Post Thursday, 7th August 2014, 10:20

Better fonts for offline Tiles: Fira Mono, Anonymous Pro

I've spent hours picking free fonts for offline Tiles. The result:

tile_font_msg_file = C:\my\backup\configs\AnonymousProBold.ttf
tile_font_msg_size = 16
tile_font_stat_file = C:\my\backup\configs\AnonymousProBold.ttf
tile_font_stat_size = 20
tile_font_crt_file = C:\my\backup\configs\FiraMonoMedium.ttf
tile_font_crt_size = 18
tile_font_lbl_file = C:\my\backup\configs\UbuntuSemibold.ttf
tile_font_lbl_size = 14
tile_font_ft_light = true

I wanted all fonts bold enough to withstand low display contrast (dark gray on black, blue on black, anything on light or detailed terrain, etc.), letter-spaced widely enough for running text, and, uh, prettier and quirkier than the default DejaVu Mono and Sans (because I like to pretend that I'm playing a videogame when I'm debugging a multi-clause item search regex).

For the message area, I chose Anonymous Pro Bold because it has minimal built-in line spacing. This lets me squeeze a couple more lines into the message overlay. If I could use the more legible proportional fonts in the message area, I would, but, alas, they break line wrapping as of 0.16-a0-59-g909ab74:

For texty "console" screens, I chose Fira Mono Medium for increased line spacing, which aids reading wide paragraphs.

For labels, I chose the proportional Ubuntu Semibold font because it's compact.

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For this message the author ortoslon has received thanks: 3
Greyr, LJFCAT, Patashu