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Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Thursday, 9th June 2016, 22:23
by wizzzargh
Sojobo- Crawl Tengu are quite birdlike, most notably in terms of their beaks. Now, anything with a beak will have a dashedly hard time breastfeeding, so I don't want to see any art giving Sojobo(F) breasts to distinguish her from Sojobo(M) because that will be patent nonsense.

Now, when it comes to hips, I admit we don't have conclusive evidence on whether tengu have opisthopubic pelvises. However, since they definitely have bird FEET, we should assume they are digitigrade, and as such are likely (but not certainly) to have a vertically-aligned synsacrum and as tengu are not based on the ostrich or the rhea, I strongly suspect the pubic bones in the pelvic girdle do not attach to each other, making egg laying easier.

As for the mystery of the thighs apparently concealed by the skirt, the proportions of the Tengu sprite lead me to believe that the scaly keratinization of the skin should extend AT LEAST to mid-thigh.Too much downy fluff and you'll end up drawing something akin to a kiwi bird.

Orc Priests and Urug- The off-the-shoulder, pectoral-revealing dress may be scandalous on a human female, but I believe that orcs have a lesser degree of sexual dimorphism than humans, and suckle their young from relatively small rows of teats on the lower abdomen. This is consistent with their piggish snouts, as opposed to the flat, easily smothered faces of human babies that require more space to avoid suffocation.

Vault Wardens- As they are in full armor, their aesthetics should remain unchanged, and excellent.

Aizul- Snakes have relatively little sexual dimorphism, but males tend to be more muscular, while females tend to be larger on the whole. Unless set in contrast to other Guardian Serpents, Aizul is unlikely to need any particular changes in her depictions, apart from the face of a female human.

As a curious note- while Naga are brown, the human portion of a Guardian Serpent is pale white. Given their similarity in scale coloration, with green and red seemingly an indication of subspecies differentiation, I am at a loss to explain this, except perhaps as a loss of pigmentation only incidentally related to other, more salient adaptations.

Grinder-practically nothing is known of demon physiology, other than that they are somehow able to produce Demonspawn with mortals and the greatest of the Pandemonium demons are gender-neutral.

Ijyb- Little is known about goblin and hobgoblin physiology, but as Ijyb is described as 'small and twisted,' and her sprite, relative to other goblins, seems to have slightly scrawnier limbs and a larger head, I think it reasonable to depict her as a regular goblin with features consistent with disproportionate dwarfism sometimes observed in humans.

Xtahua- Dragon physiology is somewhat akin to a hexapodal dinosaur, and given their carnivorous depictions I believe that they would possess a hip structure of the Saurischian style, as opposed to an opisthopubic hip structure that one might consider due to the wings and tail.

Snorg- troll physiology is highly varied from tale to tale, but in crawl they appear to have a red structure like an axolotl on their necks. Female axolotls tend to have a rounder, blunter appearance consistent with Snorg's corpulent sprite. Though not cold blooded, I question whether trolls are mammalian, and even if they were, the high metabolism of trolls seems to indicate that mothers would have little time to nurse offspring, and newborn trolls likely are capable of hunting for themselves soon after birth, as injury poses only a temporary threat to young, inexperienced trolls.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 00:01
by duvessa
Pan lords aren't agender any more than yaks or rats are - the player character just doesn't know/care about their gender or sex. Cerebov's body is completely covered in armour, Gloorx and Lom have no obvious sexual characteristics, and if Mnoleg has a gender identity at all, it's probably one that changes every few seconds.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 01:03
by PleasingFungus
i'm gonna post my crawl headcanon on hellpan lords in 3... 2...

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 01:07
by PleasingFungus
the joke is that i actually do have weird hell lord description rewrites from several years ago

Greatest and most cunning of the Lords of Hell, Asmodeus was born when the twin fires of greed and treachery first sparked to life within a mortal’s heart.

Greatest and most inexorable of the Lords of Hell, Ereshkigal was born when first a mortal breathed her last. Noiselessly she laughs at lives cut short and loved ones separated by untimely death, enwreathed in the swirling silence of the grave.

Greatest of the Lords of Hell, Dispater was born when first an iron sword drank mortal blood. It despises mortal vanities, the pursuit of ‘reason’ and ‘beauty’ - the only art it enjoys is the art of war.

Once a hero among the titans, Antaeus grew jealous of the titan queen. In single combat he challenged and slew her; for this crime he was exiled and descended into the Hells.

Finding the inhabitants of that place no match for his might, Antaeus tore from its substance a fourth Hell. Cocytus: a realm born of frozen spite. There he broods, eager for adventurers upon whom he can exercise his bottomless resentment.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 01:16
by Hellmonk
That's a pretty good fanfic PleasingFungus, thanks for posting it.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 01:26
by wheals
Poor Antaeus. He's the only one who isn't the greatest.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 02:09
by PleasingFungus
i honestly forget why he's not described as the greatest. possibly an oversight in editing

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 02:23
by duvessa
The Hell that Crawl characters can visit in the dungeon isn't actually Hell. Nobody goes there when they die, and even some of the characters in the game (e.g. Duvessa) acknowledge that it isn't Hell. It's just a part of the dungeon where 3 eccentric crazy rich dudes with delusions of grandeur decided to set up their pretend empires of Dis, Cocytus, and Gehenna - most of the demons are just there because they think it's funny and don't have any actual allegiance to the lords. The reason the lakes in Cocytus aren't frozen like the rest of the branch is that they're mostly Antaeus' sewage, not pure water.
Ereshkigal isn't crazy, she's just there because she likes the privacy.
As for the runes, they don't really belong to anyone except the Orb of Zot. They can actually move of their own accord, but they try to put themselves in the most obnoxious-to-reach places in the dungeon, since they're supposed to judge someone's worthiness to enter Zot. The barnacled rune actually used to be the elven rune, but it got tired of elves using it as a dildo every few hours, so it moved to shoals.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 02:25
by PleasingFungus
the bone rune, surely

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 02:58
by duvessa
PleasingFungus wrote:the bone rune, surely
that one isn't tired of being a dildo yet

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 05:42
by ololoev
Please make monsters male again. Fighting women is against my nature!

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 06:57
by Sar
I like PF's fanfic better :/

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 07:07
by HardboiledGargoyle
ololoev wrote:Please make monsters male again. Fighting women is against my nature!
Think of it as a challenge: try to win the game without killing (tier 1), hurting (tier 2), or being adjacent to (tier 3) a woman. This can be a banner for the 0.19 tournament, I just can't think of a fitting color+title.

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 07:08
by 4Hooves2Appendages
ololoev wrote:Please make monsters male again. Fighting women is against my nature!

You're usually better off not fighting uniques anyway. So I guess the game just got easier for you?

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Friday, 10th June 2016, 08:13
by Arrhythmia
PleasingFungus wrote:the joke is that i actually do have weird hell lord description rewrites from several years ago

Greatest and most cunning of the Lords of Hell, Asmodeus was born when the twin fires of greed and treachery first sparked to life within a mortal’s heart.

Greatest and most inexorable of the Lords of Hell, Ereshkigal was born when first a mortal breathed her last. Noiselessly she laughs at lives cut short and loved ones separated by untimely death, enwreathed in the swirling silence of the grave.

Greatest of the Lords of Hell, Dispater was born when first an iron sword drank mortal blood. It despises mortal vanities, the pursuit of ‘reason’ and ‘beauty’ - the only art it enjoys is the art of war.

Once a hero among the titans, Antaeus grew jealous of the titan queen. In single combat he challenged and slew her; for this crime he was exiled and descended into the Hells.

Finding the inhabitants of that place no match for his might, Antaeus tore from its substance a fourth Hell. Cocytus: a realm born of frozen spite. There he broods, eager for adventurers upon whom he can exercise his bottomless resentment.

why didn't you put these in exactly?

Re: Gender Aesthetics

PostPosted: Monday, 13th June 2016, 17:18
by Shard1697
Yeah, I really like those actually. It's a nice bit of flavor that each one of them considers themselves the greatest(except Antaeus, who is a titan and thus different?).