entry doesn't mention how many MP Hep's abilities cost (neither do LearnDB/knowledgebots for that matter).
2. 'Hep' doesn't redirect to the god's full name, unlike 'Kiku', 'Ely' etc.
3. Ru and Dith's wiki entries each have a reference to 'him' ("Making sacrifices to him" and "he will object if you set a tree on fire" respectively). This may be a problem with other gods too. This might seem insignificant, but my understanding is that Crawl gods' genderless status is enshrined, so seems worth mentioning to me. EDIT - Trog too.


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Post Tuesday, 16th May 2017, 02:29

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

I updated the lost soul page to mention they are undead.

Do jellies no longer eat any items? can you shoot them with arrows now? What about doors? I believe they don't eat any items but I'm not sure if it's just seen items or all items even in unexplored areas.

For jewellery, amulets of dismissal were removed when, in .19? edit: Confirmed, yes, they were removed in .19.

For shields, I'm not too worried about the icons, but it does mention on the shields page (and not bucklers or large shields) that a shield can "slow your attack speed" which I think it's no longer possible to do, only lowering accuracy, spellcasting, and evasion.

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Post Tuesday, 16th May 2017, 12:38

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Yes, jellies eat doors and none of the items. You can shoot them with whatever. Shields still lower your attack speed. It's the armour slowing your unarmed attacks that got removed (quite a while ago).
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Post Tuesday, 16th May 2017, 13:59

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

19.5: If you follow Jivvy, then all Jivvy creatures will eat stuff, so in this case you can also have an eye of something eating a door or a war axe. And, only if you follow Jivvy, hostile shapeshifters in any Jivvy-creature form will eat doors and items too. This is the only chance of hostile monsters eating loot from the ground I know of. I tested it in wizmode a while ago.
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Post Tuesday, 16th May 2017, 21:14

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Shtopit wrote:19.5: If you follow Jivvy, then all Jivvy creatures will eat stuff, so in this case you can also have an eye of something eating a door or a war axe. And, only if you follow Jivvy, hostile shapeshifters in any Jivvy-creature form will eat doors and items too. This is the only chance of hostile monsters eating loot from the ground I know of. I tested it in wizmode a while ago.

They even eat large rocks, the little shits
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Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 21:20

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Moanerette wrote:Some things regarding gods:

All of these should be fixed now except for Hep's mana costs - I'm not sure what they are either. I could try playing a hep game soon, I have been meaning to, but for now it only lists the 2 mana cost for recall. If you know what the mana costs are let me know and I'll add them.

For genders I did use they a few times, I've used it in the past on the tavern, but either one is better than he/him. In some places we just repeatedly use the god's name, the Trog page for example says Trog a great deal (38 times). I also removed some references to old jewelery from Trog's page, which mentioned amulets of stasis/rings of sustain abilities could lessen certain wrath effects.

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 22:16

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Removing he/his/him from other god's pages, and came across the hilarious mention that if there's no place for Okawaru to place wrath summons in LOS, you instead get the message "Okawaru's forces are busy with other wars" which just needs to mentioned because it's funny and almost no one will ever see it in game.

Should have gotten all of the he/she/his/hers/him/her's, the only one remaining is one god page which mentions nikola, and then uses 'his' to refer back to him again, which gets a pass as nikola is a mortal with gender :)

For those keeping score at home, all of the gods were considered male except for sif muna, who was considered female.

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Post Wednesday, 17th May 2017, 23:17

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Godmorgon wrote:I checked all the branch pages for links to monsters that have been renamed or retired.

Edited the tomb and lair page easily enough, tried to update the swamp page but it's breaking the links to the monsters. The 3 pages for formerly giant monsters have been moved to pages with the new name, but "The Swamp" still uses their old names or else it doesn't generate the image and inserts errors instead. If someone knows how to regenerate the monster data so that the images and templates will find the new monsters, please let me know or update the pages.

Will get to the snake/elf ones soon. Should be able to do those more easily since it's just removal, I don't need to connect new names to images which aren't there!
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Saturday, 10th June 2017, 19:59

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

The items page http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Item

Lists rods, an has brown listed for contaminated chunks, and light magenta for runes.
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Zot Zealot

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Post Friday, 16th June 2017, 16:21

I didn't find the new player species gnoll (formerly known as bultungin) in the wiki.


Edit: Oh, I just saw this species in trunk but they have been disabled for 0.20.

gammafunk wrote:Gnolls, the new species that senses items and have a short attention span, have been disabled for the next release.

This was pointed out here:
http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/upcom ... tournament

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Saturday, 17th June 2017, 01:45

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

I updated the items page, and yeah, gnoll hasn't been put into a stable release yet, maybe soon. Also I finally updated the swamp/elf branch pages, so yay.
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Saturday, 17th June 2017, 01:58

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Is there a page with a list of pages by version to which they are updated? It would be useful.
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Slime Squisher

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Post Saturday, 17th June 2017, 04:44

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Shtopit wrote:Is there a page with a list of pages by version to which they are updated? It would be useful.

You can pull a list of all pages (supposedly) for a given version by looking at categories of the form http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Category:0.20_articles - hope this is some help. 0.15 seems to be the earliest version with many articles still based on it.

Some removed things are marked http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Category:Obsolete_articles - some are not.
Ascension reports with too many words since 2016.

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Temple Termagant

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Post Saturday, 17th June 2017, 22:19

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

A Barachian:

Has base stats: 9 Str, 8 Int, 7 Dex.
Has +1 LOS (from 7 to 8).
Has non-script error apts which i cannot be bothered to check.
Has average HP, MP, XP and +3 MR/level.
Gains +1 to a random stat every 4 levels.
Can hop for range 4 at XL1, and range 6 at XL13, landing within range 2 of the targeted square.
Has Fi, Be, Sk, Su, IE as recommended backgrounds.
Has the most character abbreviations that actually make a real word, with 4. (BaBe, BaCK, BaSk, BaNe)
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Post Friday, 7th July 2017, 13:28

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Mottled_dragon mottled dragon to acid dragon
http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Mottled_dragon_armour to acid dragon scales

In general, references to mottl. dr. arm. e.g. here http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Body_armour#Body_Armour
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Saturday, 8th July 2017, 13:38

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Broken link, see beneath.
Last edited by Shtopit on Sunday, 30th July 2017, 23:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Tomb Titivator

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Post Tuesday, 11th July 2017, 17:59

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Has anything much changed in Hell recently?

I just happened to notice that page shows as having been done in 0.16.
Online game stats & morgues
More runes! GnWn (11, 0.21), GhMo^Makh (15, 0.17)
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Crypt Cleanser

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Post Tuesday, 11th July 2017, 19:32

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

From what I understand, the hells have been left alone for a pretty long time.
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Tartarus Sorceror

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Post Sunday, 30th July 2017, 23:55

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread


Ignition is still listed as trunk only. Also, it lacks most info.

http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Archmagi_(ego) Still lists the hat of the high council.
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Snake Sneak

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Post Monday, 31st July 2017, 00:03

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

The score page is horribly out of date.
Victorious with 12:
MiFi^Oka, OgBe^Trog, DsGl^Yred, TrMo^Qaz, GrFE^Veh, HOSk^Beo, DrWz^Sif, DECj^Nem, DDAr^Mak, MfTm^Ru, NaWr^Chei, HEEE^Sif

Ziggurat Zagger

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Post Monday, 31st July 2017, 00:33

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

Shtopit wrote:http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Ignition

Ignition is still listed as trunk only. Also, it lacks most info.
The incorrect damage formula, along with the max damage that wouldn't even be correct for that incorrect damage formula, is a nice touch.

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Abyss Ambulator

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Post Tuesday, 1st August 2017, 14:05

Re: Time for the biennial tasonir edits the wiki thread

I admire tasonir's good-naturedness and dedication. He should be given a medal, by someone.

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Majang, mattlistener, Rast, Shtopit, tasonir

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