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Video about rapiers

PostPosted: Tuesday, 4th November 2014, 13:28
by Roderic
I like the new concept of rapiers as thrusting blades upgrading from daggers rather than having cutlasses (too much ahoy matee)

For those who think rapiers are too modern fashioned (Renaissance era and such) here's a video describing some Bronze age rapiers which I like to imagine many dungeon races are used to make. The guy also describes the difference between daggers(dirks) and rapiers clearly.


Video about rapiers

PostPosted: Tuesday, 4th November 2014, 15:55
by Greyr
Awh dude. I love the Lindybeige channel. I watch him when I'm bored... Recently I saw a well known crawl let's player comment on one of the videos. Small world huh?