Thanked posts don't show the date they were posted on

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Vestibule Violator

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Location: Penza, Russia

Post Tuesday, 10th January 2012, 18:00

Thanked posts don't show the date they were posted on

SUBJ happens sometimes. I guess it has something to do with the post's subject (and I think posts sent through Quick Reply don't get any subject at all, while posts sent with Full Editor do).



This message must have been sent using Quick Reply. After I have thanked the post, the timestamp in the upper right corner of the post disappeared (somewhy it received "display: none;").
If you find any mistakes or typos in my post, feel free to PM me about it. Thanks in advance!

The Verse flows throughout Aquaria...
Through each ripple and wave...
Through every living being...
The Verse binds us all as one.

For this message the author MyOtheHedgeFox has received thanks:
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Vestibule Violator

Posts: 1593

Joined: Thursday, 19th May 2011, 16:38

Location: Penza, Russia

Post Wednesday, 11th January 2012, 08:49

Re: Thanked posts don't show the date they were posted on

Oops, haven't noticed the topic next to this one. =) Sorry for dupe-posting.
If you find any mistakes or typos in my post, feel free to PM me about it. Thanks in advance!

The Verse flows throughout Aquaria...
Through each ripple and wave...
Through every living being...
The Verse binds us all as one.

For this message the author MyOtheHedgeFox has received thanks:

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