jejorda2 wrote:I like to see a five word post of appreciation. It clarifies whether you mean, "That was funny" or "That was well expressed" or "That is a better way of thinking of that" or "This is the right answer to this question that has been asked and answered a thousand times"
The reason "Thanks" exist though is so we don't need 10 posts that all say "I liked that"
Also, without Thanks, the first person to appreciate a post may feel like they can express that without detracting from the conversation, but the more people who've posted "lol" or "gratz" or "seconded/thirded/tenthed" or "agreed" the less meaningful content the forum has.
Addionally, the more posts instead of Thanks there are, the higher the barrier is for the next person who reads the post and wants to indicate how they feel about it, if you read a post you feel you would like to indicate your agreement with, but there are 10 posts all saying they agree, you are more likely to feel disinclined to post to that effect, partially because it is just that much more spam, but also because your post is that much more likely to be dismissed as part of a flock, indistinguishable from the rest and thereby unrecognized.
Honestly i think people who want Thanks to go away take them way to damn seriously