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"Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 04:32
by Knight9910
So, as near as I can figure, this basically means that backing up your saves and reload-scumming to survive poison no longer works. Correct?

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 04:35
by Arrhythmia
Depends if you back up and save before or after you get hit by the poison.

Also, if you want to cheat, just hit & in game, it's much easier.

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 04:40
by Knight9910
Arrhythmia wrote:Depends if you back up and save before or after you get hit by the poison.

Also, if you want to cheat, just hit & in game, it's much easier.

Well, yeah, but that's CHEATING. :p

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 04:54
by bcadren
It means it's determined when you get hit instead of random over-complicated levels and it being determined by tick after.

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 07:20
by mopl
Knight9910 wrote:
Arrhythmia wrote:Depends if you back up and save before or after you get hit by the poison.

Also, if you want to cheat, just hit & in game, it's much easier.

Well, yeah, but that's CHEATING. :p

Wasn't it what you were asking for ? ;)

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 16:31
by sgrunt
fr: save-scumming instantly kills your character

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Friday, 11th April 2014, 16:47
by Sandman25
Arrhythmia wrote:Depends if you back up and save before or after you get hit by the poison.

Also, if you want to cheat, just hit & in game, it's much easier.

I think save-scumming is much better for learning purposes than wizard mode is. You still need to recognize dangerous situation, exit game, save folder, run game, load save. It is time-consuming and I believe no player wants to do it constantly so he still tries his best to play in conventional way.
Wizard mode allows brainless play which is not that good for learning, crawl becomes a shooter ;) I tried playing in wizard mode just once and it didn't meet my expectations, maybe because I felt I didn't really need to care about taken damage.

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Sunday, 13th April 2014, 01:09
by Knight9910
mopl wrote:
Knight9910 wrote:
Arrhythmia wrote:Depends if you back up and save before or after you get hit by the poison.

Also, if you want to cheat, just hit & in game, it's much easier.

Well, yeah, but that's CHEATING. :p

Wasn't it what you were asking for ? ;)

I was joking. :roll:

Sandman25 wrote:
Arrhythmia wrote:Depends if you back up and save before or after you get hit by the poison.

Also, if you want to cheat, just hit & in game, it's much easier.

I think save-scumming is much better for learning purposes than wizard mode is. You still need to recognize dangerous situation, exit game, save folder, run game, load save. It is time-consuming and I believe no player wants to do it constantly so he still tries his best to play in conventional way.
Wizard mode allows brainless play which is not that good for learning, crawl becomes a shooter ;) I tried playing in wizard mode just once and it didn't meet my expectations, maybe because I felt I didn't really need to care about taken damage.


Also, since I've been playing with the new system I have to say poison definitely seems WAY less irritating now. Getting poisoned for a low level character used to be a death sentence. Much less so now.

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Sunday, 13th April 2014, 04:15
by dck
if shooter brings "mindless play" to mind to you you must've not played any shooter worth a damn

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Sunday, 13th April 2014, 05:23
by Knight9910
Oh, yeah, the shooter thing. The part I was agreeing with was the "wizard mode is stupid" part. I did save scumming for a while because it helps to learn how to play the game. I still back up saves occasionally just because my luck is so horrible, but really don't need it.

As for shooters, that definitely depends on the shooter. Some of them can get pretty repetitive and mind-numbing, particularly the cover-based ones. (Because the ability to utilize cover makes the game easier because there's less chance of getting shot, they compensate by sending more enemies and making them harder to kill. Pop-tarting half a clip into every one of 100 enemies for 20 minutes is not fun to me.)

But of course you have to remember "shooter" means more than just Call Of Duty and the like. "Shooter" also refers to Shmups, and if you got a problem with them then we can take this outside. :p

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Sunday, 13th April 2014, 16:14
by KoboldLord
The last first-person shooter I played was Duke Nukem 3D, back in middle school when that game was a thing. I save-scummed literally every room, and sometimes I made another save or two partway through the room. If I took damage, that was a reset. If I wasted ammo, that was a reset. If I missed a jump, that was a reset. I got to the end of the game, but the process wasn't much fun at all, and it soured me on FPS in general even though it's definitely not those other FPS games' fault.

Re: "Poison Is Deterministic"

PostPosted: Sunday, 13th April 2014, 19:09
by duvessa
only way to play Descent is cold start each level, no saves