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YASD: Sludge Elf Transmuter of Chei

PostPosted: Wednesday, 29th February 2012, 05:56
by mattlistener
I just posted a CIP about this lucky fellow just this afternoon. Sadly, after SlouchX6'ing the Royal Jelly flat, an ooze promptly spawned in one of the loot rooms and started slurping up spellbooks. So I rushed in there, killed him, looted everything asap, and then went to clean up an azure jelly and a brown ooze that had come along in the meantime. While thinking about the new loot and spells and shinies I'd just gotten. Inattentive! They managed to get me down to 23 HP before I realized I was in serious trouble. I was in Statue Form, but hadn't bothered to put up Repel Missiles, Stoneskin, Phase Shift, or Regen. Nor put on my ring of resist cold for a single rC+. (I did at least have an amulet of resist corrosion on for the whole branch.)

Even so, I must have had a string of unlucky misses because I was normally killing these in 2-3 attacks. My 98% reliable Controlled Blink away then failed and I was down to 11 HP. Wand of healing on myself, more incoming attacks, 1HP. Controlled Blink away again, Brown ooze got me from range. Didn't think to check to see if I still had access to Chei's Step From Time. Several lessons learned here.

I'm really aware that it was the great artifact jewelry artifact synergy that boosted this character into branch-clearing power. But maybe I've learned enough about the playstyle now to not need as much luck next time. We'll see!

Re: YASD: Sludge Elf Transmuter of Chei

PostPosted: Wednesday, 29th February 2012, 12:20
by MyOtheHedgeFox
Nice attempt. =)

Next time, remember that you can re-name the topic you created (edit it). It is more convenient to use a single topic than to scroll through a lot of topics made by you, if you plan to trace your mistakes. =)

Re: YASD: Sludge Elf Transmuter of Chei

PostPosted: Thursday, 1st March 2012, 17:12
by mattlistener
Roger, will do.