Pandemonium Purger
Posts: 1283
Joined: Thursday, 16th April 2015, 22:39
Manual clock for displaying Crawl time (Was: Display skill t
Sar wrote:One thing that is not obvious for new players for some reason is that the number in round brackets after turns is the amount of turns the last action took. I don't know why, but it just isn't. And watching that number in relation to attack would help a bit, I guess. Maybe the number should be highlighted somehow? It's pretty important when you're learning the game and don't know how much time actions take.
EDIT: probably because Crawl is actually TIME-BASED but seems to pass itself off as TURN-BASED.
I would love to have a manual 10.0-aut clock in tiles mode that had one hand on current time and another hand on the time when you took your last action, with the area between the hands shaded in to show the 'delay'. For example, this would show if you did an action that took 2.7 auts:
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