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What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 14th January 2015, 23:05
by tasonir
My favorite race is statue form, and let's face it, your favorite race is also statue form. Reasons:


Why wouldn't you want to be made of stone?


It isn't always bad to be slow!


Plus, you get to use these things!


The shield, not the sword. You should never use swords. Swords are terrible. Drop it, then you have a better weapon right there, your hand. Whoever invented swords is dumb.

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 14th January 2015, 23:05
by tasonir
For those who are confused about the poll, I made it so you can select multiple options, so the correct answer is to pick all four.

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 14th January 2015, 23:35
by McGeekster
Nah, I'll just stick with picking one. Too many other options to pick from...

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Wednesday, 14th January 2015, 23:43
by Berder
Why be made of stone when you can be made of stone? Statue form on a gargoyle!

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 00:19
by and into
Moved to CYC, which is where tasonir had intended to post this thread.

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 00:47
by tasonir
Berder wrote:Why be made of stone when you can be made of stone? Statue form on a gargoyle!

I realize it isn't really that big of a deal, but somehow the recent change to give gargoyles the same AC from statue form as any other race makes me really want to do one again. They previously got 4 less ac, for being already half stone. Now it's the same as anyone else, and you keep the 20 gargoyle AC. 60 ac statue former, go! (Because 56 ac wouldn't have been enough)

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 00:50
by crate
and you keep the 20 gargoyle AC

um, no you don't
i literally just went into wizmode and I have less than 20 ac in statue form right now as an xl27 gargoyle without anything equipped
(edit: my version is before the commit that removed the extra -4 AC, to be fair, but I could lower my spellpower to get 4 less AC so this should still be possible)

the change means gargolyes only get 20 less AC than other races, instead of 24 less AC

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 00:57
by tasonir
wow, that makes me terribly sad. My understanding was that statue form melded body armors, so races like draconian who get scales instead of body armor, meld their scales. But gargoyles can use body armors AND their +20 ac, so statue form gives you the +20 ac and statue form's ac. Since this was previously considered too much/redundant, they nerfed statue form to give 4 less ac. Now, they added that +4 ac back in. But if you lose the +20 ac in both cases, that's very sad.

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 00:59
by crate
statue form (and other forms) suppresses the ac muts, it has nothing to do with body armour at all lol (see also: naga, ogre, centaur, troll, felid)
draconian dragon form is a weird exception

edit: oh good bug, the mutation is definitely suppressed since I don't get the +20 AC, but it's not shown as suppressed on A. Guess I'll go report this.

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 01:02
by tasonir
The clear solution here is to add far more exceptions. Gargoyles first, but then I want felids to keep their fur and make furry statues.

Re: What is your favorite race, and why is it statue form?

PostPosted: Thursday, 15th January 2015, 01:37
by duvessa
imo mutation suppression doesn't make sense at all except for the ones that give aux attacks and maybe antennae