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PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 10:31
by Patashu ... ost6048356


Here are the DirectX 11 features that need to be added to it's full potential MSAA Hair, Subsurface Scattering, [Enhanced Bloom (I don't like bloom, blurriness, or bokeh depth of field)], Apex Clothing, High Quality Shadows, [Bokeh Depth of Field (again which I don't like)], Shadowed Point Light Reflections, Tessellation & Displacement, Deferred Rendering with MSAA Support, Image Based Reflections, Color Grading, Cascaded Shadow Mapping, Light Shafts, Seamless Lighting Transitions, 3D dynamically rendered in real time Foliage, [Soft-Edge Motion Blur (another thing that I don't like)], Exponential Height Fog (Volumetric dynamically rendered weather in real time rendered clouds, fog and mist).


Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 11:11
by Sar
holy shit
- Give us the ability to save whenever we want even during campaigns, missions, quests like in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 11:14
by Patashu
Sar wrote:holy shit
- Give us the ability to save whenever we want even during campaigns, missions, quests like in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

wait, DCSS already has this!

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 11:57
by Sar
I wonder if he just mentioned all games with the ability to save anytime he played.

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 12:15
by Klown
Patashu wrote:
Sar wrote:holy shit

wait, DCSS already has this!

Or does it?

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 13:00
by Patashu
Klown wrote:
Patashu wrote:wait, DCSS already has this!

Or does it?

well, DCSS doesn't have campaigns, missions or quests so the statement is vacuously true

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 13:15
by DracheReborn
What ?? I thought we're on the quest for the mighty Orb every time we play.

The Orb is a lie :o

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 13:17
by dck
I don't use Internet Explorer I use Mozilla Firefox and have a Firewall enabled so I don't get hacked.

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Friday, 23rd May 2014, 15:00
by Patashu
dck wrote:
I don't use Internet Explorer I use Mozilla Firefox and have a Firewall enabled so I don't get hacked.

Just don't set your password as 'robin' and you'll be OK

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Saturday, 24th May 2014, 11:23
by and into
Clicked the link in OP and I have to say, it really made me appreciate the layout/color scheme of the Tavern a lot more. That white text on black background, good Lord. I started getting a tension headache after about 40 seconds of reading. (To be fair, the content of the linked post might have contributed.)

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Sunday, 25th May 2014, 09:45
by MDvedh
Someone port DCSS to CryEngine or UnrealEngine or w/e please!

Re: PC features that must be added to the PC version of DCSS

PostPosted: Sunday, 25th May 2014, 13:15
by Leafsnail
I am so sick of the way Civilization doesn't let me save when I want to.