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Add skill buildorder guide to crawl manual

PostPosted: Wednesday, 18th January 2017, 02:41
by papilio
Add advices like

"If you play warrior, you'd better focus on weapon skill at the very first part of the game."
"You'd better not focus on weapon skill after you reach the minimum delay of your final weapon."
"The effect of spellcasting is relatively small than magic schools."
"If the base AC of your armour is low, then armour skill becomes relatively not important."
"If the your DEX is low, then dodging skill becomes relatively not important."

to the "regular" manual of crawl.

Re: Add skill buildorder guide to crawl manual

PostPosted: Wednesday, 18th January 2017, 03:47
by twelwe
yeah well what if something changes? check...

Re: Add skill buildorder guide to crawl manual

PostPosted: Wednesday, 18th January 2017, 04:11
by chequers
Automatic skilling is meant to fix this

Re: Add skill buildorder guide to crawl manual

PostPosted: Thursday, 19th January 2017, 06:27
by n1000
it's pretty cool to figure things out