Shulal Ru'ubthak: God of Eldritch Magic (Redraft)
[Note: There is already an "Eldritch Tentacle" in Crawl which lays some of the foundation of what Eldritch means in crawl lore. It's overall taken to mean, using chaos for power here.]
Altar: A writhing mass of tentacles at the base of a black obelisk. (Reference to the Dunwich Horror).
Vers. I "Chaos Magic":
Theme here is Invocations for Archmage and Chaotic Casting.
- God is chaotic, but not evil. (Hated by Zin, but not TSO or Ely).
- God is a temple god.
- Gain: Kills.
- Loss: Fast Decay (Trog/Oka Tier).
Costs of Worship: The severity of miscasts is boosted significantly; additionally Eldritch miscasts may occur in place of normal ones. These use normal miscasts rates. List of Eldritch miscasts:
- Your Eyes Begin to Bleed - Pain. No scrolls for a few turns.
- Your mouth disappears from your face. - No potions or food for a few turns.
- Broken and Unintelligible Voices Call Out to You - INT Drain.
- Your body suddenly rends itself with horrible wounds - Flay.
- Your Blood Turns to Acid - *Corrode
- A Tentacle Reaches from the Ground and Grabs You - Constriction.
- You are bathed in an Eldritch light. - 4-6 Transient Mutations. (Wretched Star).
- Distant voices call out to you, begging you to stay. - You mesmerize yourself. (you can't move; but can use any other action).
- A vision of a great and terrible truth assaults your senses. - Confusion.
- A horrible image appears in your vision; you can't help but fear it. - An 8 appears that you are afraid of. The 8 will time itself out, but cannot be damaged.
Passive Powers:
- ...... - Chaotic Casting: You gain a universal enhancer (Archmage) that scales with Invocations and Piety (Spellpower x (1 + (2 + (2 x Invocations/3) x Piety)/2000). And all casting becomes chaotic. Details follow:
- Bolts and explosions are randomly: (Flaming, Freezing, Electrocution, Poison, Acid, Draining, Distortion, Vampiric, True Chaos); if true chaos, everything hit gets the same chaos effect (all hasted, all berserked, all paralyzed, etc.)
- Clouds placed are randomly: (Flaming, Freezing, Storm, Poison, Acid, Miasma, Seething Chaos, Mutagenic)
- Non-Elemental Conjurations (and Airstrike) are treated like chaos-branded melee hits, they do their normal damage, then apply the random brand.
- Elemental staves have randomized added damage type and chance of chaos effects. (But enhance only their original spellschool.)
- Summons may come in with a random buff or debuff (Berserk, Might, Haste, Slow, Paralyze, Drain, Confused, Poisoned, Invisible, Shapeshifter, Corroded, Malmutated, Chaotically Infused, Chaotically Guarded, Deep Chaos).
- Summons may come in as a random (any) other creature of similar HD.
- Charms/Hexes may apply an unexpected buff/debuff instead of or in addition to the intended effect.
- Translocations may trigger instability (other creatures blink around randomly). (Small Chance).
- ****.. - Eldritch Power - EVP of armour is reduced for the purposes of spellcasting penalties (x100/Piety).
- *****. - Cast from HP - When out of MP, you may cast spells from your HP, instead.
- *****. - Spirit Shield
Vers II. "Mostly Summoning":
Theme here is just a fairly plain god of summoning with some Invos.
- God is chaotic and evil. (Hated by Good Gods).
- God is a temple god.
- God is Heavily Pan Themed with additional altars around Pan.
- Gain: Kills.
- Loss: Medium Decay (Yred/Vehu Tier).
God Gifts: Kiku style spellbooks, all summoning. First book, levels 1-4; second 5-6; last 7-9. Last will contain some, but not all of the Grand Grimoire and may also have haunt and/or Dragon's Call.
- *..... - Partial Abjuration Protection (Weaker than TSO). Scales with piety.
- **.... - Warding
- ***... - Abjuration lengthening - The base amount of time a summon remains in this world is longer. Scales with Piety.
- *****. - Summon Cap Increase - Summons with caps [Excluding Malign Gateway because of its exceptional nature.] have their cap increased by two.
- *..... Heal Ally - 3 HP, Very Small Piety (0-2) - Heal a summon (similar amount to Ely's Heal Other, but only useful for actually keeping summons around).
- **.... - Chaotic Incursion - 5 HP, Small Piety (3-7) - For x turns. Anything summoned receives a random buff. Including the unique Chaotic Infusion, Chaos Guard and Deep Chaos buffs.
- ****.. - Gatekeeper's Key - 8 HP, Medium Piety (10-15) - Forceful Abjuration (All hostile AND allied summons explode), nothing can be summoned for several turns (enemies attempting cantrip instead). Duration depends on Invocations.
- *****. - Ultimate Summon - 15 HP, Large Piety (25-30) - Summons an allied Pandemonium Lord. HD, melee strength, melee brand and spell set ALL scale with spellpower. Due to high piety cost, summon cap on this spell is effectively 3.
Note: This version doesn't use Invo, all invocations depend on summoning.
Vers III. Eldritch Power:
Theme here is sacrificing (sufficiently large) amounts of HP for temporary power gain. To make the large amounts of HP scale well with level, they are effectively self-torment. Have Fun! Keeps the Pan theme. Bit more melee and panic buttons here.
- God is chaotic and evil. (Hated by Good Gods).
- God is a temple god.
- Gain: Kills.
- Loss: Medium Decay (Yred/Vehu Tier).
- ...... - Regen (Scales with Piety) [no effect on DD]
- *..... - Hellfire - 1/10th total HP, 0-7 Piety - a Hellfire Ball, similar to those used by Deep Elf Priests. Spellpower scales with Invocations. [3d3-3d30].
- ****.. - Chaotic Infusion - 1/4 current HP, 0-15 piety - You give yourself Chaotic Infusion and Chaos Guard statuses.
- *****. - Shulal Revealed - 1/2 HP, 0-50 piety [2d26-2] - All the following happen at once.
- All wall tiles in LoS turn into 'weird stuff that makes up Pandemonium.
- The walls begin to bleed. Amount of Blood depends on Invo.
- Tentacles sprout forth from the ground. (All enemies are constricted and hit with chaos-branded hits). Base damage of hits depends on Invo.
- Several "Chaos Cores" appear X which is roughly Tentacled Monstrosity + Chaos Spawn.
- Blood is Ignited.
- ****** - Brand Weapon - Grant a Weapon Chaos.
Statuses: These are used in multiple:
- Chaotic Infusion - (Random -2 - +9 slaying on every hit). Chaos-branded melee and ranged (including auxiliaries).
- Chaos Guard - Same effect as a Dragonskin Cloak (random chance to add resistance on every hit).
- Deep Chaos - On death applies a random effect to the creature that killed the summon. (Explosions, direct damage, status debuffs).