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Sometimes this game really pisses me off . . .

PostPosted: Monday, 6th February 2023, 14:36
by jr88keys

So there I was, finally on Zot:5. It's been a year since my last win (this game is HARD!).

I'm slowly, carefully working my way through the upper part, then BAM!! - the damned "malevolent force" transported me into a lung . . . next to an obsidian statue . . . surrounded by guardians, liches, just everything!

Son of a . . .

I did my Ru nuke, drank a potion of speed to try to run the hell out of there, got paralyzed, and that was it.

It was, to say the least, very frustrating.

I understand the random element and all, but come on, that's a little much!


Well, back to the grind. Enjoy!


Re: Sometimes this game really pisses me off . . .

PostPosted: Tuesday, 7th February 2023, 07:36
by Sprucery
Teleport traps on Zot:5 can be nasty indeed. Btw, that link seems to point to a character dump from V:5.